Gréanne Leeftink is an assistant professor within the department Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems, in the CHOIR research center at the University of Twente (Enschede).

Gréannes research focus is on healthcare process optimization, with a specific interest in cancer care and diagnostic processes, using Operations Management/Operations Research techniques.

In 2017, Gréanne completed her PhD with CHOIR, as well as University Medical Center Utrecht. As part of her PhD program, she visited Rochester’s Mayo Clinic (USA) for a 3 month research visit, on a scholarship of Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds. The focus of her PhD was on the optimization of the shared resources involved in oncology related health care processes, based on a personal NWO talent grant, and resulted in her thesis Why wait? Organizing integrated processes in cancer care.


  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Diagnosis
    • Laboratory
    • Survival
  • Nursing and Health Professions

    • Time
    • Hospital
    • Patient
    • Outpatient Department
  • Computer Science

    • Scheduling




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