Boelo Schuur is Professor Separation Technology in the cluster Process & Catalysis Engineering. Key research field is sustainable separation engineering, including both development of new and innovative, more sustainable separation processes for existing chemical operations, and enabling completely new separations. In that last category, biorefinery applications and circular economy applications are key topics. This includes recovery of volatile fatty acids from fermented waste water and downstream conversion into high value chemicals, extraction of lipids from microalgae, and downstream fractionation of pyrolysis oils. In several occasions, the use of innovative technologies such as stimuli responsive materials for smart separations helps making these complex separations possible and more sustainable.

Also in teaching, Boelo Schuur is involved in sustainability. He teaches BSc courses on industrial chemistry and processes, and a project sustainable chemical industry. Furthermore he teaches the MSc course advanced molecular separations.


Since March 2019

Professor Separation Technology, Sustainable Process Technology group, University of Twente, The Netherlands

June 2016 - March 2019

Associate Professor Separation Technology, Sustainable Process Technology group, University of Twente, The Netherlands

July 2011 – June 2016
Assistant Professor Separation Technology, Sustainable Process Technology group, University of Twente, The Netherlands

Key activities

Research: Principal Investigator and supervisor of a group of researchers working on separation technology (typically one or two postdocs, some 5-7 PhD-students and several MSc-students and BSc-students).

for publications, see:

BSc: Module Industrial Chemistry & Processes, Lecturer Industrial Processes and Project Sustainable Industrial Chemistry (responsible for 6.5 ects); Introduction Process Technology tutor; Student mentor in 2012 and 2014.
MSc: Advanced molecular separations (5 ects);
PhD/PDEng: Molecular Affinity Separation course leader and lecturer on liquid-liquid extraction.



September 2008 – July 2011
Assistant Professor Affinity Solvent Design, Process Systems Engineering group, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.

November 2010 – December 2010
Visiting Researcher at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal (group of Prof. Fernando Pina). Acquainted experimental and analytical skills required for the characterization of the photochemistry of the flavylium based surfactants; presented lectures at Universidade Nova and at the Instituto Superior Téchnico (Lisbon).

July 2009 – January 2010
Visiting Research Associate at MIT, Cambridge MA, USA (group of Prof. T. Alan Hatton). Started up a research project on a new class of photoresponsive surfactants derived from synthetic flavylium salts. The research activities have been continued in Eindhoven and Lisbon, and still active in Twente.

September 2004 – September 2008
Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Graduated on a thesis entitled “Enantioselective liquid-liquid extraction in centrifugal contactor separators.” Also active in research on conversion of biological oils in green chemicals and in biodiesel production. Active in the field of education as teaching assistant for the courses “Introduction in Process Technology” and “Multiphase Reactors”. Graduated on November 24, 2008.

September 2003 – September 2004
M.Sc. student in Chemistry Education, graduated in August 2004 as 1st degree teacher chemistry for high school.

September 1996 – May 2003   
Student Chemical Engineering, University of Groningen. Graduated as M.Sc. on May 28,  2003. Topic of M.Sc. research was synthesis of bolaform amphiphiles. Part of this work was published.


Representative of the Royal Dutch Chemical Society (KNCV) in the general assembly of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE).

Member and secretary of the Working Party on Fluid Separations at the EFCE.

Treasurer of the foundation “Stichting Financieel Beheer ten behoeve van EFCE activiteiten”, a foundation for financial guarantees for organizers of international conferences in The Netherlands.

Guest Editor Separation and Purification Technology, special issue Ionic Liquids in Separation Technology (ILSEPT4 2019)

Guest Editor Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry - Special Issue on Green Solvents 2021

Member of the Royal Dutch Institution for Engineers (KIVI), Royal Dutch Chemical Society (KNCV), NPT (Netherlands Process Technologists), the American Chemical Society, the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), and of DECHEMA.


Board member of NPT, the Netherlands Process Technologists (2012-2018). In my first three years I combined the positions of treasurer and education and career, since 2015 I focused completely on education and career.

Organization of NPS14, the Netherlands Process technology Symposium (550 participants).

Guest Editor Separation and Purification Technology, special issue Ionic Liquids in Separation Technology (ILSEPT2 2014) (volume 155, 26 November 2015).

