I am a philosopher, theologian and ethicist. My research areas include anthropology, anthropology and ethics of technology, diversity and environmental ethics. After working and researching in Münster, Munich, Frankfurt am Main, Vienna, and Oxford, I am now working at the University of Twente as a researcher in the ESDiT Research Programme (Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies)


Website: www.anna-puzio.com


  •  Anthropology and Ethics of Technology
    • Humanoid Robots, Social Robots
    • Medical Technology
    • Sexual and Reproductive Technologies
    • Diversity in AI, Queer AI
    • Everyday Technologies (e.g., Wearables, Self-Tracking)
  • Philosophical Anthropology (in Dialogue with the Natural Sciences), Bioethics and Medical Ethics, Philosophy of the Body
  • New Materialism (Donna Haraway, Karen Barad), Critical Posthumanism, Relational Ontologies
  • Transhumanism and Enhancement
  • Religion/Theology and AI, Religious Robots, Death Technology
  • Relationships with Non-Human Entities, Environmental Ethics
  • Social Ethics, Migration Ethics, Intercultural Ethics
  • Changing Identities in a Plural, Postmodern Society, Sexual Ethics, Social Media
  • Philosophy and Ethics in Literature and Film (e.g., Science Fiction)

Website: www.anna-puzio.com


  • Social Sciences

    • Technology
    • Anthropology
    • Theology
    • Identity
    • Theses
  • Computer Science

    • Robot
    • Artificial Intelligence
  • Arts and Humanities

    • Theological Approach



I am a philosopher, theologian and ethicist. My research areas include anthropology, anthropology and ethics of technology, diversity and environmental ethics. After working and researching in Münster, Munich, Frankfurt am Main, Vienna, and Oxford, I am now working at the University of Twente as a researcher in the ESDiT Research Programme (Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies)


Website: www.anna-puzio.com


Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022


Robot, let us pray! Can and should robots have religious functions?: An ethical exploration of religious robots (2023)AI & society (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Puzio, A.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-023-01812-zRobot Theology: On Theological Engagement with Robotics and Religious Robots (2023)In Alexa, wie hast du's mit der Religion?: Theologische Zugänge zu Technik und Künstlicher Intelligenz (pp. 95–113) (Theology and Artificial Intelligence; Vol. 1). WBG. Puzio, A.https://doi.org/10.53186/1030373Zeig mir deine Technik und ich sag dir, wer du bist?: Was Technikanthropologie ist und warum wir sie dringend brauchen (2023)In Mensch und Maschine im Zeitalter Künstlicher Intelligenz: Theologisch-ethische Herausforderungen. Lehmanns. Puzio, A.Ectogestative Technology and the Beginning of Life (2023)In Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies: An Introduction (pp. 113-140). Open Book Publishers. Frank, L. E., Hermann, J., Kavege, L. & Puzio, A.https://doi.org/10.11647/obp.0366.05Social Robots and Society (2023)In Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies: An Introduction (pp. 53-82). Open Book Publishers. Nyholm, S., Friedman, C., Dale, M. T., Puzio, A., Babushkina, D., Löhr, G., Gwagwa, A., Kamphorst, B. A., Perugia, G. & IJsselsteijn, W.https://doi.org/10.11647/obp.0366.03Alexa, wie hast du's mit der Religion?: Theologische Zugänge zu Technik und Künstlicher Intelligenz (2023)[Book/Report › Book]. WBG. Puzio, A., Kunkel, N. & Klinge, H.https://doi.org/10.53186/1030373Theologie und Künstliche Intelligenz: Perspektiven, Aufgaben und Thesen einer Theologie der Technologisierung (2023)In Alexa, wie hast du's mit der Religion?: Theologische Zugänge zu Technik und Künstlicher Intelligenz (pp. 13-27) (Theology and Artificial Intelligence; Vol. 1). WBG. Puzio, A.https://doi.org/10.53186/1030373Theology Meets AI: Examining Perspectives, Tasks, and Theses on the Intersection of Technology and Religion (2023)In Alexa, wie hast du's mit der Religion?: Theologische Zugänge zu Technik und Künstlicher Intelligenz (pp. 29-41) (Theology and Artificial Intelligence; Vol. 1). WBG. Puzio, A.https://doi.org/10.53186/1030373When the Digital Continues after Death: Ethical Perspectives on Death Tech and the Digital Afterlife (2023)Communicatio Socialis, 56(3), 427-436. Puzio, A.https://doi.org/10.5771/0010-3497-2023-3-427


Gesellschaft 4.0? – Transformationen des Sozialen durch die Digitalisierung: Bericht zum 31. Forum Sozialethik (13.–15. September 2021) (2022)Jahrbuch für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften, 305-311. Puzio, A.https://doi.org/10.17879/JCSW-2022-44167. Der Transhumanismus - eine Ideologie? (2022)In Über-Menschen. Puzio, A.https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839463055-009Das transhumanistische Menschen- und Körperverständnis in fünf Diskursen (2022)In Über-Menschen: Philosophische Auseinandersetzung mit der Anthropologie des Transhumanismus (pp. 81-230) (Edition Moderne, Postmoderne). Transcript Verlag. Puzio, A.https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839463055-006Eine Reformulierung der Anthropologie? (2022)In Über-Menschen: Philosophische Auseinandersetzung mit der Anthropologie des Transhumanismus (pp. 325-345) (Edit Edition Moderne, Postmoderne). Transcript Verlag. Puzio, A.https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839463055-012Einleitung: Teil III (2022)In Einleitung: Teil III (Edition Moderne, Postmoderne). Transcript Verlag. Puzio, A.https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839463055-003Körper und Technik in der postmodernen Gesellschaft: Drei Fluchtlinien (2022)In Über-Menschen: Philosophische Auseinandersetzung mit der Anthropologie des Transhumanismus (pp. 293-324) (Edition Moderne, Postmoderne). Transcript Verlag. Puzio, A.https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839463055-011Perfektionierung - Kontrolle - Macht: Ziele der transhumanistischen Transformationen (2022)In Über-Menschen: Philosophische Auseinandersetzung mit der Anthropologie des Transhumanismus (pp. 231-252) (Edition Moderne, Postmoderne). Transcript Verlag. Puzio, A.https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839463055-007

Research profiles

I studied philosophy, German language and literature, and Catholic Theology in Münster and Munich. I completed my philosophical doctorate in the anthropology of transhumanism and the ethics of future technologies at the Munich School of Philosophy in 2021 with a scholarship from the Hanns Seidel Foundation. In my dissertation, I have examined how the understanding of the human being and the body changes with the use of new technologies. In the Graduate School ("Promotionskolleg") “Ethik, Kultur und Bildung für das 21. Jahrhundert” ("Ethics, Culture and Education for the 21st Century") in Munich, I conducted interdisciplinary research on issues relevant to the future and society in health and care, technology, education, psychology, culture, and sociology. Together with my colleagues, I founded neth:KI, the Network for Theology and AI. Afterwards, I worked at Goethe University in Frankfurt, University of Vienna and Oxford University. 

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

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