Antonio Franchi holds a joint appointment as full professor in aerial robotics control at the University of Twente (EEMCS Faculty, RAM department), Enschede, The Netherlands, and full professor at the Sapienza University of Rome (DIAG department), Rome, Italy.
He is an IEEE Fellow.
From 2022 till 2023 he was a Full Professor at the University of Twente. From 2019 till 2021 he was an Associate Professor at the University of Twente. From 2019 till 2023 he was an Affiliated Researcher at LAAS-CNRS. From 2014 to 2019 he was a Permanent Researcher at CNRS and the leader of the aerial robotics activities at LAAS-CNRS. From 2010 to 2013 he was a Research Scientist and then a Senior Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Germany, and the scientific leader of the group “Autonomous Robotics and Human Machine Systems”. He received the Laurea (M.Sc.) degree (summa cum laude) in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in System Engineering (Feb. 2010) from Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. In 2009 he was a visiting student at the University of California at Santa Barbara.
He received both the French and Italian Professorial Habilitation for Full-professorship (HDR and ASN resp.) from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse and the Italian Ministry of University and Research in 2016 and 2018, respectively.
Computer Science
- Control
- Robot
- Design
- Manipulator
- Simulation
- multiple robot
- Robotics
- Rotors
Ancillary activities
- Sapienza University of RomeTeaching and collaboration with Sapienza University of Rome
His main research interests lie in the robotics area, with a special regard to control and estimation problems and applications ranging across motion and physical interaction control, decentralized control/estimation/coordination, haptics, and hardware/software architectures. His main areas of expertise are aerial robotics and multiple-robot systems.
He published more than 170 papers in international journals, books, and conferences and gave more than 100 invited talks in international venues since 2010.
He has received awards for his published research work, PhD mentoring, and societal services by the international robotics scientific community.
He has served in the editorial boards of IJRR, IEEE T-RO, IEEE RA-M, IEEE ICRA, IEEE/RSJ IROS, IEEE AES-M. He is the co-founder and emeritus co-chair of the IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Multiple Robot Systems.
He has been PI in several projects focused on aerial robots and multi-robots, such as, e.g., the EU Horizon AutoAssess project, the EU H2020 Aerial-CORE project, the EU H2020 AEROARMS project, the ANR PRC ‘The Flying Co-worker’ and the JCJC ANR MuRoPhen projet.
Other contributions
- Tognon M, Franchi A. Theory and Applications for Control of Aerial Robots in Physical Interaction Through Tethers. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. 2020.
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- Nava G, Sablé Q, Tognon M, Pucci D, Franchi A. Direct Force Feedback Control and Online Multi-task Optimization for Aerial Manipulators. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2020;5(2):331-338.
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- Michieletto G, Cenedese A, Zaccarian L, Franchi A. Hierarchical nonlinear control for multi-rotor asymptotic stabilization based on zero-moment direction. Automatica. 2020;.
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- Sanalitro D, Savino HJ, Tognon M, Cortés J, Franchi A. Full-pose Manipulation Control of a Cable-suspended load with Multiple UAVs under Uncertainties. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2020;5(2):2185-2191.
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- Walter V, Staub N, Franchi A, Saska M. UVDAR System for Visual Relative Localization with application to Leader-Follower Formations of Multirotor UAVs. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2019;4(3):2637-2644.
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- Franchi A, Petitti A, Rizzo A. Distributed Estimation of State and Parameters in Multi-Agent Cooperative Manipulation. IEEE Trans. on Control of Network Systems. 2019;6(2):690-701.
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- Tognon M, Chávez HATello, Gasparin E, Sablé Q, Bicego D, Mallet A, et al.. A Truly Redundant Aerial Manipulator System with Application to Push-And-Slide Inspection in Industrial Plants. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2019;4(2):1846-1851.
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- Rossi E, Tognon M, Carli R, Schenato L, Cortés J, Franchi A. Cooperative Aerial Load Transportation via Sampled Communication. IEEE Control Systems Letters. 2019;4:277-282.
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- Yüksel B, Secchi C, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. Aerial Physical Interaction via IDA-PBC. The International Journal of Robotics Research. 2019;38(4):403–421.
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- Furci M, Nainer C, Zaccarian L, Franchi A. Input Allocation for the Propeller-Based Overactuated Platform ROSPO. IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology. 2019;18(6):2720-2727.
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- Franchi A, Robuffo Giordano P, Michieletto G. Online Leader Selection for Improved Collective Tracking and Formation Control: the Second Order Case. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. 2019;6(4):1415-1425.
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- Gabellieri C, Tognon M, Sanalitro D, Palottino L, Franchi A. A Study on Force-based Collaboration in Swarms. Swarm Intelligence. 2019;14:57-82.
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- Ryll M, Muscio G, Pierri F, Cataldi E, Antonelli G, Caccavale F, et al.. 6D Interaction Control with Aerial Robots: The Flying End-Effector Paradigm. The International Journal of Robotics Research. 2019;38(9):1045-1062.
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- Franchi A, Robuffo Giordano P. Online Leader Selection for Improved Collective Tracking and Formation Maintenance. IEEE Trans. on Control of Network Systems. 2018;5(1):3-13.
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- Arellano-Quintana V, Merchan-Cruz E, Franchi A. A Novel Experimental Model and a Drag-optimal Allocation Method for Variable-Pitch Propellers in Multirotors. IEEE Access. 2018;6:68155-68168.
