Ton de Jong studied cognitive psychology at the University of Amsterdam and received a PhD in technological science from the Eindhoven University of Technology on the topic ‘problem solving and knowledge representation in physics for novice students.
He was full professor of the section Instructional Technology at the University of Twente, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences where he acted as head of the section Instructional Technology. Since December 2023 he is emeritus. In 2001/2002 he has also been (part-time) full professor at the Institute for Knowledge Media at the University of Tübingen (Germany). He has also worked for the Eindhoven University of Technology, Delft University of Technology, and the University of Amsterdam. He has coordinated eight EU-funded projects including the Go-Lab project.
He is (co-)author of over 100 journal papers and over 90 book chapters and was the (co-) editor of a number of books. He has three publications in Science. In 2023 he received the EARLI oeuvre award. In 2024 he was awarded a honorary doctorate at the University of Tartu (Estonia).
He is former associate editor for Instructional Science and the Journal of Engineering Education. He is on the Editorial Boards for the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, International Journal of Science Education, Journal of Computers in Education, and Smart Learning Environments. He has been on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Educational Research, Educational Technology Research & Development (ETR&D), Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Educational Psychologist, Learning & Instruction, the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, , Contemporary Educational Psychology, and Educational Research Review.
Ton de Jong is a fellow of AERA and the ISLS and is appointed member of the Academia Europaea.
For more information see his personal webpage.
For more info about Ton de Jong on the 'Featured Scientists' page, click below:
- Netherlands Educational Research Association (VOR)
- Inter-university Centre for Educational Research (ICO)
- The EU Network of Excellence Kaleidoscope
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
- The International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)
Social Sciences
- Learning
- Students
- Inquiry
Computer Science
- Inquiry Learning
- Education
- Tools
- Research
- Groups
- problem solving in science
- inquiry (computer-simulation based) learning environments
- learners’ cognitive processes
- instructional design
- man-machine interfaces
Other contributions
de Jong, T., Lazonder, A. W., Chinn, C. A., Fischer, F., Gobert, J., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Koedinger, K. R., Krajcik, J. S., Kyza, E. A., Linn, M. C., Pedaste, M., Scheiter, K., & Zacharia, Z. C. (in press). Beyond inquiry or direct instruction: Pressing issues for designing impactful science learning opportunities, Educational Research Review,
Şişman, B., K., Steinrücke, J. & de Jong, T. (in press). Does giving students feedback on their concept maps through an on-screen avatar or a humanoid robot make a difference? International Journal of Social Robotics.
de Araujo, A., Papadopoulos, P, McKenney, S., & de Jong, T. (in press). A learning analytics-based collaborative conversational agent to foster productive dialogue in inquiry learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
Kuang, X., Eysink, T. H. S., & de Jong, T. (2024). Presenting domain information or self-exploration to foster hypothesis generation in simulation-based inquiry learning. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 61(1), 70-102.
de Jong, T., Lazonder, A. W., Chinn, C. A., Fischer, F., Gobert, J., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Koedinger, K. R., Krajcik, J. S., Kyza, E. A., Linn, M. C., Pedaste, M., Scheiter, K., & Zacharia, Z. C. (2023). Let’s talk evidence - The case for combining inquiry-based and direct instruction. Educational Research Review, 100536.
Steinrücke, J., Veldkamp, B.P.M., & de Jong, T. (2023). The effect of self-reflection on information usage and information literacy in a digital serious game. Computers & Education Open, 4, 100133.
Siantuba, J., Nkhata, L.. & de Jong, T. (2023). The impact of an online inquiry-based learning environment addressing misconceptions on students' performance in the topic of circular motion. Smart Learning Environments, 10, 22.
de Araujo, A., Papadopoulos, P, McKenney, S., & de Jong, T. (2023). Automated coding of student chats, a trans-topic and language approach. Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence, 4, 100123.
Maureen, I., van der Meij, H., & de Jong, T. (2022). Evaluating storytelling activities for early literacy development. International Journal of Early Years Education, 30(4), 679-696.
