I am currently pursuing my PhD at the department of Learning, Data analytics and Technology (LDT), investigating how collaborative conversational agents can help student dialogue during online science lessons.
A bit of my professional story: I did my bachelor's and master's in Computer Engineering and Systems & Computing, respectively, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil. There, I worked with the SmartMetropolis research group for five years and could even present my research at two international conferences. I also had a great opportunity that my master's project on predictive policing was kindly supported by the Google LARA initiative (Latin America Research Awards) in 2018 and 2019. It definitely helped me to start enjoying my journey as a researcher. After my master's, I was a data scientist and engineer at the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Norte. My role was to manage a team of data science interns, manage the data lake infrastructure, and develop dashboards that helped prosecutors and their assistants to investigate issues on the public budget.
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