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- Ollero A, Heredia G, Franchi A, Antonelli G, Kondak K, Sanfeliu A, et al.. The AEROARMS Project: Aerial Robots with Advanced Manipulation Capabilities for Inspection and Maintenance. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Special Issue on Floating-base (Aerial and Underwater) Manipulation. 2018;25(4):12-23.
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- Masone C, Mohammadi M, Robuffo Giordano P, Franchi A. Shared Planning and Control for Mobile Robots with Integral Haptic Feedback. The International Journal of Robotics Research. 2018;37(11):1395-1420.
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- Tognon M, Franchi A. Omnidirectional Aerial Vehicles with Unidirectional Thrusters: Theory, Optimal Design, and Control. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2018;3(3):2277-2282.
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- Faessler M, Franchi A, Scaramuzza D. Differential Flatness of Quadrotor Dynamics Subject to Rotor Drag for Accurate Tracking of High-Speed Trajectories. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2018;3(2):620-626.
Also selected for presentation at the 2018 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Brisbane , Australia- DOI
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- Franchi A, Carli R, Bicego D, Ryll M. Full-Pose Tracking Control for Aerial Robotic Systems with Laterally-Bounded Input Force. IEEE Trans. on Robotics. 2018;34(2):534-541.
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- Michieletto G, Ryll M, Franchi A. Fundamental Actuation Properties of Multi-rotors: Force-Moment Decoupling and Fail-safe Robustness. IEEE Trans. on Robotics. 2018;34(3).
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- Delamare Q, Robuffo Giordano P, Franchi A. Towards Aerial Physical Locomotion: the Contact-Fly-Contact Problem. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Special Issue on Aerial Manipulation. 2018;3:1514-1521.
Also selected for presentation at the 2018 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Brisbane , Australia- Google Scholar
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- Antonelli G, Cataldi E, Arrichiello F, Robuffo Giordano P, Chiaverini S, Franchi A. Adaptive Trajectory Tracking for Quadrotor MAVs in Presence of Parameter Uncertainties and External Disturbances. IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology. 2018;26(1):248–254.
- Tognon M, Cataldi E, Tello Chavez H, Antonelli G, Cortés J, Franchi A. Control-Aware Motion Planning for Task-Constrained Aerial Manipulation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Special Issue on Aerial Manipulation. 2018;3(3):2478-2484.
Also selected for presentation at the 2018 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Brisbane , Australia- Google Scholar
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- Staub N, Mohammadi M, Bicego D, Delamare Q, Yang H, Prattichizzo D, et al.. The Tele-MAGMaS: an Aerial-Ground Co-manipulator System. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine. 2018;25(4):66-75.
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- Tognon M, Gabellieri C, Pallottino L, Franchi A. Aerial Co-Manipulation with Cables: The Role of Internal Force for Equilibria, Stability, and Passivity. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Special Issue on Aerial Manipulation. 2018;3(3):2577-2583.
Also selected for presentation at the 2018 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Brisbane , Australia- DOI
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- Tognon M, Franchi A. Dynamics, Control, and Estimation for Aerial Robots Tethered by Cables or Bars. IEEE Transaction on Robotics. 2017;33(4):834-845.
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- Nestmeyer T, Robuffo Giordano P, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. Decentralized Simultaneous Multi-target Exploration using a Connected Network of Multiple Robots. Autonomous Robots. 2017;41(4):989-1011. PANIST
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- Tognon M, Dash SS, Franchi A. Observer-based Control of Position and Tension for an Aerial Robot Tethered to a Moving Platform. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2016;1(2):732-737.
Also selected for presentation at the 2016 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm , Sweden- Google Scholar
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- Franchi A, Stegagno P, Oriolo G. Decentralized Multi-Robot Encirclement of a 3D Target with Guaranteed Collision Avoidance. Autonomous Robots. 2016;40(2):245-265. PANIST
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- Stegagno P, Cognetti M, Oriolo G, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. Ground and Aerial Mutual Localization using Anonymous Relative-Bearing Measurements. IEEE Transaction on Robotics. 2016;32(5):1133-1151.
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- Zelazo D, Franchi A, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P. Decentralized Rigidity Maintenance Control with Range Measurements for Multi-Robot Systems. The International Journal of Robotics Research. 2014;34(1):105-128.
- Censi A, Franchi A, Marchionni L, Oriolo G. Simultaneous Calibration of Odometry and Sensor Parameters for Mobile Robots. IEEE Transaction on Robotics. 2013;29(2):475-492.
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- Lee D, Franchi A, Son HI, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P. Semi-Autonomous Haptic Teleoperation Control Architecture of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics, Focused Section on Aerospace Mechatronics. 2013;18(4):1334-1345.
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- Son HI, Franchi A, Chuang LL, Kim J, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P. Human-Centered Design and Evaluation of Haptic Cueing for Teleoperation of Multiple Mobile Robots. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics. Part B: Cybernetics. 2013;43(2):597-609.
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- Franchi A, Oriolo G, Stegagno P. Mutual Localization in Multi-Robot Systems using Anonymous Relative Measurements. The International Journal of Robotics Research. 2013;32(11):1303-1322.
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- Robuffo Giordano P, Franchi A, Secchi C, Bülthoff HH. A Passivity-Based Decentralized Strategy for Generalized Connectivity Maintenance. The International Journal of Robotics Research. 2013;32(3): 299-323.
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- Franchi A, Secchi C, Ryll M, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P. Shared Control: Balancing Autonomy and Human Assistance with a Group of Quadrotor UAVs. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Special Issue on Aerial Robotics and the Quadrotor Platform. 2012;19(3):57-68.