Eshuis, E., ter Vrugte, J., & de Jong, T. (2022). Supporting reflection to improve learning from self-generated concept maps. Metacognition & Learning, 17 , 691-713.
Kuang, X., Eysink, T., & de Jong, T. (2022). Effects of providing domain information on facilitating hypothesis generation in inquiry learning. The Journal of Educational Research,115, 285–297.
Steinrücke, J., Veldkamp, B.P.M., & de Jong, T. (2023). The effect of self-reflection on information usage and information literacy in a digital serious game. Computers & Education Open, 4, 100133.
Siantuba, J., Nkhata, L.. & de Jong, T. (2023). The impact of an online inquiry-based learning environment addressing misconceptions on students' performance in the topic of circular motion. Smart Learning Environments, 10, 22.
de Araujo, A., Papadopoulos, P, McKenney, S., & de Jong, T. (2023). Automated coding of student chats, a trans-topic and language approach. Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence, 4, 100123.
Maureen, I., van der Meij, H., & de Jong, T. (2022). Evaluating storytelling activities for early literacy development. International Journal of Early Years Education, 30(4), 679-696.
Eshuis, E., ter Vrugte, J., & de Jong, T. (2022). Supporting reflection to improve learning from self-generated concept maps. Metacognition & Learning, 17 , 691-713.
Kuang, X., Eysink, T., & de Jong, T. (2022). Effects of providing domain information on facilitating hypothesis generation in inquiry learning. The Journal of Educational Research,115, 285–297.
Dmoshinkaia, N., Gijlers, H., & de Jong, T. (2022). Giving feedback on peers’ concept maps as a learning experience: does the quality of the reviewed concept maps matter? Learning Environments Research, 25, 823-840.
Hovardas, T., Zacharia, Z.C., Xenofontos, N., de Jong, T., de Jong (2022). How many words are enough? Investigating the effect of different configurations of a software scaffold for formulating scientific hypotheses in inquiry oriented contexts? Instructional Science, 50, 361-390
Dmoshinkaia, N., Gijlers, H., & de Jong, T. (2022). Does learning from giving feedback depend on the product being reviewed: concept maps or answers to test questions? Journal of Science Education and Technology, 31, 166-176.
Eshuis, E., ter Vrugte, J., Anjewierden, & de Jong, T. (2022). Expert examples and prompted reflection in learning with self-generated concept maps. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 38, 350-365.
van Riesen, S.A.N., Gijlers, H, Anjewierden, A., & de Jong, T. (2022). The influence of prior knowledge on the effectiveness of guided experiment design. Interactive learning Environments, 30, 17-33.
Rodríguez-Triana, M.J., Prieto, L.P., Ley, T., Gillet, D., & de Jong, T. (2021). ADA for IBL: Lessons learned in aligning learning design and analytics for inquiry-based learning orchestration. Journal of Learning Analytics, 8, 22-50.
Kroeze, K., Van den Berg, S., Veldkamp, B., & de Jong, T. (2021). Automated assessment of and feedback on concept maps during inquiry learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 14, 460-473.
Dmoshinkaia, N., Gijlers, H., & de Jong, T. (2021). Giving feedback on peers’ concept maps in an inquiry learning context: the effect of providing assessment criteria. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 30, 420-430.
Dmoshinkaia, N., Gijlers, H., & de Jong, T. (2021). Learning from reviewing peers’ concept maps in an inquiry context: commenting or grading, which is better? Studies in Educational Evaluation, 68, 100959.
de Jong, T., Gillet, D., Rodríguez-Triana, M. J., Hovardas, T., Dikke, D., Doran, R., Dziabenko, O., Koslowsky, J., Korventausta, M., Law, E., Pedaste, M., Tasiopoulou, E., Vidal, G. Zacharia, Z.C. (2021). Understanding teacher design practices for digital inquiry-based science learning: the case of Go-Lab, Educational Technology Research & Development, 69, 417-444.
