Alexey Voinov is Professor of Persuasive Systems Modeling for Sustainability Science in the Department of Water Management, Faculty of Engineering Technology (FET). Earlier he was a Distinguished Professor and director of  the Center on Persuasive Systems for Wise Adaptive Living ( PERSWADE ) at the  Faculty of Engineering and IT at University of Technology Sydney, Australia.   Before he was professor at ITC, University of Twente. Prior to that he was coordinating the Chesapeake Research Consortium Community Modeling Program, and was also Principal Research Scientist at John's Hopkins University, USA. He has spent one year with the AAAS Science and Technology Fellowship program working with the US Army Corps of Engineers. For over ten years he was with the Institute for Ecological Economics, Univ. of Maryland and Vermont. He has his MSc and PhD from Moscow State University, Russia.


  • Computer Science

    • Models
    • Stakeholders
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Model
    • Investigation
    • Environmental Modeling
    • Assessment
  • Social Sciences

    • Change
    • Mathematical Model


Alexey Voinov is Professor of Spatio-Temporal Systems Modeling for Sustainability Science in the Department of Water Management, Faculty of Engineering Technology (FET). He is also Distinguished Professor in  the   School of Information, Systems and M  odeling  and leading the Center on Persuasive Systems for Wise Adaptive Living (  PERSWADE ) at the   Faculty of Engineering and IT at University of Technology Sydney, Australia.   Before he was professor at ITC, University of Twente. Prior to that he was coordinating the Chesapeake Research Consortium Community Modeling Program, and was also Principal Research Scientist at John's Hopkins University, USA. He has spent one year with the AAAS Science and Technology Fellowship program working with the US Army Corps of Engineers. For over ten years he was with the Institute for Ecological Economics, Univ. of Maryland and Vermont. He has his MSc and PhD from Moscow State University, Russia.




Designing a conceptual framework for strategic selection of Bushfire mitigation approaches (2023)Journal of environmental management, 344, 118486. Tayari, S., Taghikhah, F., Bharathy, G. & Voinov, A. Framework for Participatory Modeling: A Proposal (2023)Group Decision and Negotiation, 32(5), 1167-1182. Bakhanova, E., Garcia, J. A., Raffe, W. L. & Voinov, A. the community in community microgrids: A conceptual framework for better decision-making (2023)Energy research & social science, 104, 103260. Eklund, M., Khalilpour, K., Voinov, A. & Hossain, M. j. of Discussoo: An Online AI-Based Forum for Serious Discussions (2023)In 16th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, IHCI 2022, and 15th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies 2022, GET 2022 - Held at the 16th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2022 (pp. 157-164). IADIS. Bakhanova, E., Anjum, M., Garcia, J. A., Raffe, W. L. & Voinov, A.A participatory modelling approach to cognitive mapping of the socio-environmental system of sandy anthropogenic shores in the Netherlands (2023)Ocean & coastal management, 243. Article 106739. Bakhshianlamouki, E., Augustijn, P. W. M., Brugnach, M. F., Voinov, A. A. & Wijnberg, K. M. of occupant autonomy on satisfaction and building energy efficiency (2023)Energy and Built Environment, 4(4), 377-385. Loengbudnark, W., Khalilpour, K., Bharathy, G., Voinov, A. & Thomas, L.

Research profiles

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024


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