Gréanne Leeftink is an assistant professor within the department Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems, in the CHOIR research center at the University of Twente (Enschede).

Gréannes research focus is on healthcare process optimization, with a specific interest in cancer care and diagnostic processes, using Operations Management/Operations Research techniques.

In 2017, GrĂ©anne completed her PhD with CHOIR, as well as University Medical Center Utrecht. As part of her PhD program, she visited Rochester’s Mayo Clinic (USA) for a 3 month research visit, on a scholarship of Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds. The focus of her PhD was on the optimization of the shared resources involved in oncology related health care processes, based on a personal NWO talent grant, and resulted in her thesis Why wait? Organizing integrated processes in cancer care.


  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Diagnosis
    • Esophageal Cancer
    • Laboratory
    • Survival
    • Therapeutic Procedure
  • Nursing and Health Professions

    • Time
    • Hospital
  • Computer Science

    • Scheduling




Bed census prediction combining expert opinion and patient statistics (2025)Omega, 133. Article 103262. Bos, H., Baas, S., Boucherie, R. J., Hans, E. W. & Leeftink, G. pooling of NICU nurses in the Dutch neonatal network: a simulation-optimization study (2025)Health care management science. Article 100695 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Leeftink, G., Morris, K., Antonius, T., de Vries, W. & Hans, E.


A prospective cost analysis model for financial impact of Connected Care interventions on hospitals’ budget (2024)Health policy and technology, 13(6). Article 100926. Lok-Visser, J., Leenen, J. P. L., den Hertog, H. M., van Vemde, G., Rekveldt, J., van den Berg, J. W. K., Patijn, G. A., Cornelisse-Vermaat, J. R., Leeftink, G. & Maring, J. G. outpatient scheduling at a nephrology clinic: prospective evaluation of patient pre-assessment and its corresponding adaptive scheduling strategy (2024)BMC health services research, 24. Article 1145. Klaas, R., Lok-Visser, J., Doornebal, J., Roelofs, T., Rachuba, S. & Leeftink, G. robust scheduling of stochastic knapsack arrivals (2024)Computers & operations research, 167. Article 106641. Bos, H., Boucherie, R. J., Hans, E. W. & Leeftink, G. van logistiek in de VVT (2024)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. ICT&health. Boucherie, R. J. & Leeftink, G.


Outpatient clinic scheduling with limited waiting area capacity (2023)Journal of the Operational Research Society, 74(2), 540-561. Otten, M., Dijkstra, S., Leeftink, G., Kamphorst, B., Olde Meierink, A., Heinen, A., Bijlsma, R. & Boucherie, R. J.


Limited waiting areas in outpatient clinics: An intervention to incorporate the effect of bridging times in blueprint schedules (2022)BMJ Open Quality, 11, 1-10. Article e001703. Dijkstra, S., Otten, M., Leeftink, G., Kamphorst, B., Olde Meierink, A., Heinen, A., Bijlsma, R. & Boucherie, R. J. the booking horizon in healthcare clinics considering no-shows and cancellations (2022)International journal of production research, 60(10), 3201-3218. Leeftink, G., Martinez, G., Hans, E. W., Sir, M. Y. & Pasupathy, K. S.

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