I develop and teach academic skills workshops, such as the Academic Publishing Bootcamp, the Science Writing course, and the Presentation Skills Bootcamp for PhD candidates. I rely on my experience as a cell biological researcher and my teaching experience in the VS to develop these courses. Additionally, I support PhD candidates individually in developing their academic skills. If you would like individual support, please contact me at a.h.valster@utwente.nl


In the past, I have worked as a cell biological researcher in the USA. I have studied the process of cell division in living plant cells for my PhD project. I then went on to study signal transduction processes during the development of cancer in mammalian cells, using molecular biology techniques. Currently, I am involved in teaching cell biology within the TNW faculty, and I also support PhD candidates while they develop their academic skills.

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University of Twente

Vrijhof (building no. 47), room 511
De Veldmaat 5
7522 NM Enschede

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