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- Franchi A, Masone C, Grabe V, Ryll M, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P. Modeling and Control of UAV Bearing-Formations with Bilateral High-Level Steering. The International Journal of Robotics Research, Special Issue on 3D Exploration, Mapping, and Surveillance. 2012;31(12):1504-1525.
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- Pasqualetti F, Franchi A, Bullo F. On Cooperative Patrolling: Optimal Trajectories, Complexity Analysis, and Approximation Algorithms. IEEE Transaction on Robotics. 2012;28(3):592-606.
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- Franchi A, Secchi C, Son HI, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P. Bilateral Teleoperation of Groups of Mobile Robots with Time-Varying Topology. IEEE Transaction on Robotics. 2012;28(5):1019 -1033.
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- Durham JW, Franchi A, Bullo F. Distributed Pursuit-Evasion without Mapping or Global Localization via Local Frontiers. Autonomous Robots [Internet]. 2012;32(1):81-95.
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- Franchi A, Freda L, Oriolo G, Vendittelli M. The Sensor-based Random Graph Method for Cooperative Robot Exploration. IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics. 2009;14(2):163-175.
Winner of the IEEE RAS ICYA Best Paper Award 2010 link- Google Scholar
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- Franchi A. Interaction Control of Platforms with Multi-directional Total Thrust. In Aerial Robotic Manipulation. Springer; 2019. pp. 175-189.
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- Franchi A. Platforms with Multi-directional Total Thrust. In Aerial Robotic Manipulation. Springer; 2019. pp. 53-65.
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- Franchi A. Human-Collaborative Schemes in the Motion Control of Single and Multiple Mobile Robots. In Trends in Control and Decision-Making for Human-Robot Collaboration Systems. Springer; 2017. pp. 301-324.
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- Spedicato S, Notarstefano G, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. Aggressive Maneuver Regulation of a Quadrotor UAV. In Robotics Research, The 16th International Symposium ISRR. Springer; 2016. pp. 95-112.
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- Lächele J, Franchi A, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P. SwarmSimX: Real-time Simulation Environment for Multi-robot Systems. In 3rd Int. Conf. on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots. Tsukuba, Japan; 2012.
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- Hamandi M, Sawant K, Tognon M, Franchi A. Omni-Plus-Seven (O7+): An Omnidirectional Aerial Prototype with a Minimal Number of Uni-directional Thrusters. In 2020 Int. Conf. on Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Athens, Greece; 2020.
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- Petitti A, Sanalitro D, Tognon M, Milella A, Cortés J, Franchi A. Inertial Estimation and Energy-Efficient Control of a Cable-suspended Load with a Team of UAVs. In 2020 Int. Conf. on Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Athens, Greece; 2020.
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- Hamandi M, Tognon M, Franchi A. Direct Acceleration Feedback Control of Quadrotor Aerial Vehicles. In 2020 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Paris, France; 2020.
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- Jacquet M, Corsini G, Bicego D, Franchi A. Perception-constrained and Motor-level Nonlinear MPC for both Underactuated and Tilted-propeller UAVs. In 2020 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Paris, France; 2020.
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- Umili E, Tognon M, Sanalitro D, Oriolo G, Franchi A. Communication-based and Communication-less approaches for Robust Cooperative Planning in Construction with a Team of UAVs. In 2020 Int. Conf. on Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Athens, Greece; 2020.
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- Sarkisov Y, Kim MJ, Bicego D, Tsetserukou D, Ott C, Franchi A, et al.. Development of SAM: cable-Suspended Aerial Manipulator. In 2019 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Montreal, Canada; 2019.
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- Michieletto G, Cenedese A, Franchi A. Force-Moment Decoupling and Rotor-Failure Robustness for Star-Shaped Generically-Tilted Multi-Rotors. In In 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Nice, France; 2019.
- Walter V, Saska M, Franchi A. Fast Mutual Relative Localization of UAVs using Ultraviolet LED markers. In 2018 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Dallas, TX; 2018. pp. 1217-1226.
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- Morbidi F, Bicego D, Ryll M, Franchi A. Energy-Efficient Trajectory Generation for a Hexarotor with Dual-Tilting Propellers. In 2018 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Madrid, Spain; 2018.
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- Yang H, Staub N, Franchi A, Lee D. Modeling and Control of Multiple Aerial-Ground Manipulator System with Load Flexibility. In 2018 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Madrid, Spain; 2018.
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- Ryll M, Bicego D, Franchi A. A Truly Redundant Aerial Manipulator exploiting a Multi-directional Thrust Base. In 12th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control. Budapest, Hungary; 2018.
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- Walter V, Staub N, Saska M, Franchi A. Mutual Localization of UAVs based on Blinking Ultraviolet Markers and 3D Time-Position Hough Transform. In 14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. Munich, Germany; 2018.
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- Robuffo Giordano P, Delamare Q, Franchi A. Trajectory Generation for Minimum Closed-Loop State Sensitivity. In 2018 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Brisbane, Australia; 2018. pp. 286-293.
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- Furci M, Bicego D, Franchi A. Design and Input Allocation for Robots with Saturated Inputs via Genetic Algorithms. In 12th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control. Budapest, Hungary; 2018.
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- Staub N, Bicego D, Sablé Q, Arellano-Quintana V, Mishra S, Franchi A. Towards a Flying Assistant Paradigm: the OTHex. In 2018 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Brisbane, Australia; 2018. pp. 6997-7002.
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- Gabellieri C, Tognon M, Palottino L, Franchi A. A Study on Force-based Collaboration in Flying Swarms. In 11th Int. Conf. on Swarm Intelligence ANTS 2018. Rome, Italy; 2018.
