I specialize in data-focused research, with a particular emphasis on data science and artificial intelligence in a privacy preserving environment. My research is primarily focused on agriculture and food systems, including the development of data infrastructures and customisedĀ machine learning algorithms that integrate data from various sources using semantic web technologies.


  • Food Science

    • Food Safety
    • Food Supply
    • Food Product
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Citizen
    • Investigation
    • Plant
  • Computer Science

    • Database
    • Visualization



Data driven food fraud vulnerability assessment using Bayesian Network: Spices supply chain, Article 110616 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Bouzembrak, Y., Liu, N., Mu, W., Gavai, A., Manning, L., Butler, F. & Marvin, H. J. P. citizen science for monitoring urban forageable plants, Article giae007, 1-3. Soares, F. M., Ferreira Pires, L., Garcia, M. C., Bouzembrak, Y., Coradin, L., Ghilardi-Lopes, N. P., Rangel Silva, R., Martins de Carvalho, A., Moreira dos Santos Maculan, B. C., Koffler, S., Montedo, U. B., Pignatari Drucker, D., Santiago, R., Gavai, A., Peres de Carvalho, M. C., da Silva Lima, A. C., Elias Gabriel, H. D., Mendonça de França, S. G., Reis de Almeida, K., ā€¦ Saraiva, A. M. science data on urban forageable plants: a case study inĀ Brazil. Soares, F. M., Pires, L. F., Garcia, M. C., Coradin, L., Ghilardi-Lopes, N. P., Silva, R. R., Martins de Carvalho, A., Gavai, A., Bouzembrak, Y., Moreira dos Santos Maculan, B. C., Koffler, S., Montedo, U. B., Pignatari Drucker, D., Santiago, R., Carvalho, M. C. P. d., da Silva Lima, A. C., Elias Gabriel, H. D., Mendonça de França, S. G., Reis de Almeida, K., ā€¦ Saraiva, A. M. Science Data on Urban Forageable Plants: A Case Study in Brazil. bioRxiv. Miranda Soares, F., Ferreira Pires, L., Garcia, M. C., Coradin, L., Ghilardi-Lopes, N. P., Rangel Silva, R., Martins de Carvalho, A., Gavai, A., Bouzembrak, Y., Moreira dos Santos Maculan, B. C., Koffler, S., Montedo, U. B., Pignatari Drucker, D., Santiago, R., de Carvalho, M. C., da Silva Lima, A. C., Elias Gabriel, H. D., Mendonça de França, S. G., Reis de Almeida, K., ā€¦ Saraiva, A. M. of Collaboration: the contribution of the ā€˜Pomar Urbanoā€™ initiative in promoting the monitoring, conservation, and use of fruit-bearing plants in Brazilian cities. Miranda Soares, F., Saraiva, A. M., Rangel Silva, R., Ferreira Pires, L., Ghilardi-Lopes, N. P., Montedo, U. B., Moreira dos Santos Maculan, B. C., Martins de Carvalho, A., Koffler, S., Souza, T., Coradin, L., Pignatari Drucker, D., Santiago, R., Garcia, M. C., Bouzembrak, Y., Gavai, A. & Lanza, T.
Applying federated learning to combat food fraud in food supply chains, Article 46. Gavai, A., Bouzembrak, Y., Mu, W., Martin, F., Kaliyaperumal, R., van Soest, J., Choudhury, A., Heringa, J., Dekker, A. & Marvin, H. J. P. Correction: Applying federated learning to combat food fraud in food supply chains: Applying federated learning to combat food fraud in food supply chains (npj Science of Food, (2023), 7, 1, (46), 10.1038/s41538-023-00220-3), Article 57. Gavai, A., Bouzembrak, Y., Mu, W., Martin, F., Kaliyaperumal, R., van Soest, J., Choudhury, A., Heringa, J., Dekker, A. & Marvin, H. J. P. Implications Towards Human-Centric Semantic Recommenders for Sustainable Food ConsumptionIn Advances in Conceptual Modeling - ER 2023 Workshops, CMLS, CMOMM4FAIR, EmpER, JUSMOD, OntoCom, QUAMES, and SmartFood, Proceedings (pp. 312-328). Springer Nature (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Sedrakyan, G., Gavai, A. & van Hillegersberg, J. fraud detection using explainable artificial intelligence, Article e13387 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Buyuktepe, O., Catal, C., Kar, G., Bouzembrak, Y., Marvin, H. & Gavai, A.
A federated learning approach to data sharing in a food supply chain. Research Square Publications. Gavai, A., Bouzembrak, Y., Mu, W., Martin, F., Kaliyaperumal, R., Soest, J. v., Choudhury, A., Heringa, J., Dekker, A. & Marvin, H.

Research profiles

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

My department is situated within the High-tech Business and Entrepreneurship (HBE) department, which is part of the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences. HBE is a renowned department that focuses on the intersection of business, technology, and social sciences. Through innovative research and education programs, we aim to make a significant impact in the fields of business and healthcare by collaborating across disciplines. My work spans several areas, including smart industry, supply chain management, transportation and logistics management, innovation management, healthcare operations, technology-based entrepreneurship, purchasing and supply management, cyber security, financial engineering, HRM, change management, and leadership.

The video of federated learning data train can be found hereĀ  Federated Learning in Food Safety


University of Twente

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7522 NH Enschede

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