Hi! I am Le Anh Nguyen Long. I am an assistant professor of Public Administration at the University of Twente (Netherlands). I study how institutional arrangements shape policy action. More specifically, I examine policy innovation in the context of rapidly evolving socio-technical environments which are prone to disruption. I am especially interested in the role of cities, in their capacity as laboratories of democracy, contribute new solutions through policy experimentation. Focusing on complex challenges like climate change, cyber security, and immigration, I aim to shed light on the conditions under which policy actors (e.g. actors, organizations, and networks) are able to pursue policies that anticipate, prevent, adapt, or transform in response to disruptions, be they technological, social, or natural. 


  • Social Sciences

    • Policy
    • Governance
    • Decision Making
    • Organizations
    • Technology
    • Local Government
    • Perspective
  • Computer Science

    • Relationships


I study how institutional arrangements shape policy action. My work examines policy inertia and innovation in a rapidly evolving socio-technical environment. Focusing on complex challenges like climate change, cyber security, the energy transition, and immigration, I aim to shed light on the conditions under which policy actors (e.g. actors and organizations) are able to pursue policies that anticipate, prevent, adapt, or transform in response to disruptions, be they technological, social, or natural. 



Capital endowments: Explaining energy citizenship using Bourdieu's forms of capital (2025)Energy research & social science, 119. Article 103903. Long, L. A. N., Jansma, S. R., Lee, D. & de Jong, M. D. T.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2024.103903


“Governing the urban commons”: DLT, institutions, and citizens in perspective (2023)Big Data & Society, 10(1). Long, L. A. N., Graaf, S. V. D. & Votsis, A.https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517231182391Policy networks (2023)In Encyclopedia of Public Policy (pp. 1-3). Springer Nature. Metz, F. A. & Long, L. A. N.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90434-0_80-1Network Analysis in Public Policy (2023)In Encyclopedia of Public Policy (pp. 1-5). Springer Nature. Long, L. A. N. & Metz, F. A.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90434-0_25-1The networked micro-decision context: a new lens on transformative urban governance (2023)Urban transformations, 5. Article 9. Long, L. A. N., Krause, R. M., Arnold, G., Swanson, R. & Fatemi, S. M.https://doi.org/10.1186/s42854-023-00054-ySupport for the environment post-transition? Material concerns and policy tradeoffs (2023)Review of policy research, 40(2), 186-206. Moldogaziev, T. T., Krause, R. M., Arnold, G., Long, L. A. N., Ruseva, T., Silvia, C. & Witko, C.https://doi.org/10.1111/ropr.12498

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