Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Model
- Gravimetry
- Gravitational Field
- Kinematics
- Baltic Sea
- Datum
Biao Lu has a BS in geodesy from Wuhan University, China (2012) and a BS in computer science from Huazhong University of Technology and Science, China (2012). He has an MSc in physical geodesy from Wuhan University, China (2015) and a PhD in physical geodesy from GFZ (registered and defended in TUB), Germany (2019). Since 2019, he is a postdoctoral researcher on 'modeling the earth crust with satellite gravity and seismology' in ITC's department of Earth Systems Analysis.
A parallel numerical algorithm by combining MPI and OpenMP programming models with applications in gravity field recovery (2023)Frontiers in Earth Science, 11. Article 1080879. Lu, B., Luo, Z., Zhong, B. & Zhou, H.
Global Moho gravity inversion from GOCE data: Updates and convergence assessment of the GEMMA model algorithm (2022)Remote sensing, 14(22). Article 5646. Rossi, L., Lu, B., Reguzzoni, M., Sampietro, D., Fadel, I. & van der Meijde, M. gravimetry and Its improvements to seafloor topography estimation in the southwestern coastal area of the Baltic Sea (2022)Remote sensing, 14(16). Article 3921. Lu, B., Xu, C., Li, J., Zhong, B. & van der Meijde, M.
Using real polar ground gravimetry data to solve the GOCE polar gap problem in satellite-only gravity field recovery (2020)Journal of Geodesy, 94, 1-12. Article 34. Lu, B., Förste, C., Barthelmes, F., Petrovic, S., Flechtner, F., Luo, Z., Zhong, B., Zhou, H., Wang, X. & Wu, T.
Research profiles
University of Twente
Langezijds (building no. 19)
Hallenweg 8
7522 NH Enschede
University of Twente
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
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