
  • Computer Science

    • Biometric Template Protection
    • Homomorphic Encryption
    • Adversarial Machine Learning
    • Attack
    • Protection Scheme
    • Biometrics
    • Biometric Data
    • Face Recognition



Fast and Accurate Likelihood Ratio Based Biometric Verification Secure Against Malicious AdversariesIEEE transactions on information forensics and security, 16, 5045-5060. Bassit, A., Hahn, F., Peeters, J., Kevenaar, T., Veldhuis, R. & Peter, A. Filter vs Homomorphic Encryption: Which approach protects the biometric data and satisfies ISO/IEC 24745?In BIOSIG 2021 - Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group: 15.-17. September 2021 International Digital Conference. IEEE. Bassit, A., Hahn, F., Zeinstra, C., Veldhuis, R. & Peter, A. Analysis of an Adversarial Attack on Gender Classification to Face RecognitionIn 2021 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG). IEEE. Rezgui, Z. & Bassit, A.

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Courses academic year 2023/2024

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Courses academic year 2022/2023

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