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- Solana Y, Furci M, Cortés J, Franchi A. Multi-Robot Path Planning with Maintenance of Generalized Connectivity. In The 1st Int. Symp. on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems. Los Angeles, CA; 2017.
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- Staub N, Mohammadi M, Bicego D, Prattichizzo D, Franchi A. Towards Robotic MAGMaS: Multiple Aerial-Ground Manipulator Systems. In 2017 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Singapore; 2017. pp. 1307-1312.
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- Sanchez-Lopez J-L-L, Arellano-Quintana V, Tognon M, Campoy P, Franchi A. Visual Marker based Multi-Sensor Fusion State Estimation. In 20th IFAC World Congress. Toulouse, France; 2017.
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- Franchi A, Mallet A. Adaptive Closed-loop Speed Control of BLDC Motors with Applications to Multi-rotor Aerial Vehicles. In 2017 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Singapore; 2017.
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- Tognon M, Franchi A. Position Tracking Control for an Aerial Robot Passively Tethered to an Independently Moving Platform. In 20th IFAC World Congress. Toulouse, France; 2017.
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- Tognon M, Franchi A. Landing and take-off on/from sloped and non-planar surfaces with more than 50 degrees of inclination. In 2017 International Micro Air Vehicle Conference. Toulouse, France; 2017. pp. 97-102.
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- Tognon M, Yüksel B, Buondonno G, Franchi A. Dynamic Decentralized Control for Protocentric Aerial Manipulators. In 2017 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Singapore; 2017. pp. 6375-6380.
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- Michieletto G, Ryll M, Franchi A. Control of Statically Hoverable Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles and Application to Rotor-Failure Robustness for Hexarotors. In 2017 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Singapore; 2017.
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- Nainer C, Furci M, Seuret A, Zaccarian L, Franchi A. Hierarchical Control of the Over-Actuated ROSPO Platform via Static Input Allocation. In 20th IFAC World Congress. Toulouse, France; 2017.
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- Ryll M, Muscio G, Pierri F, Cataldi E, Antonelli G, Caccavale F, et al.. 6D Physical Interaction with a Fully Actuated Aerial Robot. In 2017 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Singapore; 2017. pp. 5190-5195.
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- Michieletto G, Cenedese A, Zaccarian L, Franchi A. Nonlinear Control of Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles Based on the Zero-Moment Direction. In 20th IFAC World Congress. Toulouse, France; 2017.
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- Michieletto G, Cenedese A, Franchi A. Bearing Rigidity Theory in SE(3). In 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Las Vegas, NV; 2016. pp. 5950-5955.
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- Tognon M, Testa A, Rossi E, Franchi A. Takeoff and Landing on Slopes via Inclined Hovering with a Tethered Aerial Robot. In 2016 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Daejeon, South Korea; 2016. pp. 1702-1707.
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- Mohammadi M, Franchi A, Barcelli D, Prattichizzo D. Cooperative Aerial Tele-Manipulation with Haptic Feedback. In 2016 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and System. Daejeon, South Korea; 2016. pp. 5092-5098.
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- Carron A, Todescato M, Carli R, Franchi A, Schenato L. Multi-Robot Localization via GPS and Relative Measurements in the Presence of Asynchronous and Lossy Communication. In 15th European Control Conference. Aalborg, Denmark; 2016.
- Schiano F, Franchi A, Zelazo D, Robuffo Giordano P. A Rigidity-Based Decentralized Bearing Formation Controller for Groups of Quadrotor UAVs. In 2016 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and System. Daejeon, South Korea; 2016. pp. 5099-5106.
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- Petitti A, Franchi A, Di Paola D, Rizzo A. Decentralized Motion Control for Cooperative Manipulation with a Team of Networked Mobile Manipulators. In 2016 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Stockholm, Sweden; 2016. pp. 441-446.
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- Yüksel B, Staub N, Franchi A. Aerial Robots with Rigid/Elastic-joint Arms: Single-joint Controllability Study and Preliminary Experiments. In 2016 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and System. Daejeon, South Korea; 2016. pp. 1667-1672.
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- Spedicato S, Franchi A, Notarstefano G. From Tracking to Robust Maneuver Regulation: an Easy-to-Design Approach for VTOL Aerial Robots. In 2016 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Stockholm, Sweden; 2016. pp. 2965-2970.
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- Yüksel B, Buondonno G, Franchi A. Differential Flatness and Control of Protocentric Aerial Manipulators with Any Number of Arms and Mixed Rigid-/Elastic-Joints. In 2016 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and System. Daejeon, South Korea; 2016. pp. 561-566.
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- Ryll M, Bicego D, Franchi A. Modeling and Control of FAST-Hex: a Fully-Actuated by Synchronized-Tilting Hexarotor. In 2016 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and System. Daejeon, South Korea; 2016. pp. 1689-1694.
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- Gioioso G, Mohammadi M, Franchi A, Prattichizzo D. A Force-based Bilateral Teleoperation Framework for Aerial Robots in Contact with the Environment. In 2015 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Seattle, WA; 2015. pp. 318-324.
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- Tognon M, Franchi A. Nonlinear Observer for the Control of Bi-Tethered Multi Aerial Robots. In 2015 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Hamburg, Germany; 2015. pp. 1852-1857.
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- Franchi A, Petitti A, Rizzo A. Decentralized Parameter Estimation and Observation for Cooperative Mobile Manipulation of an Unknown Load using Noisy Measurements. In 2015 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Seattle, WA; 2015. pp. 5517-5522.
