Anzal did her bachelor's in Telecommunication Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan in 2017. After graduation, she started to work for a leading telecommunication company i.e. Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (Etisalat) in Pakistan. In 2018, she was awarded with the prestigious Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's degreeĀ (EMJMD) scholarship in the program "Photonic Integrated Circuits, Sensors and NETworks - PIXNET". She undertook her master's studies atĀ Scuola Superiore Santā€™Anna, Italy and Aston University, the UKĀ  from 2018-2020. Anzal carried outĀ her master's thesis at Osaka University, and worked on the topic of "Gain Clamped Semiconductor Optical Amplifier".Ā 


  • Physics

    • Frequencies
    • Semiconductor Laser
    • Broadband
    • Laser
    • Feedback
    • Linewidth
    • Utilization
    • Waveguide




Research profiles

Master's Education

  • MSc in Photonics Integrated Circuits, sensors and networks at Scuola Superiore Santā€™Anna, Italy (2018-2019)
  • MSc in Photonics at Aston University, the UK (2019-2020)

Master's Thesis

  • Masters thesis on the topic of "Investigation of the characteristics of gain clamped semiconductor optical amplifier" at Osaka University, Japan (2020)

Undergraduate Education

  • Bachelors in Telecommunication Engineering at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET), Jamshoro, Pakistan (2013-2017)
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