Albert van den Berg received his MSc in applied physics in 1983, and his PhD in 1988 both at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. From 1988-1993 he worked in Neuchatel, Switzerland, at the CSEM and the University (IMT) on miniaturized chemical sensors. In 2000 he was appointed as full professor on Miniaturized Systems for (Bio)Chemical Analysis in the faculty of Electrical Engineering and part of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology. In 1994 he initiated together with Prof. Bergveld the international MicroTAS conference series. He published over 500 peer reviewed publications (H=68 WoS, H=91 Google Scholar (2023)) a.o. in Science, Nature, PNAS, NanoLetters etc, and from his group > 10 spin-off companies started. He received several honors and awards such as Simon Stevin (2002), two ERC Advanced (2008, 2015) and four ERC Proof of Concept (2011, 2013, 2016, 2020) grants, Simon Stevin award (engineering sciences), Spinoza prize (2009), Distinguished University Professor (Twente, 2010), Distinguished Professor (South China Normal University SNCU (China), 2012), Consulting Professor at Northwestern Polytechnic University NPU (China), 2017) and member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW) (board member from 2011-2016). He is member of the Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschappij van Wetenschappen (KHMW), the Academy for Technology and Innovation (ACTI), and founding member of HDMT and EUROoCS, the European Organ on Chip Society. From 2014-2018 he was scientific director of the MIRA institute for Biomedical Engineering. In 2017 he became co-PI of the Max Planck - University of Twente Center for Complex Fluid Dynamics. In 2018 he became (co)director of MESA+ institute for Nanotechnology. He has been editor of Sensors and Actuators B, cofounding member of the editorial board of the RSC journal Lab on a Chip, founding member of EUROoCS, the European Organ on Chip Society and founding director of the CBMS, the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society. In 2022 he was elected member of the SATW (CH). His current research interests are micro/nanofluidics, Labs on Chip and sensing for health and sustainability and Organs on Chip. His current activities include acting as one of the quartermasters of the UT Climate Center.

Curriculum Vitae available on request

For more info about Albert van den Berg on the 'Featured Scientists' page, click below:


  • Chemistry

    • Microfluidics
    • Procedure
    • Device
    • Application
    • Sensor
    • Surface
    • Concentration
    • Time




Functionalized monodisperse microbubble production: microfluidic method for fast, controlled, and automated removal of excess coating material (2024)Microsystems & nanoengineering, 10(1). Article 120. van den Broek, M. R. P., Versluis, M., van den Berg, A. & Segers, T., everywhere, all at once: Micro- and nano-fabrication for sensitive, homogeneous and spatio-temporally-resolved Raman and infrared spectroscopy sensors (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Srivastava, K. of manuscript Blood-perfused Vessels-on-Chips stimulated with patient plasma recapitulate endothelial activation and microthrombosis in COVID-19 (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Weener, H., van Haaps, T., van Helden, R., Albers, H., Haverkate, R., Middelkamp, H., Ridderikhof, M., van Mens, T., van den Berg, A. & Mummery, C. ATR-IR Devices for Monitoring Chemical Processes (2024)In Next-Generation ATR-IR Devices for Monitoring Chemical Processes. Srivastava, K., Ramaswami, B., Veltkamp, H.-W., Boyle, N., Flaman, G., Bomer, J. G., van den Berg, A., van der Stam, W., Burgess, I. & Odijk, M.Catalyst pore space exploration using fluorescence and X-ray microscopy techniques (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation external]. Utrecht University. Mayorga Gonzalez, R. of nano-lithographic tools for the fabrication of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) substrates (2024)Micro and Nano Engineering, 23. Article 100267. Srivastava, K., Le-The, H., Lozeman, J. J. A., van den Berg, A., van der Stam, W. & Odijk, M. nano-lithographic tools for shell-isolated nanoparticle enhanced Raman spectroscopy substrates (2024)Nanoscale, 16(15). Srivastava, K., Jacobs, T. S., Ostendorp, S., Jonker, D., Brzesowsky, F. A., Susarrey-Arce, A., Gardeniers, H., Wilde, G., Weckhuysen, B. M., van den Berg, A., van der Stam, W. & Odijk, M. macrophages induce intravascular coagulation in 3D blood vessel-on-chip (2024)Biomedical microdevices, 26(1). Article 2. Middelkamp, H. H. T., Weener, H. J., Gensheimer, T., Vermeul, K., Heus, L. E. d., Albers, H. J., Berg, A. v. d. & Meer, A. D. v. d.


Controllable ingestion and release of guest components driven by interfacial molecular orientation of host liquid crystal droplets (2023)Journal of colloid and interface science, 652(Part A), 557-566. Yang, R., Deng, Y., Xie, S., Liu, M., Zou, Y., Qian, T., An, Q., Chen, J., Shen, S., van den Berg, A., Zhang, M. & Shui, L. and Organs on Chip for Health and Environment (2023)In 2023 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC) (pp. 570-570) (IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC)). IEEE. van den Berg, A.

Other contributions

Inaugural Lecture ( download PDF, in Dutch)

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In the press

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