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- Tognon M, Franchi A. Control of Motion and Internal Stresses for a Chain of Two Underactuated Aerial Robots. In 14th European Control Conference. Linz, Austria; 2015. pp. 1620-1625.
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- Tognon M, Franchi A. Nonlinear Observer-based Tracking Control of Link Stress and Elevation for a Tethered Aerial Robot using Inertial-only Measurements. In 2015 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Seattle, WA; 2015. pp. 3994-3999.
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- Yüksel B, Mahboubi S, Secchi C, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. Design, Identification and Experimental Testing of a Light-Weight Flexible-joint Arm for Aerial Physical Interaction. In 2015 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Seattle, WA; 2015. pp. 870-876.
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- Rajappa S, Ryll M, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. Modeling, Control and Design Optimization for a Fully-actuated Hexarotor Aerial Vehicle with Tilted Propellers. In 2015 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Seattle, WA; 2015. pp. 4006-4013.
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- Staub N, Franchi A. Battery-aware Dynamical Modeling and Identification for the Total Thrust in Multi-rotor UAVs using only an Onboard Accelerometer. In 2015 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Seattle, WA; 2015. pp. 3341-3346.
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- Zelazo D, Robuffo Giordano P, Franchi A. Bearing-Only Formation Control Using an SE(2) Rigidity Theory. In 54rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Osaka, Japan; 2015. pp. 6121-6126.
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- Stegagno P, Basile M, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. A Semi-autonomous UAV Platform for Indoor Remote Operation with Visual and Haptic Feedback. In 2014 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Hong Kong, China; 2014. pp. 3862-3869.
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- Yüksel B, Secchi C, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. Reshaping the Physical Properties of a Quadrotor through IDA-PBC and its Application to Aerial Physical Interaction. In 2014 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Hong Kong, China; 2014. pp. 6258-6265.
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- Gagliardi M, Oriolo G, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. Image-based Road Network Clearing without Localization and without Maps using a Team of UAVs. In 2014 European Control Conference. Strasbourg, France; 2014. pp. 1902-1908.
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- Zelazo D, Franchi A, Robuffo Giordano P. Rigidity Theory in SE(2) for Unscaled Relative Position Estimation using only Bearing. In 2014 European Control Conference. Strasbourg, France; 2014. pp. 2703-2708.
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- Gioioso G, Franchi A, Salvietti G, Scheggi S, Prattichizzo D. The Flying Hand: a Formation of UAVs for Cooperative Aerial Tele-Manipulation. In 2014 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Hong Kong, China; 2014. pp. 4335-4341.
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- Franchi A, Petitti A, Rizzo A. Distributed Estimation of the Inertial Parameters of an Unknown Load via Multi-Robot Manipulation. In 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Los Angeles, CA; 2014. pp. 6111-6116.
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- Gioioso G, Ryll M, Prattichizzo D, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. Turning a Near-hovering Controlled Quadrotor into a 3D Force Effector. In 2014 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Hong Kong, China; 2014. pp. 6278-6284.
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- Tokekar P, Isler V, Franchi A. Multi-Target Visual Tracking with UAVs. In 2014 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Chicago, IL; 2014. pp. 656-661.
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- Masone C, Robuffo Giordano P, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. Semi-autonomous Trajectory Generation for Mobile Robots with Integral Haptic Shared Control. In 2014 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Hong Kong, China; 2014. pp. 6468-6475.
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- Yüksel B, Secchi C, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. A Nonlinear Force Observer for Quadrotors and Application to Physical Interactive Tasks. In IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics. Besançon, France; 2014. pp. 433-440.
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- Grabe V, Riedel M, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P, Franchi A. The TeleKyb Framework for a Modular and Extendible ROS-based Quadrotor Control. In 6th European Conference on Mobile Robots [Internet]. Barcelona, Spain; 2013.
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- Franchi A. Towards Autonomous-collaborative and Haptic-tele-operated UAVs with Fully-onboard State Estimation and Physical Interaction Capabilities. In 2013 IROS Work. on From Remotely-Controlled to Autonomous-Collaborative Robots. Tokyo, Japan; 2013.
- Stegagno P, Basile M, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. RGB-D based Haptic Teleoperation of UAVs with Onboard Sensors: Development and Preliminary Results. In 2013 IROS Work. on Vision-based Closed-Loop Control and Navigation of Micro Helicopters in GPS-denied Environments. Tokyo, Japan; 2013.
- Spica R, Robuffo Giordano P, Ryll M, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. An Open-Source Hardware/Software Architecture for Quadrotor UAVs. In 2nd IFAC Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems. Compiegne, France; 2013.
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- Secchi C, Franchi A, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P. Bilateral Control of the Degree of Connectivity in Multiple Mobile-robot Teleoperation. In 2013 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Karlsruhe, Germany; 2013.
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- Stegagno P, Basile M, Bülthoff HH, Franchi A. Vision-based Autonomous Control of a Quadrotor UAV using an Onboard RGB-D Camera and its Application to Haptic Teleoperation. In 2nd IFAC Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems. Compiegne, France; 2013.
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- Antonelli G, Cataldi E, Robuffo Giordano P, Chiaverini S, Franchi A. Experimental Validation of a New Adaptive Control for Quadrotors. In 2013 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Tokyo, Japan; 2013.
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- Spica R, Franchi A, Oriolo G, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P. Aerial Grasping of a Moving Target with a Quadrotor UAV. In 2012 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Vilamoura, Portugal; 2012. pp. 4985-4992.
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- Franchi A, Robuffo Giordano P. Decentralized Control of Parallel Rigid Formations with Direction Constraints and Bearing Measurements. In 51th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control . Maui, HI; 2012. pp. 5310-5317.
