Alejandro Tirachini is Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at University of Twente, he is also part-time Full Professor atĀ Universidad de Chile and has beenĀ Humboldt Fellow at the Technical University of Munich (2019-2020). His research interests cover several topics in traffic engineering, transport planning and transport economics, including the design, planning and optimisation of public transport systems, the sustainability, regulation and travel behaviour effects of emerging mobility technologies, and the analysis and modelling of transport externalities. He has worked on transport research projects in Chile, Australia, Singapore, Germany and the Netherlands.Ā He currently works in the Horizon Europe project SUM (Seamless Shared Urban Mobility) as part of the UT team.

He has been Associate Editor of the Journal of Public Transportation (2019-2024) and co-editor of the Handbook on Transport Pricing and Financing (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023). He has given more than 50 seminars at universities and presentations at international conferences in several countries in South America, North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania.Ā 

In Chile he has been invited several times as specialist to give presentations to the Transport Commission of the Lower House and the Senate, over bills under discussion concerning public transport subsidies, ride-hailing platforms, traffic safety and fare evasion in public transport. He has served in the Experts Panel of Chileā€™s Ministry of Social Development, for the analysis of improvements to the methodology of cost-benefit assessment for transport projects, in the Experts Panel of the Ministry of Transport to improve the understanding of fare evasion in Santiagoā€™s public transport and in the Experts Panel of the governmentā€™s MAPS Initiative (Mitigation of Climate Change and Low Carbon Development). He currently collaborates with the Division of Regional Public Transport (DTPR Chile).



Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Universidad de Chile (2005)

Master of Science in Transport Engineering, Universidad de Chile (2007)

PhD, Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, The University of Sydney (2012)


  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance

    • Externalities
  • Social Sciences

    • Economic Systems
    • Developed Countries
    • Developing Countries
    • Road Transportation
    • Service Industries
    • Sustainability
    • Transformation




Improving public transportation via line-based integration of on-demand ridepooling (2024)Transportation research. Part A: Policy and practice, 190. Article 104289. Fielbaum, A., Tirachini, A. & Alonso-Mora, J. the Determinants of Teleworking during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chile (2024)Transportation research record (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Astroza, S., Hurtubia, R., Tirachini, A., Guevara, C. A., Carrasco, J. A., Salas, P. & Munizaga, M. from the confinement of a railway: Analysis of the barrier effect (2024)Case Studies on Transport Policy, 17, 101225. Article 101225. Tirachini, A., Inostroza, F., Mora, R., Cuevas, D. & Fuchser, D. to electrification of bus systems: A fuzzy multi-criteria analysis in developed and developing countries (2024)Energy conversion and management, 314. Article 118700. Sadrani, M., Mirqasemi, R., Tirachini, A. & Antoniou, C. analysis of ridesourcing market regulation policies (2024)Transportation research. Part A: Policy and practice, 186, 104128. Article 104128. García-Herrera, A., Basso, L. J. & Tirachini, A. and the role of multimodality in the sustainability of urban mobility in developing and developed countries (2024)Transport policy, 145, 161-176. Ho, C. Q. & Tirachini, A.


Economies and diseconomies of scale in on-demand ridepooling systems (2023)Economics of Transportation, 34. Article 100313. Fielbaum, A., Tirachini, A. & Alonso-Mora, J. a sustainable road transportation transformation (2023)One earth, 6(1), 3-6. Verma, A., Dunn, J., Tirachini, A., Agaton, C. B., Hsieh, I.-Y. L., Mayyas, A., Althaf, S. & Mladenović, M. N.

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