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Ben Jongbloed is an associate professor in the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) of the University of Twente (UT) in the Netherlands. CHEPS is part of KiTeS, the Knowledge, Transformation & Society section in the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences. At the UT, Ben is a lecturer in Crossing Borders, a challenge-based elective course that offers students the opportunity to undertake an internship abroad while focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Ben's research focuses on issues of governance and resource allocation in higher education. He was involved in several national and international research projects for clients such as the European Commission, the OECD and national ministries - in particular the Netherlands' Ministry of Education. His recent research is on performance-based funding and embedding entrepreneurship and sustainability in higher education. As a co-editor, he published the Handbook of Public Funding of Research, that explores the strategies whereby research can be successfully supported to resolve problems of broad public concern.


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University-based Living Labs: Exploring challenges, boundary dynamics and strategic management (2025)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Tercanli, H.


Financiering Hoger Onderwijs: Analyses en beleidsaanbevelingen in functie van de uitgaventoetsing (2024)[Book/Report › Report]. Idea Group Inc. van der Beken, W., Mertens, K., Daniels, D., Kimps, D., Jongbloed, B. & Kaiser, F.Exploring prescriptive and agile management of university-based living labs (2024)European journal of higher education, 14(sup1), 29-49. Tercanli, H., Jongbloed, B. & van der Meulen, B. boundary management in university-based living labs (2024)Higher education quarterly, 78(4). Article e12558. Tercanli, H., Jongbloed, B. & van der Meulen, B. Deans for Sustainability Transformations at Academic Departments: Obstacles, Strategies and Roadmaps (2024)In Sustainability in Higher Education: Strategies, Performance and Future Challenges (pp. 117-140) (Strategies for Sustainability). Springer. Jongbloed, B. & Veidemane, A. Disclosure of SDG Performance: A Comparative Analysis of the Dutch and Italian Higher Education Systems (2024)In Sustainability in Higher Education: Strategies, Performance and Future Challenges (pp. 183-202) (Strategies for Sustainability). Springer. Ezza, A., Pischedda, G. & Jongbloed, B. bekostigen we het stelsel van de toekomst?: Antwoorden op de grote transformaties (2024)TH&MA, 31(2), 26-31. Jongbloed, B. W. A. & Kaiser, F.


Vandaag is het 2040: Toekomstverkenning voor middelbaar onderwijs, hoger onderwijs en wetenschap. Deel 2 - Verdieping en bijlagen. (2023)[Book/Report › Report]. KBA Nijmegen. van der Meulen, B. J. R., Jongbloed, B. W. A., Kaiser, F., Eimers, T., den Boer, P., Leest, B., Raaijman, J., van der Vegt, J., van den Berg, D., Vereijken, I., Vloedbeld, C., Buisman, M., van Binsbergen, M., de Wit, M., van Casteren, W., van den Broek, A. & Lodewick, J. is het 2040: Toekomstverkenning voor middelbaar beroepsonderwijs, hoger onderwijs en wetenschap. Deel 1 - Kernrapport (2023)[Book/Report › Report]. KBA Nijmegen. van der Meulen, B., Jongbloed, B. W. A., Kaiser, F., Eimers, T., den Boer, P., Leest, B., Raaijman, J., van der Vegt, J., van den Berg, D., Vereijken, I., Vloedbeld, C., Buisman, M., van Binsbergen, M., de Wit, M., van Casteren, W., van den Broek, A. & Lodewick, J. van hoger onderwijs op basis van kostprijs: Op weg naar meer publieke waarde (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Flach, P. D. Education Funding in Canada, the U.S. and Western Europe – A Comparison (2023)In Comparative Higher Education Politics: Policymaking in North America and Western Europe (pp. 211-228) (Higher Education Dynamics; Vol. 60). Springer. Jongbloed, B. of Public Funding of Research (2023)[Book/Report › Book editing]. Edward Elgar. Lepori, B., Jongbloed, B. & Hicks, D. towards sustainability: How three universities are embedding sustainability in their education and research (2023)In HEInnovate website: Comparative case study (pp. 1-15). Technopolis Group. Jongbloed, B. W. A. in teaching and learning through internationalisation - Initiatives by the ECIU and EPICIR European University Alliances (2023)In HEInnovate website: Comparative case study (pp. 1-19). Technopolis Group. Jongbloed, B. W. A. between higher education institutions and the regional not-for-profit sector (2023)In HEInnovate website: Comparative case study (pp. 1-15). Technopolis Group. Kottmann, A. & Jongbloed, B. W. A. platforms for teachers in higher education (2023)In HEInnovate website (pp. 1-16). Technopolis Group. Kottmann, A., Jongbloed, B. W. A. & Hladchenko, M. to the Handbook of Public Funding of Research: understanding vertical and horizontal complexities. (2023)In Handbook of Public Funding of Research (pp. 1-19). Edward Elgar. Lepori, B., Jongbloed, B. W. A. & Hicks, D. report of the study on the state and effectiveness of national funding systems of higher education to support the European universities initiative . Volume I (2023)[Book/Report › Book]. Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture. Jongbloed, B. W. A., McGrath, C., de Boer, H. F. & de Gayardon, A. on the state and effectiveness of national funding systems of higher education to support the European Universities Initiative. Executive Summary (2023)[Book/Report › Book]. Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture. Jongbloed, B. W. A., McGrath, C., de Boer, H. F. & de Gayardon, A. annexes to the final report of the study on the state and effectiveness of national funding systems of higher education to support the European universities initiative (2023)[Book/Report › Report]. Publications Office of the European Union. Jongbloed, B. W. A., McGrath, C., de Boer, H. F. & de Gayardon, A.

Research profiles

Ben Jongbloed is an associate professor in the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) of the University of Twente (UT) in the Netherlands. CHEPS is part of KiTeS, the Knowledge, Transformation & Society section in the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences. At the UT, Ben is a lecturer in Crossing Borders, a challenge-based elective course that offers students the opportunity to undertake an internship abroad while focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Ben's research focuses on issues of governance and resource allocation in higher education.

He recently worked on performance-based funding and embedding entrepreneurship and sustainability in higher education. Ben frequently runs workshops and executive training programs on these issues.

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024


University of Twente

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