My name is Andjin Siegenthaler, I am a postdoctoral researcher in environmental DNA (eDNA) and spatial analysis within the BIOSPACE project, in the Department of Natural Resources (ITC). Within this project, I focus on linking diversity information, obtained via eDNA, with remote sensing data to enhance biodiversity monitoring and nature conservation. My passion for the application of eDNA as an environmental monitoring tool started during my PhD at the University of Salford (UK) where I studied the diet and ecological role of the brown shrimp using eDNA. My areas of interest are: Environmental DNA, terrestrial and marine ecology, remote sensing, big data, and multivariate statistics.


  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Image
    • Spectroscopy
    • DNA
    • Content
  • Agricultural and Biological Sciences

    • Soil
    • Habitats
    • Seagrass
    • Temperate Forest



Quantifying Canopy Nitrogen Content in a Soil-Acidified Temperate Forest Using Image Spectroscopy. Abdullah, H., Skidmore, A. K., Siegenthaler, A., Darvishzadeh, R., Neinavaz, E., Torres Rodriguez, A. & Duan, Y.Mapping phyllopshere and soil fungal function using AVRIS-NG hyperspectral data. Siegenthaler, A., Abdullah, H., Skidmore, A. K., Duan, Y. & Rousseau, M.Mapping soil microbiological biodiversity using simulated CHIME hyperspectral data. Skidmore, A. K., Abdullah, H., Siegenthaler, A., Adiningrat, D. P., Duan, Y., Rousseau, M., Torres Rodriguez, A., Darvishzadeh, R., Wang, T. & de Groot, A.Field estimation of fallen deadwood volume under different management approaches in two European protected forested areas, Article cpae013, 1-9. Rousseau, M., Adiningrat, D. P., Skidmore, A. K., Siegenthaler, A., Wang, T. & Abdullah, H. top canopy bacterial communities are influenced by elevation and host tree traits, Article 21, 1-14 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Duan, Y., Siegenthaler, A., Skidmore, A. k., Chariton, A. a., Laros, I., Rousseau, M. & de groot, G. A. forest soil pH accurately Quantified with image spectroscopy, Article 101161. Abdullah, H., Skidmore, A. K., Siegenthaler, A., Adiningrat, D. P., Duan, Y. & Rousseau, M. tree microbiomes: Divergent soil and phyllosphere microbial communities share few but dominant taxa, 319-340. Siegenthaler, A., Skidmore, A. K., de Groot, G. A., Laros, I., Rousseau, M. & Duan, Y. soils further acidify in core Natura 2000 areas amongst unaware government policy, Article 111621. Skidmore, A. K., Abdullah, H., Siegenthaler, A., Adiningrat, D. P., Rousseau, M., Duan, Y., Torres Rodriguez, A. & Neinavaz, E.

Research profiles


University of Twente

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Hallenweg 8
7522 NH Enschede

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