I´m interested in the planning and operation of manufacturing systems/factories. This includes the interaction of different processes over the process chain but also with other factory elements like technical building services. Besides technological developments, digital methods and tools play an important role. Thereby, obviously the technical and economic performance but also environmental and social perspectives need to be taken into account:

  • Smart manufacturing solutions based on Cyber Physical Production System (CPPS) framework (e.g. data acquisition strategies, machine learning and factory simulation, decision support and control)
  • Methods for factory planning and operation (e.g. layout planning, planning and control, quality management, lean management)
  • Innovative manufacturing systems/factory concepts (e.g. flexible production systems, scale up scenarios)
  • Sustainable manufacturing (e.g. energy and resource efficiency)
  • Human factors in manufacturing systems (e.g. occupational health and safety, ergonomics, workplace design)

Application areas range from mechanical/mechatronic products in general, batteries (see also https://www.utwente.nl/tcabt), surface technologies but also food industry. 

A more extensive overview can be found here: https://www.utwente.nl/en/research/researchers/featured-scientists/thiede/ 

I´m also the chairman for the department Design, Production and Management in the Engineering Technology faculty, https://www.utwente.nl/en/et/dpm/ 


  • Engineering

    • Energy Engineering
    • Gas Fuel Manufacture
    • Production
  • Computer Science

    • Simulation
    • Production System
    • Application
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Industrial Plant
    • Manufacturing


Ancillary activities

  • European Research Council (ERC)ERC Reviewer and Panel member
  • NWONWA Smart Industry Route Ambassador



Research profiles


University of Twente

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De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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