Horst Complex Horstcomplex - Meander


  • Physics

    • Turbulence
    • Couette Flow
    • Drag Reduction
    • Boiling
    • Bubbles
    • Rotation
    • Secondary Flow
    • Regimes




Catastrophic Phase Inversion in High-Reynolds-Number Turbulent Taylor-Couette Flow (2021)Physical review letters, 126(6). Article 064501. Bakhuis, D., Ezeta, R., Bullee, P. A., Marin, A., Lohse, D., Sun, C. & Huisman, S. G. corresponding to publication: "Effect of axially varying sandpaper roughness on bubbly drag reduction in Taylor–Couette turbulence " (2021)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Bullee, P., Bakhuis, D., Ezeta Aparicio, R., Huisman, S. G., Sun, C., Lammertink, R. G. H., Lohse, D. & Ezeta, R.


Effect of axially varying sandpaper roughness on bubbly drag reduction in Taylor–Couette turbulence (2020)International journal of multiphase flow, 132. Article 103434. Bullee, P. A., Bakhuis, D., Ezeta, R., Huisman, S. G., Sun, C., Lammertink, R. G. H. & Lohse, D. maxima of angular momentum transport in small gap η=0.91 Taylor-Couette turbulence (2020)Journal of fluid mechanics, 900. Article A23. Ezeta, R., Sacco, F., Bakhuis, D., Huisman, S. G., Ostilla-Mónico, R., Verzicco, R., Sun, C. & Lohse, D. secondary flow in Taylor-Couette turbulence through spanwise-varying roughness (2020)Journal of fluid mechanics, 883. Article A15. Bakhuis, D., Ezeta, R., Berghout, P., Bullee, P. A., Tai, D., Chung, D., Verzicco, R., Lohse, D., Huisman, S. G. & Sun, C.


Drag reduction in boiling Taylor-Couette turbulence (2019)Journal of fluid mechanics, 881, 104-118. Ezeta, R., Bakhuis, D., Huisman, S. G., Sun, C. & Lohse, D., plumes and azimuthally travelling waves in ultimate Taylor-Couette turbulent vortices (2019)Journal of fluid mechanics, 876, 733-765. Froitzheim, A., Ezeta, R., Huisman, S. G., Merbold, S., Sun, C., Lohse, D. & Egbers, C.

Research profiles


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room Horstcomplex - Meander
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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