Karolina La Fors is a Post-doc researcher in Responsible Design within the Responsible Design programme of the DesignLab. Her main research interests lie around AI ethics; Children rights and Responsible Design of AI. She has a particular interest in how AI ethical considerations and dialogue among broad variety of stakeholders can enrich ethics, children rights and design frameworks regarding AI systems. She facilitates that the responsible design methodologies: human-centered design (design research), human-technology interaction (interaction design), and the ethics and philosophy of human-technology relations (design philosophy) can offer added value to maintain and further enforce the ‘High Tech, Human Touch’ profile of the University of Twente while connecting social and technical sciences within university-wide, regional, national and international cooperations. 

She has a background in the social sciences (MA); law and technology; human rights, children rights (LLM, MPhil). During her PhD she conducted a Science and Technology Studies-informed analysis around the ethical, legal and socio-technical implications of risk profiling systems on children and identity management systems on migrants by Dutch authorities. She defended it in 2016 at Tilburg University. As a Post-doc researcher as of June 2017 she embarked on a Horizon2020 research project, called e-SIDES, which assessed the ethical, legal and socio-technical implications of privacy-preserving big-data technologies in different contexts. In that position she also co-developed from Leiden University the curricula for the Leiden-Erasmus-Delft Responsible Innovation minor programme. Furthermore, with her work representing Leiden University she contributed to the international consortium that in January 2020 won the 4-year EDPB's Framework Contract on assessing the effectivity and implications of the GDPR's implementation throughout EU member states.

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