I have been working with great pleasure in the field of Medical Device development for over 30 years.

It started with a position at the WILMER group at TU Delft where I worked on exo-prostheses for children.

From there, I went to UTwente for my PhD research in Biomedical Engineering: development of an intramedullary leg lengthening device actuated by Shape Memory Alloy. During my research, it became clear that there was a gap between the capabilities of technology and the state of medical devices within orthopedics and trauma.

With BAAT Medical, we wanted to bridge that gap. BAAT Medical exists this year 25 years and during that time, we have developed and realized implants, orthoses, and exo-prostheses for many companies around the world.

Those 25 years of experience in Medical Device design, the global network of Medical device companies and related companies and the understanding of the complex set of (non-technical) influences that determine whether a medical design will be used, is what I can bring to the group.



Visiting address

University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room W116
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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