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- Secchi C, Franchi A, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P. Bilateral Teleoperation of a Group of UAVs with Communication Delays and Switching Topology. In 2012 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. St. Paul, MN; 2012.
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- Riedel M, Franchi A, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P, Son HI. Experiments on Intercontinental Haptic Control of Multiple UAVs. In 12th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Autonomous Systems. Jeju Island, Korea; 2012. pp. 227-238.
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- Zelazo D, Franchi A, Allgöwer F, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P. Rigidity Maintenance Control for Multi-Robot Systems. In 2012 Robotics: Science and Systems Conference. Sydney, Australia; 2012.
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- Cognetti M, Stegagno P, Franchi A, Oriolo G. Two Measurement Scenarios for Anonymous Mutual Localization in Multi-UAV Systems. In 2nd IFAC Workshop on Multivehicle Systems. Espoo, Finland; 2012.
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- Cognetti M, Stegagno P, Franchi A, Oriolo G, Bülthoff HH. 3D Mutual Localization with Anonymous Bearing Measurements. In 2012 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. St. Paul, MN; 2012.
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- Masone C, Franchi A, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P. Interactive Planning of Persistent Trajectories for Human-Assisted Navigation of Mobile Robots. In 2012 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Vilamoura, Portugal; 2012. pp. 2641-2648.
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- Franchi A, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P. Distributed Online Leader Selection in the Bilateral Teleoperation of Multiple UAVs. In 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control . Orlando, FL; 2011. pp. 3559-3565.
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- Franchi A, Masone C, Bülthoff HH, Robuffo Giordano P. Bilateral Teleoperation of Multiple UAVs with Decentralized Bearing-only Formation Control. In 2011 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. San Francisco, CA; 2011. pp. 2215-2222.
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- Robuffo Giordano P, Franchi A, Secchi C, Bülthoff HH. Bilateral Teleoperation of Groups of UAVs with Decentralized Connectivity Maintenance. In 2011 Robotics: Science and Systems Conference. Los Angeles, CA; 2011.
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- Robuffo Giordano P, Franchi A, Secchi C, Bülthoff HH. Experiments of Passivity-Based Bilateral Aerial Teleoperation of a Group of UAVs with Decentralized Velocity Synchronization. In 2011 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. San Francisco, CA; 2011. pp. 163-170.
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- Son HI, Kim J, Chuang LL, Franchi A, Robuffo Giordano P, Lee D, et al.. An Evaluation of Haptic Cues on the Tele-Operator’s Perceptual Awareness of Multiple UAVs’ Environments. In IEEE World Haptics Conference. Istanbul, Turkey; 2011. pp. 149-154.
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- Stegagno P, Cognetti M, Franchi A, Oriolo G. Mutual Localization using Anonymous Bearing Measurements. In 2011 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. San Francisco, CA; 2011. pp. 469-474.
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- Franchi A, Robuffo Giordano P, Secchi C, Son HI, Bülthoff HH. A Passivity-Based Decentralized Approach for the Bilateral Teleoperation of a Group of UAVs with Switching Topology. In 2011 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Shanghai, China; 2011. pp. 898-905.
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- Son HI, Chuang LL, Franchi A, Kim J, Lee D, Lee S-W, et al.. Measuring an Operator's Maneuverability Performance in the Haptic Teleoperation of Multiple Robots. In 2011 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. San Francisco, CA; 2011. pp. 3039-3046.
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- Lee D, Franchi A, Robuffo Giordano P, Son HI, Bülthoff HH. Haptic Teleoperation of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles over the Internet. In 2011 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Shanghai, China; 2011. pp. 1341-1347.
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- Franchi A, Oriolo G, Stegagno P. Probabilistic Mutual Localization in Multi-agent Systems from Anonymous Position Measures. In 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Atlanta, GA, USA; 2010. pp. 6534-6540.
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- Franchi A, Oriolo G, Stegagno P. On the Solvability of the Mutual Localization Problem with Anonymous Position Measures. In 2010 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Anchorage, AK; 2010. pp. 3193-3199.
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- Franchi A, Stegagno P, Di Rocco M, Oriolo G. Distributed Target Localization and Encirclement with a Multi-robot System. In 7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles. Lecce, Italy; 2010.
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- Durham JW, Franchi A, Bullo F. Distributed Pursuit-Evasion with Limited-Visibility Sensor Via Frontier-based Exploration. In 2010 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Anchorage, AK; 2010. pp. 3562-3568.
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- Pasqualetti F, Franchi A, Bullo F. On Optimal Cooperative Patrolling. In 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Atlanta, GA, USA; 2010. pp. 7153-7158.
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- Franchi A, Oriolo G, Stegagno P. Mutual Localization in a Multi-Robot System with Anonymous Relative Position Measures. In 2009 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. St. Louis, MO; 2009. pp. 3974-3980.
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- Franchi A, Freda L, Marchionni L, Oriolo G, Vendittelli M. Decentralized cooperative exploration: Implementation and experiments. In 10th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Autonomous Systems. Baden-Baden, Germany; 2008. pp. 348-355.
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- Franchi A, Freda L, Oriolo G, Vendittelli M. A Randomized Strategy for Cooperative Robot Exploration. In 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. Rome, Italy; 2007. pp. 768-774.
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- Franchi A, Freda L, Oriolo G, Vendittelli M. A decentralized strategy for cooperative robot exploration. In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Robot communication and coordination. Athens, Greece; 2007.
