My academic expertise is in the Governance of Urban Technologies and Sustainability. I have conducted research and published papers on various topics of interest, including Wastewater treatment policies, Blue-green infrastructure, Climate-sensitive cities, Circular economy, Land policy, Urban mobility, Disruptive technologies, Smart Cities, Geospatial (open) data and European Interoperability.Â
I have coordinated and conducted research in Europe, Latin America, and Africa as part of various projects such as Horizon, Interreg, and the European Commission. I am an expert in the UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab, and I have evaluated grant applications related to water and climate change. Â Also, I am a Mexican Researchers System SNI 1 member and an editorial board member of Nature Partner Journals, Urban Sustainability, Urban Planning, Frontiers in Sustainable Cities (Section Innovation and Governance), and Vivienda y Comunidades Sustentables. Throughout my career, I have been honoured to receive some grants and awards. Below is a list of some of them:
- Geospatial World Excellence Award 2021 for projects granted to the its4land consortiumÂ
- Grant acquisition: Member of the ODECO Consortium, Towards a Sustainable Data Open Data Ecosystem-ODECO, ETN H2020 (2021 - 2025) European Union Horizon 2020
- Member of the National Research System SNI 1 (2021 - 2024), CONACYT
- Postdoctoral Mandate Grant (2019 - 2020), KU Leuven
- Postdoctoral research grant (2018 - 2019), CONACYT
- Member of the National Research System Candidate (2017 - 2020), CONACYT
- Grant for Ph.D. research (2012 - 2016), CONACYT
- Graduated with honours for research topic and second best student in my generation (2008) Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Estado de Mexico
- Grant for master studies, CONACYT
- Bachelor, International Relations Best Student Award, Generation (2006), Universidad de las Americas Puebla (UDLAP)
- Magna Cum Laude Graduation Honours (2006), Universidad de las Americas Puebla (UDLAP)
- TELMEX grant for outstanding grades (2001 - 2005), Telefonos de Mexico
- Deanâs List Member (2001 - 2003), Universidad de las Americas Puebla (UDLAP)
- Award for best student (2001), International Relations studentâs board, UDLA-P
Social Sciences
- Governance
- Mexico
- Evaluation
- Approach
- Purpose
Computer Science
- Contexts
- Service
Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Assessment
Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022
Research profiles
Affiliated study programs
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
- 201700354 - MEEM Academic Writing Skills
- 201700358 - MEEM Academic Reading Skills
- 201700359 - MEEM Academic Research Skills
- 201700360 - Aspects Energy & Sustainable Development
- 201700361 - Introduction Sustainable Development
- 201900131 - Case Project Water Management
- 202001418 - Innov in Sustain. Chain Manag.: Design
- 202001438 - Innov in Sustain. Chain Manag.: Analysis
- 202001451 - Research Proposal
- 202001453 - Master Thesis Environmental Management
- 202001454 - Master Thesis Water Management
- 202100153 - Digitalisation & Sustainability
- 202300113 - Water Management for MEEM
- 202300121 - Academic Research Skills
- 202300122 - Policy and Sustainability
Courses academic year 2023/2024
- 201700354 - MEEM Academic Writing Skills
- 201700358 - MEEM Academic Reading Skills
- 201700359 - MEEM Academic Research Skills
- 201700360 - Aspects Energy & Sustainable Development
- 201700361 - Introduction Sustainable Development
- 201900131 - Case Project Water Management
- 202001451 - Research Proposal
- 202001453 - Master Thesis Environmental Management
- 202001454 - Master Thesis Water Management
- 202300113 - Water Management for MEEM
- 202300121 - Academic Research Skills
- 202300122 - Policy and Sustainability
Current projects
DISCO. Digital solutions for climate adaptation
DISCO is an Interreg North Sea project that aims to develop support mechanisms to accelerate climate adaptation in our cities and regions, with a strong focus on digital solutions.
ODECO. Towards a sustainable Open Data ECOsystem
ODECO is a 4-year Horizon 2020 Marie SkĆodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network initiative (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020, grant agreement 955569). The central aim of the ODECO consortium network is to train the next generation of creative and innovative early stage open data researchers, to unlock their creative and innovative potential to address current and future challenges in the creation of user driven, circular and inclusive open data ecosystem . The program runs between October 2021 and September 2025 and will deliver 15 PhD degrees, in joint supervision and training between the public and private sectors.
GOVAQUA. Governance innovations for a transition to sustainable and equitable water use in Europe
Water, water everywhere! However, increased efforts to reduce consumption and pollution are necessary to conserve fresh water. The EU Water Framework Directive, the Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Development Goals share the ambitious goal of reconciling water uses and environmental needs. In this context, the EU-funded GOVAQUA project will identify, further develop and validate innovative governance approaches to accelerate the transition towards sustainable and equitable water use. The project will focus on water use in agriculture, industries, energy production, and water utilities, and consider the role of citizens. GOVAQUA will implement actions with stakeholders in six Living Labs across Europe, testing novel ways of collaboration in catchment management, data sharing, economics and investments, citizen science and policy development.
Breaking Up SiCan a mission approach for climate neutral cities accelerate energy transitions?
The world needs to break out from business as usual to speed up energy transitions. Previous studies have highlighted the importance of breaking up silos between institutions to accelerate transitions. This project examines how an innovative governance mechanism - the mission approach - can accelerate energy transitions, particularly in cities. For this purpose, we study two cities that are part of the European Cities Mission: Stockholm and Amsterdam. The project includes three work packages that focus on the design, practices and impacts of the mission approach. In these work packages we explore three cross-cutting themes: architecture, agency and allocation. This will offer crucial insights for understanding and evaluating structures, actors, and justice concerns in the mission approach. The project thereby contributes to understanding how the mission approach can break up silos and provide approaches and tools to accelerate sustainable energy transitions towards net zero emissions.

University of Twente
Ravelijn (building no. 10), room 1242
Hallenweg 17
7522 NH Enschede
University of Twente
Ravelijn 1242
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede