Annemieke Witteveen is Associate Professor at the Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS) group and the Personalized eHealth Technology (PeHT) research program. Her research line focusses on building dynamic patient-level models for personalized prediction, monitoring and optimization to support clinical decision making in oncology. See also her interview as a featured scientist.

She studied Technical Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Twente. After graduation, Annemieke started working as a PhD at the department of Health Technology and Services Research (HTSR) at the University of Twente. Here she worked on individualizing the breast cancer follow-up based on individual time-dependent risk profiles, resulting in a.o. the INFLUENCE nomogram. Her thesis received the prize for best oncology thesis in the Netherlands of 2018/2019.

As PI, Annemieke coordinates several large projects on self-management and decision support for oncology, such as the KWF PARTNR project for optimal cancer-related fatigue treatment and the €6.32M 4TU research program RECENTRE on lifestyle and risk-based monitoring. In 2020 she was awarded a NWO/ZonMW veni grant for researching dynamic models to predict, monitor and make recommendations for the late effects after breast cancer. She was selected as Young Academy member of the University of Twente in 2022. Additionally, Annemieke was awarded with the Royal Academy of Science (KNAW) Early Career Award for innovative and original research (2022), the Henk Stassen Award for connecting medical and technical sciences (2023) and the BOOG (Borstkanker Onderzoek Groep) Young Investigator Award for excellence in breast cancer research (2024). Her expertise in digital oncology research is recognized internationally with invited presentations and participation in multiple juries, and invited participation in an Innovation Mission by the Dutch government on digital health and cancer to India in 2023. Annemieke is married and has three kids.


2024-present Associate Professor Personalized eHealth Technology for Oncology, Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS) group, University of Twente         

2022            Visiting researcher, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (Harvard University, Boston, USA)

2022            Visiting researcher, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (NY, USA)

2021-2023  Assistant Professor, Personalized eHealth Technology for Oncology, Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS) group, University of Twente    

2019-present Coordinator Health and Wellbeing track, Digital Society reseach program (University of Twente/VSNU)

2019-2021    Postdoctoral researcher, Biomedical Signals and Systems group, Personalized eHealth Technology (PeHT) research program (University of Twente)

2015             Visiting researcher, Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN)

2013-2018    PhD student, Health Technology and Services Research (University of Twente)



2024 - BOOG Young Investigator Award for excellence in breast cancer research (Borstkanker Onderzoek Groep) 

2024 - Proof of Concept grant (€152k, Dutch Cancer Society [KWF]) PI

2024 - Catalysator Project on Personalized Lifestyle support for Adolescents and Young Adults with cancer (€93k, RadboudUMC) Co-applicant

2023  -  Henk Stassen Award for bringing medical and technical science together (€1k, Biomedical Engineering conference)

2023 - Educational improvement grant (€15k, EEMCS faculty University of Twente) 

2022 Early Career Award  (€15k, Royal Academy of Science [KNAW])

2022 - 4TU program RECENTRE: Risk-based lifEstyle Change: daily-lifE moNiToring and REcommendations (€6.32M, 4TU) – Project Leader

2022 - Selected as member of the Young Academy (YA@UT)

2021  -  Rene Vogels Foundation Travel Grant, Harvard (USA) (€5k, Dutch Society for Oncology, NVvO)

2021 – Project sponsoring ‘Better informed, better care: Optimizing cancer information based on individual patient preferences’ (€324k, Pfizer/Roche/UT) – Project Leader

2020 - Veni Grant ‘Towards a higher quality of life after cancer: dynamic prediction, monitoring and recommendations for late effects after breast cancer’ (€250k, Dutch Research Council [NOW]/ Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development [ZonMW]) – Project Leader

2019 - Best Thesis in Oncology Prize of the Netherlands and Belgium in 2018/2019 (Dutch and Flemish organizations for medical oncology, NVMO/BSMO)

2019  Technology for Oncology Grant (€735k, Dutch Research Council [NWO] and Dutch Cancer Society [KWF]) – Project Leader