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Research profiles
- Control Engineering (UT Bachelor) from 2020-21 until today
- Aerial Robotics (UT, Master) from 2024-25 until today
- Module 6 Systems and control (UT Bachelor) from 2023-24 until today
- Lab Project on Systems and Control (UT Bachelor) from 2023-24 until today
- Control of UAVs (UT, Master) from 2020-21 until 2023-24
The rest is updated up to 2021
Currently Advised People
- Amr Afifi @ University of Twente :
- Youssef Abou Dorra @ University of Twente :
- Gianluca Corsini @ LAAS-CNRS : Co-supervised with: Daniel Sidobre
- Martin Jacquet @ LAAS-CNRS :
- Mahmoud Hamandi @ LAAS-CNRS :
- Dario Sanalitro @ LAAS-CNRS :
PhD started on: 2020
PhD started on: 2020
PhD started on: 2020
PhD started on: 2019
PhD started on: 2018
PhD started on: 2018
Visiting and Collaborating PhD Students
- Chiara Gabellieri @ University of Pisa :
- Yulin Zhang @ Texas A&M University :
- Enrica Rossi - PhD @ University of Padova
- Viktor Walter @ Czech Technical University in Prague :
- Barbara Barros @ Sapienza University of Rome :
- Quentin Delamare @ University of Rennes / IRISA :
- Victor Arellano @ IPN, Mexico City
- Davide Bicego @ LAAS-CNRS :
- Marco Tognon @ LAAS-CNRS :
- Nicolas Staub @ LAAS-CNRS :
- Antonio Petitti @ ISSIA-CNR / Politech. of Bari :
- Burak Yueksel @ Max Planck Inst. for Biol. Cybernetics :
- Carlo Masone @ Max Planck Inst. for Biol. Cybernetics :
- Paolo Stegagno @ Sapienza University of Rome :
Co-supervised with: P. Robuffo Giordano
Current position: Associate Professor at ENS Rennes
PhD thesis title: Algorithms for estimation and control for quadrotors in physical interaction with the environment
PhD thesis file:
Phd thesis pdf: phd-thesis-2019-Delamare.pdf
Year of PhD Obtention: 2019
Co-supervised with: Emmanuel A. Merchán Cruz
Current position: (2019) Research Engineer at General Electrics
PhD thesis title: Design Optimization of Multirotors Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Phd thesis pdf: phd-thesis-2019-Arellano.pdf
Year of PhD Obtention: 2019
Current position: (2019) Postdoc at the University of Twente
PhD thesis title: Design and Control of Multi-Directional Thrust Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles with applications to Aerial Physical Interaction Tasks
PhD thesis file:
Phd thesis pdf: phd-thesis-2019-Bicego.pdf
Year of PhD Obtention: 2019
Co-supervised with: J. Cortés
Current position: (2020) Postdoc at ETH-Z, Switzerland
PhD thesis title: Theory and Applications for Control and Motion Planning of Aerial Robots in Physical Interaction with particular focus on Tethered Aerial Vehicules
PhD thesis file:
Phd thesis pdf: phd-thesis-2018-Tognon.pdf
Year of PhD Obtention: 2018
Current position: (2019) System Design Engineer at Volocopter
PhD thesis title: Models, Algorithms and Architectures for Cooperative Manipulation with Aerial and Ground Robots
PhD thesis file:
Phd thesis pdf: phd-thesis-2018-Staub.pdf
Year of PhD Obtention: 2018
Co-supervised with: Alessandro Rizzo, Donato di Paola
Current position: Researcher at CNR
PhD thesis title: Theory and Applications of Consensus Protocols for Distributed Estimation Algorithms
Phd thesis pdf: phd-thesis-2015-Petitti.pdf
Year of PhD Obtention: 2015
Current position: (2018) Research Engineer at Volocopter
PhD thesis title: Design, Modeling and Control of Aerial Robots for Physical Interaction and Manipulation
Phd thesis pdf: phd-thesis-2017-Yueksel.pdf
Year of PhD Obtention: 2015
Co-supervised with: Paolo Robuffo Giordano
Current position: (2017) Research Engineer at Italdesign
PhD thesis title: Planning and Control for Robotic Tasks with a Human-in-the-Loop
Phd thesis pdf: phd-thesis-2014-Masone.pdf
Year of PhD Obtention: 2014
Co-supervised with: Giuseppe Oriolo
Current position: (2017) Assistant Professor at the University of Rhode Island
PhD thesis title: Mutual localization from anonymous measurements in multi-robot systems
Year of PhD Obtention: 2011
- Markus Ryll @ LAAS-CNRS :
- Marco Tognon - PDoc @ LAAS-CNRS :
- Michele Furci @ LAAS-CNRS :
- Heitor Savino @ LAAS-CNRS
- Paolo Stegagno ... @ Max Planck Inst. for Biol. Cybernetics :
Current position: Professor at TUM, Munich, Germany (previously Postdoc at MIT, USA)
Current position: (2020) Postdoc at ETH-Z, Switzerland
Current position: (2017) Assistant Professor at the University of Rhode Island
Visiting and Collaborating PhD Students
- Giuseppe Silano @ University of Sannio
- Mattia Giurato @ Politech. of MIlan :
- Enrico Ferrentino @ University of Salerno
- Gabriele Nava @ Italian Inst. of Tech.