Rodríguez-Triana, M. J., Prieto, L.P., Ley, T., de Jong, T., & Gillet, D. (2020). Social practices in teacher knowledge creation and innovation adoption: a large-scale study in an online instructional design community for inquiry learning. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 15, 445-467.
Rodríguez-Triana, M.J., Prieto, L.P., Ley, T., Gillet, D., & de Jong, T. (2020) Combining the Knowledge Appropriation Model and epistemic networks to understand co-creation and adoption of learning designs using log data. Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa, 74, 190-205.
Vilarta Rodriguez, L., van der Veen, J.T., Anjewierden, A., van der Berg, E., & de Jong, T. (2020). Designing inquiry-based learning environments for introductory quantum physics education. Physics Education, 55.
Xenofontis, N. Hovardas, T., Zacharias, Z., & de Jong, T. (2020). Inquiry-based learning and retrospective action: Problematizing student work in a computer-supported learning environment. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 36, 12-28.
van der Graaf, J., Segers, E. & de Jong, T. (2020). The effect of integration and signaling on inquiry learning and knowledge acquisition. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 62, 101890
Eysink, T.H.S., Van Dijk, A., & de Jong, T. (2020). BE COOL!: A digital learning environment to challenge and socially include gifted learners. Educational Technology Research & Development, 68, 2373-2393.
Ozgur Kapici, H., Akcay, H., & de Jong, T. (2020). How do different laboratory environments influence students’ attitudes towards science courses and laboratories? Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 52, 534-549.
Steinrücke, J., Veldkamp, B.P.M., & de Jong, T. (2020). Information literacy skills assessment in digital crisis management training. Frontiers in Education, 5.
Kuang, X., Eysink, T., & de Jong, T. (2020). Effects of providing partial hypotheses as a support for simulation-based inquiry learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 36, 487-501.
Maureen, I., van der Meij, H., & de Jong, T. (2020). Enhancing storytelling activities to support early (digital) literacy development in early childhood education. International Journal of Early Childhood, 52, 55-76.
Van Dijk, A., Eysink, T.H.S., & de Jong, T. (2020). Supporting cooperative dialogue in heterogeneous groups in elementary education. Small Group Research, 51, 464-491
Steinrücke, J., Veldkamp, B.P.M., & de Jong, T. (2019). Determining the effect of stress on analytical skills performance in digital decision games: Towards an unobtrusive measure of experienced stress in gameplay scenarios. Computers in Human Behavior, 99, 144-155.
Kroeze, K., van den Berg, S.M., Lazonder, A.W., Veldkamp, B., & de Jong, T. (2019). Automated feedback can improve hypothesis quality. Frontiers in Education, 3(116)
Eshuis, E., ter Vrugte, J., Anjewierden, A., Bollen, L., Sikken, J., & de Jong, T. (2019). Improving the quality of vocational students’ collaboration and knowledge acquisition through instruction and joint reflection. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 14, 53-76.
Ozgur Kapici, H., Akcay, H., & de Jong, T. (2019). Using hands-on and virtual laboratories alone or together―which works better for acquiring knowledge and skills? Journal of Science Education and Technology, 28, 231-250.
de Jong, T. (2019). Moving towards engaged learning in STEM domains; there is no simple answer but clearly a road ahead. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35, 153-167.
Sergis, S., Sampson, D.G., Pelliccione, L., Rodríguez-Triana, M.J., Gillet, D., de Jong, T. (2019). Using educational data from teaching and learning to inform teachers’ reflective educational design in inquiry-based STEM education. Computers in Human Behavior, 92, 724-738.