2019  -  Research Voucher (€50k, ZiekenhuisGroep Twente hospitals) – Project Leader

2016  -  Tech4People Travel Grant, Sorbonne University (France) (€1k, University of Twente)

2015  -  Rene Vogels Foundation Travel Grant, Mayo Clinic (USA) (€4k, Dutch Society for Oncology, NVvO)



Member of professional societies:
· Vereniging voor Epidemiologie (VvE)
· International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)·
· Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM)



Annemieke was involved in the bachelor courses Klinische Epidemiologie
(Gezondheidswetenschappen) and Epidemiologie, Statistiek en MTA (Technische
Geneeskunde), and the master course Clinical Efficacy and MTA (Health Sciences). Also,
Annemieke supervised several master students with their thesis. In 2016 and 2017 she was organizer and course leader of the University of Twente CuriousU summer school track The Future of Health Technology. In 2019 she started another course on Personalized eHealth Technology. She is developing a new master course on eHealth for the Technical Medicine curriculum.


  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Breast Cancer
    • Patient
    • Recurrent Disease
    • Follow up
    • Cancer-Related Fatigue
  • Psychology

    • Treatment
  • Nursing and Health Professions

    • Fatigue
    • Malignant Neoplasm



Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022


Missing Data of the Philips HealthDot: insights into monitoring at home and level of physical activity (2025)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 10th Dutch Biomedical Engineering Conference, BME 2025. Waanders, I., Vassen, H., Lips, D. J., Witteveen, A. & John, A.Dynamic Predictive Models for Side Effects Following Cancer or Cancer Treatment: A Systematic Review (2025)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 10th Dutch Biomedical Engineering Conference, BME 2025. Fatime, O. D., Schipper, R., Berendsen, A., Nane, G. F., van Keulen, M., Witteveen, A. & John, A.QUICC: Quantification of Urgent Indicators for early detection of Complications after Colorectal resection: Proof of principle study on early detection of postoperative complications using continuous heart rate and respiratory rate measurements, in both in-hospital and at home settings (2025)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 10th Dutch Biomedical Engineering Conference, BME 2025. Waanders, I., Vassen, H., Lips, D. J., John, A. & Witteveen, A.Working toward Personalized Intervention Advice: A Survey Study on Preference Heterogeneity in Patients with Breast Cancer–Related Fatigue (2025)MDM Policy and Practice, 10(1). Beenhakker, L., Wijlens, K. A. E., Bode, C., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R., Siesling, S., van Til, J. & Witteveen, A.


One size does not fit all: a scoping review on study population diversity in studies assessing the validity of consumer wearables for measuring vital signs (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Preventive Health Conference: Just Transformations. Schipper, R., Fatime, O. D., Roosink, M., Winkens, L., John, A., Witteveen, A., Hazebroek, E. & Berendsen, A.Better informed, better care: Optimising breast cancer information presentation based on individual preferences (2024)[Thesis › EngD Thesis]. University of Twente. Tolboom, L. and content validity of a holistic assessment questionnaire to assess cancer-related fatigue after breast cancer (2024)Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health and Behavior, 12(4), 293-307. Wijlens, K. A. E., Witteveen, A., Beenhakker, L., Siemerink, E. J. M., Achterkamp, R., Siesling, S., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R. & Bode, C. implementation during the conceptualization and early development of health technology innovations: the RECENTRE program (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 38th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, EHPS 2024. Roosink, M., Şahin, Ö., John, A., Wan, M., Berendsen, A., Austin, J., Winkens, L., Witteveen, A. & Verdaasdonk, R. M.Development of a holistic questionnaire to monitor cancer-related fatigue after breast cancer in daily-life (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer 2024. Wijlens, K. A. E., Beenhakker, L., Witteveen, A., Siesling, S., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R. & Bode, C.Home Monitoring of late effects after breast cancer to enable early detection (2024)Supportive care in cancer, 32, S147. Article 434. Witteveen, A., H.G. Loosveld, L. & John, A. the potential of using Digital Phenotyping for monitoring late effects after breast cancer (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 13th Supporting Health by Technology Conference 2024. John, A., Reus, J. & Witteveen, A.Decision support towards optimal intervention for breast cancer patients who experience cancer-related fatigue (2024)Medical decision making, 44(3), NP182-NP182. Beenhakker, L., Wijlens, K. A. E., Witteveen, A., Bode, C., Siesling, S. & Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R. Non-Operative Management in Geriatric Hip Fracture Patients: When Would Surgeons Abstain from Surgery? (2024)Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13(6). Article 1594. Bui, M., Oudshoorn, C. G. M., Witteveen, A. & Hegeman, J. H. for personalised presentation of information: a case study (2024)Medical decision making, 44(3), NP145-NP145. Tolboom, L., Bode, C., Tabak, M., Ferreira Pires, L., Siemerink, E. & Witteveen, A. Process of a Holistic Assessment Questionnaire to Measure and Monitor Cancer-Related Fatigue (2024)European journal of cancer care, 2024. Article 2671255. Wijlens, K. A. E., Witteveen, A., Beenhakker, L., Siesling, S., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R. & Bode, C.


