I see businesses as one of the crucial actors in environmental sustainability and I am interested how businesses can participate in and contribute to a broader societal sustainability transition. I look at the topic from an organizational and institutional change perspective and I am interested in why and how established organizations change toward more sustainable practices (or fail to do so), how grassroots innovations (e.g., food or energy cooperatives) can contribute to sustainability transitions, and what is the role of individual actors (e.g., managers, employees, researchers) in organizational change. 

My work has been published, amongst others, in Human Relations, Organization Theory, Industrial and Corporate Change, the International Journal of Management Reviews, and Business Strategy & the Environment. I have received several awards for my research and review activities, amongst others, the EURAM 2018 Most Inspirational Conference Paper Award from the European Academy of Management.

I am holding a PhD in Cognitive Psychology (2010) from the University of Graz (Austria) and a habilitation in Business Administration (2022) from Vienna University of Business and Economics (WU Wien, Austria). During my PhD studies, I was a researcher at the Knowledge Management Institute at the faculty of Informatics at Graz University of Technology (2007-2010). I did my post-doctoral studies at the Knowledge Media Research Institute in Tuebingen (Germany) in 2010 and returned to Graz University of Technology to become the leader of the interdisciplinary Knowledge Evolution Group (2011-2012). From 2012 to 2017, I was an endowed professor for organizational learning and organization development at Vienna University of Applied Sciences (Austria), where I carried out applied research in close collaboration with approx. 25 SMEs to increase their dynamic capabilities. Then, from 2017 to 2022, I was an Assistant Professor (and later deputy head of institute) at the Institute for SME Management at WU Wien.

I fully subscribe to the idea of ‘engaged scholarship’ and aim to bring my knowledge to practical application, in particular, to foster sustainability transitions. Thereby, I build on my skills as a trained consultant and business coach. Further, I am a co-founder of and regular author at the (German) science transfer blog www.wissensdialoge.de. 


  • Computer Science

    • Models
    • Learning Systems
    • Domains
    • User
    • Case Study
  • Psychology

    • Research
    • Sustainability
  • Social Sciences

    • Knowledge




(Too) high hopes?: How Austrian energy community actors construct their roles in the energy transition (2024)Sustainability Science, 19, 701-714. Vogler, A. & Kump, B.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-023-01433-xCoping with transition pain: An emotions perspective on phase-outs in sustainability transitions (2024)Environmental innovation and societal transitions, 50. Article 100806. Bogner, K., Kump, B., Beekman, M. & Wittmayer, J.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2023.100806How to turn insects into ‘food for us’? A case study of restaurant owners’ work on category transfer (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 15th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, IST 2024. Yanagawa, Y., Kump, B. & Ehrenhard, M.


Coping with transition pain: An emotions perspective on phase-outs in sustainability transitions (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 14th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, IST 2023. Bogner, K., Kump, B., Beekmann, M. & Wittmayer, J.Seizing institutional opportunities in transitions: The case of engaged scholarship at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 14th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, IST 2023. Kump, B., Bogner, K., Wittmayer, J. & Beekmann, M.Navigating force conflicts: A case study on strategies of transformative research in the current academic system (2023)Journal of cleaner production, 412. Article 137374. Kump, B., Wittmayer, J., Bogner, K. & Beekmann, M.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137374Seizing institutional opportunities to act on ‘embodied worlds of concern’: The case of engaged scholarship at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 39th Colloquium of the European Group on Organisation Studies, EGOS 2023. Kump, B., Bogner, K., Wittmayer, J. & Beekmann, M.Lewin's field theory as a lens for understanding incumbent actors’ agency in sustainability transitions (2023)Environmental innovation and societal transitions, 46. Article 100683. Kump, B.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2022.11.008

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