As a PhD Candidate, Lilian is working on research in the field of digital inclusion and poverty. The goal of this 4-year research project is to promote digital inclusion (through a new integral intervention and a multi-stakeholder approach) among people living in poverty, enabling them to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Internet and thus improve their societal position. The project is carried out in the Centre for Digital Inclusion at the University of Twente and subsidized by the ING Netherlands fund.



Internet appropriation barriers in the lives of Dutch parents living in poverty: A qualitative study (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Eu-SPRI Annual Conference 2024. Boerkamp, L. G. P., van der Zeeuw, A., van Deursen, A. J. A. M., van Laar, E. & van der Graaf, S.Exploring barriers to and outcomes of internet appropriation among households living in poverty: A systematic literature review (2024)SAGE Open, 14(1). Boerkamp, L. G. P., van Deursen, A. J. A. M., van Laar, E., van der Zeeuw, A. & van der Graaf, S.

Research profiles

In the press

Report on the conference session Digital Inclusion & Poverty, hosted on the first 'Dag van Digitale Inclusie' (in Dutch)

[November 30 2022]

News on

ING Netherlands foundation and University of Twente launch PhD research on digital inclusion and poverty

[February 1 2022]


University of Twente

Ravelijn (building no. 10), room 1444
Hallenweg 17
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