Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Boost Your Competences (BYC) MasterclassesĀ are dedicated to theĀ MSc students of the Faculty of Engineering Technology. Boost Your Competences is a collection of 12 short masterclasses that focus on the development of severalĀ skills that revolve around:Ā Project/thesis,Ā WritingĀ andĀ PersonalĀ development.Ā TheseĀ skillsĀ are:

  • Management: project, data, time & stress
  • Communicating & presenting scientific information
  • Writing: academic, scientific, professional, technical
  • English language skills: grammar, writing
  • Leadership & Ownership
  • Collaboration
  • Goal setting
  • and more

These masterclasses aim to prepare MSc students for their graduation phase, increase student autonomy and are stepping stones for the lifelong learning process. BYC Masterclasses are tailored specially for Engineering MSc students. This means that the technical aspect of an Engineering programme is integrated explicitly in these classes. More info about these Masterclasses can be foundĀ here.

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