
  • Chemical Engineering

    • Fouling
    • Reverse Osmosis
    • Water
    • Ultrafiltration
    • Nanofiltration
    • Filtration
  • Engineering

    • Membrane
  • Chemistry

    • Water Type


I received my PhD in Chemical Engineering at the University of Twente in October 1995 on the stability of supported liquid membranes. After one year working in Wageningen on applications of membranes in the food industry, I returned to Twente in December 1996 to work as researcher at the European Membrane Institute (EMI) Twente ( In 2007 I returned to academics, working in the field of water purification with membranes, with a special focus on membrane fouling. Nowadays, this is still my main research topic. One day per week I work as membrane expert at Wetsus, european centre of excellence for sustainable water technology (, located in Leeuwarden.


Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022


Separation of monovalent salts by reverse osmosis modules: A 2D mass transport model based on solution friction theory (2025)Desalination, 600. Article 118429. Kimani, E. M., Kemperman, A. J. B., Porada, S., Biesheuvel, P. M. & van der Meer, W. G. J. the viability of bio-based adsorbents for PFAS removal (2025)Chemical engineering science, 306. Article 121215. Roman, J. B., Kemperman, A. J. B., van der Meer, W. G. J. & Wood, J. A. of Particulate Transport on Filtration Experiments in a Vertical Filter Vessel (2025)Industrial & engineering chemistry research (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Roman, J. B., Kemperman, A. J. B., van der Meer, W. G. J. & Wood, J. A. Concentrate Recirculation to Activated Sludge: Balancing Organic Micropollutant Removal and Salt Retention (2025)ACS Environmental Science and Technology Water, 5(1), 284-299. Wendt, H. D., Jonkers, W. A., Kemperman, A. J. B., Langenhoff, A. A. M., Lammertink, R. G. H., van der Meer, W. G. J. & de Vos, W. M.


Enzymatic and non-enzymatic removal of organic micropollutants with spent mushroom substrate of Agaricus bisporus (2024)Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 108(1). Article 301. van Brenk, B., Kleijburg, F. E. L., Kemperman, A. J. B., van der Meer, W. G. J. & Wösten, H. A. B. repository for manuscript "Separation of monovalent salts by reverse osmosis module: A 2D mass transport model based on solution friction theory" (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Kimani, E., Kemperman, A. J. B., Porada, S., Biesheuvel, M. & van der Meer, W. G. J. of textile dyes by spent mushroom substrate of Agaricus bisporus (2024)Bioresource technology, 402. Article 130807. van Brenk, B., Kruidhof, L., Kemperman, A. J. B., van der Meer, W. G. J. & Wösten, H. A. B. hybrid process combining ion exchange resin and bipolar membrane electrodialysis for reverse osmosis remineralization (2024)Desalination, 573. Article 117209. Abusultan, A. A. M., Wood, J. A., Sainio, T., Kemperman, A. J. B. & van der Meer, W. G. J.


A hybrid ion exchange resin - bipolar membrane electrodialysis process for reverse osmosis permeate remineralization (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Abusultan, A. A. of an Intermediate Polyelectrolyte Layer for Improved Interfacial Polymerization on PAI Hollow Fiber Membranes (2023)Membranes, 13(8). Article 741. Restrepo, M. A., Mohammadifakhr, M., Kamp, J., Trzaskus, K., Kemperman, A. J. B., de Grooth, J., Roesink, H. D. W., Roth, H. & Wessling, M. exchange resin – Bipolar membrane electrodialysis hybrid process for reverse osmosis permeate remineralization: Cation exchange resins equilibria and kinetics (2023)Separation and purification technology, 317. Article 123798. Abusultan, A. A. M., Wood, J. A., Sainio, T., Kemperman, A. J. B. & Meer, W. G. J. v. d. exchange resin – Bipolar membrane electrodialysis hybrid process for reverse osmosis permeate Remineralization: Preparative ion exchange chromatography for Ca2+ and Mg2+ recovery (2023)Separation and purification technology, 317. Article 123799. Abusultan, A. A. M., Wood, J. A., Sainio, T., Kemperman, A. J. B. & Meer, W. G. J. v. d. scaling in groundwater reverse osmosis: Minimizing antiscalant consumption (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Mangal, M. N.


The influence of feedwater pH on membrane charge ionization and ion rejection by reverse osmosis: An experimental and theoretical study (2022)Journal of membrane science, 660. Article 120800. Kimani, E. M., Pranić, M., Porada, S., Kemperman, A. J. B., Ryzhkov, I. I., Meer, W. G. J. v. d. & Biesheuvel, P. M. of a smart dosing pump algorithm in identifying real-time optimum dose of antiscalant in reverse osmosis systems (2022)Journal of membrane science, 658. Article 120717. Mangal, M. N., Yangali-Quintanilla, V. A., Salinas-Rodriguez, S. G., Dusseldorp, J., Blankert, B., Kemperman, A. J. B., Schippers, J. C., Kennedy, M. D. & van der Meer, W. G. J.

Research profiles


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room ME323
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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On Thursdays working at Wetsus, Leeuwarden.

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