Member of technical/scientific committees of the:
-International Solvent Extraction Conference, ISEC 2014, WĂŒrzburg, Germany;
-International Solvent Extraction Conference, ISEC 2011, Santiago, Chile;
-International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, Florence, Italy, 2011


  • Chemistry

    • Solvent
    • Procedure
    • Solvent Extraction
    • Distillation
    • Ionic Liquid
    • Mixture
  • Chemical Engineering

    • Extraction
    • Acid


Ancillary activities

  • European Federation of Chemical EngineeringBoard Membership (Scientific Vice President) of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering
  • Demcon SusterResearch associate at Demcon Suster

Separation technologist working as tenured associate professor with a main focus on affinity fluid separations. The two main research lines are
a )    Development of new separations for (bio)refineries, e.g. recovery of volatile fatty acids from fermented wastewater, extraction of lipids from microalgae, and fractionation of pyrolytic oils, but also improving the energy efficiency in petrochemical separation challenges.
b)    Study on intermolecular interactions in affinity separations, aiming at better understanding the thermodynamics of these interactions in order to optimize the balance between high affinity in the primary separation and lower affinity in the secondary separation (i.e. through change in conditions, or even through the use of stimuli responsive separating agents).

Currently, he works with 6 PhD-students on these two lines. The scientific output(October 2017), see appendix for full list of papers) includes 72 peer reviewed journal papers, 2 book chapters, 11 peer reviewed conference proceedings and 14 patents from 4 patent families.

Invited plenary and keynote lectures at conferences:
International Solvent Extraction Conference, ISEC 2017, (2017 upcoming, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan; plenary)
CHISA, (2014, Prague, Czech Republic; keynote)
41st International Conference of the Slovak Soc. of Chem. Eng., (2014, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia; plenary)
Chiral Europe / Modern Synthetic Methods, (2012, Prague, Czech Republic; plenary)

Invited lectures at institutions:
2nd PATH Workshop at University of Aveiro (2017, Aveiro Portugal), University of Santiago de Chile (2017, Santiago, Chile), University of Arkansas (2017, Fayetteville AR, USA), Institut Teknologi Bandung (2017, Bandung, Indonesia), Parahyangan Catholic University (2017, Bandung, Indonesia),  Friedrich Alexander University (2015, Erlangen, Germany), SABIC Europe (2014, Geleen, The Netherlands), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Process Engineering (2013, Beijing, China), Instituto Superior Téchnico (2010, Lisbon, Portugal), Syncom B.V. (2009, Groningen, The Netherlands), RWTH Aachen (2009, Aachen, Germany).



Dissociation extraction: Theoretical foundations and applications (2024)Separation and purification technology, 350. Article 127888. Franke, M. B. & Schuur, B. carbon-based constituents of temperate forest species retrieved using PROSPECT-PRO (2024)Agricultural and forest meteorology, 362. Article 110337 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Torres Rodriguez, A., Darvishzadeh, R., Skidmore, A. K., Wang, T. & Schuur, B. organic solvents in a combined water precipitation and liquid–liquid extraction process to recover lignin and furanics from a lactic acid: choline chloride deep eutectic solvent used as cooking liquor for cooking of spruce (2024)Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14(20), 25331–25342. Gholami, M., Tijburg, J. M. & Schuur, B. of extracellular polymeric substances by mild techniques (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Evangelista Da Silva Antunes, E. C. of deep eutectic solvent post biomass delignification (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Gholami, M. adsorbents for recovery of VFAs from fermentation broth (2024)Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology, 99(9), 1996-2002. Elhami, V., Ronka, S. & Schuur, B. Study on Vapor-Liquid and Solid-Liquid Equilibria Data for the Regeneration of Biobased Solvents Guaiacol and 2,2,5,5-Tetramethyl Oxolane in Biorefinery Processes (2024)Journal of chemical & engineering data, 69(8), 2775-2782. Gholami, M., Wolbers, J. H. T., Schuttevaer, T., Franke, M. B. & Schuur, B. selection of green organics and natural deep eutectic solvents as advanced entrainers by COSMO-RS and group contributions methods for enhanced design of extractive distillation (2024)In 34th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering / 15th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (pp. 1387-1392) (Computer Aided Chemical Engineering; Vol. 53). Hartanto, D., Schuur, B., Kiss, A. A. & de Haan, A. B. liquid–liquid extraction to recover lignin and furanics from lactic acid: Choline chloride deep eutectic solvent after cooking of spruce (2024)Separation and purification technology, 338. Article 126526. Gholami, M., Tijburg, J. M. & Schuur, B. of Extracellular Polymeric Substances by Aqueous Three-Phase Partitioning Systems (2024)Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 63(24), 10748-10760. Antunes, E. C., Cintra, B., Bredel, M., Temmink, H. & Schuur, B.

Research profiles

Schuur teaches Industrial Chemistry and Processes and Sustainable Industrial Processes in the BSc-program, and Advanced Molecular Separations in the MSc-program

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room ME221
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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