Computer Science
- Computer Interface
- User
- Augmented Reality
- Application
- Design
- Computer
- Control
Social Sciences
- Urban Areas
Op weg naar een nepwerkelijkheid (2023)In Wat is uw droomproject?. BESTE-ID. Nijholt, A. a New Definition of Augmented Reality (2023)In Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality Simulation (pp. 30-39) (AHFE Open Access Proceedings Human; Vol. 118). AHFE International. Nijholt, A. an Ever-present Extended Reality: Distinguishing Between Real and Virtual (2023)In UbiComp/ISWC '23: The 2023 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. (pp. 396-399). ACM Publishing. Nijholt, A. Perspectives in human-media interaction 2022 (2023)Frontiers in Computer Science, 5. Article 1270448. Nijholt, A. speelbaar maken van de openbare ruimte met digitale technologie (2023)Straatbeeld, 2023(1), 52-54. Nijholt, A.Weaving Augmented Reality into the Fabric of Everyday Life (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA2022. Nijholt, A.Augmented Reality: Perceiving and Experiencing What Possibly Cannot Be Real (Although it May Be Humoristic) (2023)In Serie de Comunicación Social, 2022-2023 (pp. 168-176). Nijholt, A.Status of deep learning for EEG-based brain–computer interface applications (2023)Frontiers in computational neuroscience, 16. Article 1006763. Hossain, K. M., Islam, M. A., Hossain, S., Nijholt, A. & Ahad, M. A. R.
Alledaagse, botsende en borrelende bubbels. (2022)In Waar bent u anders over gaan denken?. BESTE-ID. Nijholt, A. speelbaar maken van de openbare ruimte met digitale technologie (2022)Buiten spelen, 2022(4), 6-8. Nijholt, A.
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University of Twente
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