Marcella Hoogeboom currently works as an assistant professor at the section Educational Science & Technology. She obtained a Master of Science degree in business administration at the UT (cum laude/with highest distinction) and is interested in objectively measuring organizational behavior and learning using a video-filming method including the use of wearable sensor technology.
Her main research interests include:
Leader-follower dynamics
Team routine behavioral patterns and dynamics
Team learning
Facilitation of learning at the workplace
Her research focusses on understanding how team dynamics affect team performance, using field data collected in several private and public organizations. She finds it fascinating why some teams show high levels of learning and are very effective, while other, seemingly similar teams, are less effective. Current research questions include: How can we facilitate high levels of team learning and continuous improvement?; Which team dynamics positively and negatively affect team effectiveness and learning?; How can teams effectively exchange knowledge and information?
- Behavior
- Research
Computer Science
- Teams
- Effective Leader
- Models
- Leader Behavior
- Skin Conductance
Nursing and Health Professions
- Health Care Personnel
Other contributions
- Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M. & Wilderom, C.P.M. 2017. A Complex Adaptive Systems Approach to Real-life Team Interaction Patterns, Task Context, Information Sharing and Effectiveness. Conditional Acceptance at Group and Organization Management.
- Endedijk, M. D., Hoogeboom, A. M. G. M., Groenier, M., de Laat, S. & Van Sas, J. (2018). Using sensor technology to capture the structure and content of team interactions in medical emergency teams during stressful moments. Frontline learning research, 6(3): 123-147.
- Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M., Saeed, S. A., Noordzij, M. L. & Wilderom, C.P.M. Healthy Physiological Variability Accompanying Relational Behaviors of Effective Leaders: A Triangulated Field Study of Skin Conductance, Video-based Behaviors and Surveys. Paper presented at the 77th Annual Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, United States of America.
- Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M. & Wilderom, C.P.M. 2016. New Effective Leader-Behavior Insights through Combining Skin Conductance with Video-coded Field Behaviors. In A.J. Spink et al. (Eds.). Measuring Behavior 2016: 136-139. ISBN 978-1-873769-59-1
- Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M. & Wilderom, C.P.M. 2016. Comparing Effective Leader- and Followership Behaviors: A Video-based, Multi-level Field Study. Paper presented at the 30th Annual British Academy of Management Conference, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
- Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M. & Wilderom, C.P.M. 2017. Effects and Antecedents of Routine Behavioral Patterns of Team Interaction: A Video-based Analysis. Paper presented at the 77th Annual Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, United States of America.
- Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M. & Wilderom, C.P.M. 2015. Integrating two leadership models: Augmentation effects with initiating structure. Paper presented at the 75th Annual Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M. & Wilderom, C.P.M. 2015. Integrating two leadership models: The value of initiating structure. Paper presented at the 17th Annual International Leadership Association's Global Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M. & Wilderom, C.P.M. 2015. Effective Leader Behaviors in Regularly Held Staff Meetings: Surveyed vs. Videotaped and Video-Coded Observations. In J.A. Allen, N. Lehmann-Willenbrock, & S.G. Rogelberg (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Meeting Science: pp. 381-412. Cambridge University Press: UK.
- De Vocht, H.M., Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M., van Niekerk, B, & Den Ouden, M.E.M. 2015. The Impact of Individualized Interaction on the Quality of Life of Elderly Dependent on Care as a Result of Dementia: A Study with a Pre-Post Design. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders, 39 (5-6), 272-280.
- Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M. & Wilderom, C.P.M. 2012. Behavioral Dynamics (in Staff Meetings): What Patterns Lead To Success? In A.J. Spink, F. Grieco, O.E. Krips, L.W.S. Loijens, L.P.J.J. Noldus, and P.H. Zimmerman (Eds.), Proceedings of Measuring Behavior: pp. 314 -318.
- Michel-Verkerke, M. B., & Hoogeboom, A. M. G. M. 2013. Evaluation of the USE IT-questionnaire for the Evaluation of the Adoption of Electronic Patient Records by Healthcare Professionals. Methods of Information in Medicine, 52(3): 189-198.
- Michel-Verkerke, M.B., & Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M. 2012. An Electronic Patient Record in a Nursing Home: One Size Fits All? Paper presented at the HICSS-45 Hawaiian International Conference on Systems Science, Maui, Hawai.
- Hoogeboom, A. M. G. M., Wilderom, C. P. M., Nijhuis, J. & Van den Berg, P.T. 2012. Video-study of effective leader behaviors in staff meetings: Refining the augmented transformational model. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
- Hoogeboom, A. M. G. M., Wilderom, C. P. M., & Nijhuis, J. 2012. Video-study of effective leader behaviors in staff meetings: Refining the augmented transformational model. Paper presented at the 19th Annual European Academy of Management Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Michel-Verkerke, M. B., & Hoogeboom, A. M. G. M. 2011. A combined approach for the evaluation of a Healthcare Information System. Paper presented at the MIC 2011, Veldhoven, The Netherlands.
- Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M. (2014). Effectief leiderschap bij de Belastingdienst. Ronde Tafel Leiderschap Belastingdienst, Utrecht, 12 November 2014.
- Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M. (2013). Leader and follower behavior as co-created interaction process. Presentation held at the INTER.COM symposium for the Technische Universität Braunschweig on August 22, 2013.
- Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M. (2013).Using video-observation methodology to observe leader and follower behavior. Guest lecture at the Technische Universität Braunschweig on January 22, 2013.
- Hoogeboom, A.M.G.M. (2012). Behavioral dynamics of leaders (in staff and board meetings): What patterns lead to success? Presentation held for Noldus Information Technology on March 22, 2012.
Research profiles
The courses that I teach/am involved in are in the domain of Human Resource Development in the Master Educational Science & Technology (EST).
Professional Learning in Organizations – Lecturer and coordinator Theory (B3)
Team Learning at Work – Lecturer (M)
Coordinator Trending Topics
Trending Topics – Lecturer (M)
Master Thesis – Supervisor (M)
- Bachelor Thesis – Supervisor (BSc)
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
Courses academic year 2023/2024
Current projects
University of Twente
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