- Elisabetta Cataldi @ Univ. of Cassino and So. Lazio :
- Mostafa Mohammadi @ University of Siena :
- Sujit Rajappa @ Max Planck Inst. for Biol. Cybernetics :
- Giulia Michieletto @ University of Padova :
- José Luis Sánch... @ Madrid Polytechnic Univ. (UPM) :
- Sara Spedicato @ University of Salento
- Guido Gioioso @ Italian Inst. of Tech. / University of Siena :
- Hyunsoo Yang @ Seoul National University :
Current position: (2020) Postdoc at CTU-P, Czech Republic
PhD thesis title: Software-in-the-loop methodologies for the analysis and control design of small UAV systems
Year of PhD Obtention: 2020
PhD thesis title: Design, integration and control of multirotor UAV platforms
Year of PhD Obtention: 2020
PhD thesis title: Dynamic Programming for Optimal Planning and Control of Redundant Robot Manipulators
Year of PhD Obtention: 2020
PhD thesis title: Instantaneous Momentum-Based Control of Floating Base Systems
Year of PhD Obtention: 2020
PhD thesis title: Floating-base system arm equipped: kinematic dynamic control and planning
Year of PhD Obtention: 2017
PhD thesis title: Bilateral Aerial Tele-Manipulation: Single and Multi-Robot Approaches
Year of PhD Obtention: 2017
PhD thesis title: Towards Human-UAV Physical Interaction and FullyActuatedAerialVehicles
Year of PhD Obtention: 2017
Current position: Postdoc at University of Padova
PhD thesis title: Multi-Agent Systems in Smart Environments from sensor networks to aerial platform formations
PhD thesis file:
Year of PhD Obtention: 2017
PhD thesis title: A General Architecture for Autonomous Navigation of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Year of PhD Obtention: 2017
PhD thesis title: Robust Tracking Control for Aerial Robots
Year of PhD Obtention: 2015
Affiliated study programs
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
- 191211208 - Internship EE
- 191211219 - Master Thesis Project
- 193650999 - Masters Assignment
- 201100179 - Graduation Project
- 201400462 - Internship S&C
- 201600187 - Individual Project
- 201700173 - Aerial Robotics
- 201900194 - Research Topics I-Tech
- 201900223 - Capita Selecta Electrical Engineering
- 201900234 - Internship I-Tech
- 202001140 - Control Engineering
- 202001142 - Project S&C
- 202001434 - Internship EMSYS
- 202200116 - Capita Selecta Robotics
- 202200119 - Academic Skills Project
- 202200120 - Internship ROB
- 202200122 - MSc-Thesis Project
- 202300070 - Final Project EMSYS
- 202400658 - MSc-Thesis Project ROB / ME
Courses academic year 2023/2024
- 191211208 - Internship EE
- 191211219 - Master Thesis Project
- 201100179 - Graduation Project
- 201400462 - Internship S&C
- 201600017 - Final Project Preparation
- 201600187 - Individual Project
- 201700173 - Control for UAVs
- 201900194 - Research Topics I-Tech
- 201900195 - Final Project I-Tech
- 201900200 - Final Project EMSYS
- 201900223 - Capita Selecta Electrical Engineering
- 201900234 - Internship I-Tech
- 202000670 - Bachelor Assignment
- 202001140 - Control Engineering
- 202001142 - Project S&C
- 202001434 - Internship EMSYS
- 202200120 - Internship ROB
- 202200122 - MSc-Thesis Project
- 202300070 - Final Project EMSYS
- 202300342 - Internship ROB/I-TECH
- 202300349 - Internship ROB/I-TECH
Current projects

EU H2020 Aerial-CORE (2019-2023)
Local Coordinator for the University of Twente
The Aerial-CORE project aims at developing novel aerial manipulating robotics technologies for the inspection and maintenance of infrastructures in strict collaboration with human workers.

ANR JCJC MuRoPhen (2018-2022)
The objective of this research project is to deeply investigate the problem of monitoring a dynamic phenomenon using a team of multiple mobile robots. The sensor-equipped robots will have the task of tracking and registering the phenomenon, and storing its evolution through a stream of data. In the system we envision, the robots will mutually localize themselves, autonomously control their own motion, and cooperatively perform the task at hand in an effective, reliable and safe manner.

ANR The Flying Coworker (2019-2022)
Ideator and Principal Investigator
The goal of the Flying Co-Worker project is to extend the capabilities of aerial manipulators and make them able to physically interact with human workers a active in elevated places. We investigate this problem at three levels:
- mechatronics design,
- safe, robust, and predictive control and perception algorithms
- human-robot interaction and collaboration.

LAAS-CNRS MBZIRC 2020 (2018-2020)
The goal of this project is inspired by applications related to construction. In this project, a heterogeneous team of UAVs and Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) have to cooperatively build a pre-defined structure based on different types of brick-shaped objects that have to be autonomously located, picked, transported and assembled.

FlyCrane (2019-2020)
The goal of this project is join parallel/cable-driven robots and aerial robots with the conception, development and outdoor demonstration of a multi-robot aerial system capable of cooperative manipulate large objects using multiple cables.

EU H2020 AEROARMS (2015 - 2019 (4y))
Local Coordinator for LAAS-CNRS
The goal of the AeRoArms project is developing an aerial robotic system with multiple arms and advanced manipulation capabilities for application in industrial inspection and maintenance.

FIRE-RS (2016 - 2019 (3y))
FireRS (acronym for wildFIRE Remote Sensing) aims to provide to fire managers and/or coordination centers a innovative tool for early detection and wildfire management via remote sensing improving the current state-of-art.

EU H2020 ARCAS (2011-2015)
The ARCAS project proposes the development and experimental validation of the first cooperative free-flying robot system for assembly and structure construction.

University of Twente
Carré (building no. 15), room C3609
Hallenweg 23
7522 NH Enschede
University of Twente
Carré C3609
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede