Hi. I am from Agra, India. I am a physicist and Geoinformation and Remote Sensing scientist with an M.Sc. in Physics from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali (2014), and an M.Sc. in GIScience and Earth Observation (GFM) from ITC (2018). I am now pursuing a Ph.D. with Prof. dr. ir. Alfred Stein and Dr. Ling Chang in SAR interferometry with focus on improving the InSAR parameter estimation using time series modelling and on developing robust disaster prediction models using precursory surface deformations. My research interests include light-matter interaction, image processing, Radar Remote Sensing, geodesy, and scientific computing. I have a passion for experimental physics, Newtonian mechanics, electromagnetism, radar data science and for developing tools dedicated towards environmental protection and disaster impact reduction. I have, in the past, been involved in projects related to Environment Management with IISc Bangalore and also for the development of efficient fleet management systems with the Logistics industry. My hobbies include doing yoga, playing football, reading non-fiction, socializing and hiking.


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