Tom Veldkamp (1963) is UT’s Rector Magnificus since 27 November 2020. He did his PhD at Wageningen University and Research, in 2002 he was appointed as Professor of Land Dynamics at this university. He was Head of the Landscape Centre at Wageningen, and scientific director of the Centre for Geo-Information and Remote Sensing. Read more on the Executive Board website.
Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Model
- Investigation
- Rwanda
- Landscape Evolution
- River
- Record
- Terrace
- Landscape
Ancillary activities
- ElsevierEditor in Chief
- ISRICBoardmember ISRIC foundation
How to get your paper published in ‘Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment’ (2024)Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 359, 1-4. Article 108687. Veldkamp, A., Li, Y., Alignier, A. M., Audet, P., Bajocco, S., Chen, X., Cheng, Y., Drinkwater, L. E., Lewis, K. A., Petit, S., Saggar, S., Toyota, K. & Zheng, X.
Response to the comment by Huffman and Zaim (2023)Quaternary science reviews, 307. Article 108059. Berghuis, H. W. K., Van kolfschoten, T., Adhityatama, S., Troelstra, S. R., Noerwidi, S., Suriyanto, R. a., Wibowo, U. p., Pop, E., Kurniawan, I., Hilgen, S. l., Veldkamp, A. & Joordens, J. C. A. the provenance of the hominin fossils from Trinil (Java, Indonesia) through an integrated analysis of the historical and recent excavations (2023)Journal of Human Evolution, 176. Article 103312. Pop, E., Hilgen, S., Adhityatama, S., Berghuis, H., Veldkamp, A., Vonhof, H., Sutisna, I., Alink, G., Noerwidi, S., Roebroeks, W. & Joordens, J. age and stratigraphy of the classic Homo erectus-bearing succession at Trinil (Java, Indonesia) (2023)Quaternary science reviews, 301, 1-18. Article 107908. Hilgen, S. L., Pop, E., Adhityatama, S., Veldkamp, T. A., Berghuis, H. W. K., Sutisna, I., Yurnaldi, D., Dupont-Nivet, G., Reimann, T., Nowaczyk, N., Kuiper, K. F., Krijgsman, W., Vonhof, H. B., Ekowati, D. R., Alink, G., Hafsari, N. L. G. D. M., Drespriputra, O., Verpoorte, A., Bos, R., … Joordens, J. C. A.
The eastern Kendeng Hills (Java, Indonesia) and the hominin-bearing beds of Mojokerto, a re-interpretation (2022)Quaternary science reviews, 295. Article 107692. Berghuis, H. w. k., Van Kolfschoten, T., Adhityatama, S., Troelstra, S. r., Noerwidi, S., Suriyanto, R. A., Wibowo, U. P., Pop, E., Kurniawan, I., Hilgen, S. L., Veldkamp, A. & Joordens, J. C. a. controlled landscape evolution in Kula badlands, Western Turkey (2022)Geosciences (Switzerland), 12(10). Article 390. Aksay, S., Schoorl, J. M., Veldkamp, A., Demir, T., Aytaç, A. S. & Maddy, D. routinely collected health records to identify the fine-resolution spatial patterns of soil-transmitted helminth infections in Rwanda (2022)Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 7(8). Article 202. Nyandwi, E., Veldkamp, A., Amer, S., Ruberanziza, E., Rujeni, N. & Umulisa, I. Modeling of Landscape Evolution (2022)In Treatise on Geomorphology: Reference Work (pp. 162-183). Elsevier. Temme, A. J. A. M., Schoorl, J. M., Claessens, L. & Veldkamp, A. facts about land systems for sustainability (2022)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(7), 1-12. Article e2109217118. Meyfroidt, P., de Bremond, A., Ryan, C. M., Archer, E., Aspinall, R., Chhabra, A., Camara, G., Corbera, E., DeFries, R., Díaz, S., Dong, J., Ellis, E. C., Erb, K. H., Fisher, J. A., Garrett, R. D., Golubiewski, N. E., Grau, H. R., Grove, J. M., Haberl, H., … Zu Ermgassen, E. K. H. J. geostatistical modelling of stunting in Rwanda: risk factors and spatially explicit residual stunting burden (2022)BMC public health, 22(1), 1-14. Article 159. Uwiringiyimana, V., Osei, F., Amer, S. & Veldkamp, A.
Research profiles

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