Andrew Kruczkiewicz is a PhD candidate at ITC. He is also a Senior Staff Researcher at Columbia University, at the Climate School within the International Research Institute for Climate and Society.

Also within Columbia's Climate School, Andrew is Co-Director of the Earth Network on Disaster Resilience entitled, Sustainable and Resilient Living in an Era of Increasing Disasters Network.

He is also Faculty Lecturer within the Climate School, in the Climate and Society graduate program.

Andrew is Science Adviser at the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre.

Research Interests:

• Developing and refining methods for integrating earth observations into decision making focusing on disaster risk reduction, public health applications and humanitarian action.

• Validating and intercomparison of remotely sensed environmental and climatic datasets, focusing on rainfall (forecast and observed), temperature (heat waves and cold waves), flood detection (riverine, flash flood, coastal flooding) and land cover.

• Exploring appropriate forms of governance structures for climate services and understanding how they impact various demographic groups.

• Strengthening the role of perception and cognition in the communication of climate and weather risk in the context of early warning systems, vulnerability assessments and humanitarian decision making.


  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Flood
    • Flash Flood
    • Ecuador
    • Confidence
    • Event
    • Knowledge
    • Principal Components Analysis
    • Report




Data, guidelines and ethics for managing flood risk when people are already forcibly displaced (2024)Environmental research letters, 20(1). Article 011001. Hawker, L., Trigg, M. A., Kruczkiewicz, A., Bernhofen, M., Katsi, L., Paterson, R., Speight, L., Van Den Hoek, J. & Balfour, N.


Multiform flood risk in a rapidly changing world: what we do not do, what we should and why it matters (2022)Environmental research letters, 17(8). Article 081001. Kruczkiewicz, A., Cian, F., Monasterolo, I., Di Baldassarre, G., Caldas, A., Royz, M., Glasscoe, M., Ranger, N. & van Aalst, M. comparison of social vulnerability indices specific to flooding in Ecuador: principal component analysis (PCA) and expert knowledge (2022)International journal of disaster risk reduction, 73, 1-21. Article 102897. Bucherie, A., Hultquist, C., Adamo, S., Neely, C., Ayala, F., Bazo, J. & Kruczkiewicz, A.


Development of a flash flood confidence index from disaster reports and geophysical susceptibility (2021)Remote sensing, 13(14). Article 2764. Kruczkiewicz, A., Bucherie, A., Ayala, F., Hultquist, C., Vergara, H., Mason, S., Bazo, J. & de Sherbinin, A.

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