A holistic profile for cancer-related fatigue for women with breast cancer–a qualitative study (2023)Psychology & health (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Wijlens, K. A. E., Beenhakker, L., Witteveen, A., Siemerink, E. J. M., Jansen, L., Gernaat, C., Schellekens, M. P. J., Siesling, S., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R. & Bode, C. of machine learning models to predict cancer-related fatigue in Dutch breast cancer survivors up to 15 years after diagnosis (2023)Journal of cancer survivorship (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Beenhakker, L., Wijlens, K. A. E., Witteveen, A., Heins, M., Korevaar, J. C., de Ligt, K. M., Bode, C., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R. & Siesling, S. review and meta-analysis of preoperative predictors for early mortality following hip fracture surgery (2023)Osteoporosis international, 35(4), 561–574. Bui, M., Nijmeijer, W., Hegeman, H., Witteveen, A. & Oudshoorn, C. versus conservatieve behandelingen bij kwetsbare ouderen met een heupfractuur: een klinische vignettenstudie en structured expert judgement onder artsen (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] ZGT Wetenschapsdag 2023. Bui, M., Hegeman, H., Witteveen, A. & Oudshoorn, C.Monitoring of cancer-related fatigue after breast cancer in daily-life: from development towards implementation (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 12th Supporting Health by Technology Conference 2023. Wijlens, K. A. E., Beenhakker, L., Witteveen, A., Siesling, S., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R. & Bode, C.Preferences of breast cancer patients related to attributes of eHealth interventions for cancer-related fatigue (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 12th Supporting Health by Technology Conference 2023. Beenhakker, L., Brughuis, M. D. M., Wijlens, K. A. E., Bode, C., Siesling, S., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R., Witteveen, A. & van Til, J. A.Content validity of a toolkit for holistic monitoring of cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer patients (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 12th Annual ARPH Conference 2023. Wijlens, K. A. E., Beenhakker, L., Witteveen, A., Siesling, S., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R. & Bode, C.Routine and interval detection of locoregional breast cancer recurrences and risk of subsequent distant metastasis (2023)Breast cancer research and treatment, 197(1), 123–135. Eijkelboom, A., de Munck, L., de Vries, M., Francken, A. B., Hendriks, M. P., Strobbe, L. J. A., Witteveen, A., van Maaren, M. C. & Siesling, S.


158 (PB-071) Poster - Home-monitoring of cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer patients (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 13th European Breast Cancer Conference, EBCC 2022. Wijlens, K. A. E., Beenhakker, L., Witteveen, A., Siesling, S., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R. & Bode, C. (PB-074) Poster - Overview of patient preference sensitive attributes in eHealth interventions for breast cancer-related fatigue (2022)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 13th European Breast Cancer Conference, EBCC 2022. Beenhakker, L., Witteveen, A., Wijlens, K. A. E., Siemerink, E., van der Lee, M. L., Bode, C., Siesling, S. & Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R.

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