Research profiles
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
Courses academic year 2023/2024
Current projects
Learning quantum physics; learning impossibilities the experiential way
Quantum physics was recently added as a new and required subject in the central examination for pre-university students in the Netherlands who select physics as part of their curriculum. Students, however, have deep conceptual problems with quantum physics because its phenomena are counterintuitive, applications are unknown, and earlier acquired classical physics knowledge is often no longer valid. In this project, we develop a new method for teaching quantum physics that starts from inquiry learning with interactive virtual laboratories that visualise quantum physics phenomena. This inquiry phase is followed by a peer tutoring phase and a class discussion in which key situations from the inquiry phase are further discussed and explained. Duration: 2019-2021
21st century skills for vocational technical students; a high-tech approach
There is a growing need in our society for highly qualified vocational technicians who not only possess traditional professional skills, but also are able to be reflective and to work in teams on complex problems. The current project focuses on the acquisition of these additional (21st century) skills for students in secondary vocational technical education, specifically skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and reflection (i.e., metacognition). Students will acquire these skills in the context of engaging in inquiry learning with virtual science laboratories, and they will be supported in acquiring these skills by a set of dedicated, technology-based, cognitive tools. Duration: 2016-2021
I experiment so I learn; language in the science lab
De kennis van leerlingen in het vmbo laat een dalende trend zien in de PISA-score voor natuurwetenschappen, en veel vmbo-leerlingen hebben moeite om de teksten uit het lesboek te begrijpen. Steeds minder leerlingen kiezen voor een technisch profiel, maar landelijk gezien is er een tekort aan technisch geschoold personeel. Door de leerstof zelf te ervaren door middel van proefjes waarin de cyclus van hypotheses opstellen, experimenteren en concluderen wordt doorlopen, kan de tekst uit de methode op meer interactieve, praktische en betekenisvolle manier worden verwerkt. Dit kan zowel de kennis van, als motivatie voor het vak ten goede komen. In de meest gebruikte schoolmethode in het voortgezet onderwijs (Nova) zijn daarom veel proefjes verwerkt, maar scholen komen er vaak niet aan toe deze te implementeren in de lessen. Een digitale oplossing gebaseerd op online laboratoria, gecombineerd met online instructieve teksten en interactieve ondersteuning (scaffolds) met de juiste docentinstructie zou uitkomst kunnen bieden. In het huidige project bundelen we de krachten van de hogeschool Saxion en de universiteit Twente, uitgeverij Malmberg, en het Pius X college, met inzage vanuit leesmotivatie-onderzoek (Stichting Lezen) om met behulp van het Go-Lab ecosysteem ( een leeromgeving te creëren voor vmbo-leerlingen: NovaLab. We streven ernaar om een evidence-based omgeving voor vmbo-leerlingen met bijbehorend docentmateriaal te realiseren, waarbij aandacht is voor de integratie van taal (begrijpend lezen) en wetenschappelijk denken (hypotheses vormen, experimenteren, concluderen, vakspecifieke kennis).
Finished projects
Go-Lab is an IP on learning from remote and virtual labs. The Go-Lab repository can be found at Here you can watch a Go-Lab smart show. A video showing one of our virtual labs can be seen here. And an interview and promo about Go-Lab (in Dutch) can be found here. Duration: 2012-2016.
A European Commission funded collaborative project under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Funding Scheme. It’s main objective is to adapt and implement the successful Go-Lab Learning Ecosystem in Africa, first piloting in 3 countries and then scaling up to more users and countries. GO-GA will accelerate the adoption of richer learning environments and improved learning outcomes in science and technology, by deploying contextually engaging digital content as well as the capacity development of teachers across Africa. Duration: 2018-2020
The Data2Game project investigates how, and to what extent, the efficacy of computerised training games can be enhanced by tailoring the training scenarios to the individual player. The research is performed in close collaboration with serious-game developers at Thales/T-Xchange and with Brandweer Twente for the purpose of enhancing the training efficacy of firefighters. Duration: 2018-2021
Next-Lab is the H2020 follow-up of Go-Lab. Next-Lab is an Innovation action meaning that the its focus is on impact and implementation. In Next-Lab we will extend Go-lab with features for collaboration and modelling by students, also a ePortfolio facility will be developed. Next-Lab will include primary schools and pre-service teacher training departments. Duration: 2017-2019
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