Ciano Aydin is Full Professor of Philosophy of Technology at the Department of Phillosophy, heading the Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations research line. He is also Vice-dean (Education) of the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social sciences (BMS) at the University of Twente.
Ciano has studied Behavioral Science (BA and MA; graduation: 1997, Cum Laude) and Philosophy (BA and MA; graduation: 1999, Cum Laude), and wrote his Ph.D.-thesis (2003) on the deconstruction of the notion of substance (in Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Leibniz, and, especially, Nietzsche) at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Ciano was a research fellow at Basel University, Switzerland (2002-2003) and Indiana University/Harvard University, U.S.A. (2004-2005). Besides various prizes and scholarships, he has obtained a VENI grant from NWO to conduct a post-doctoral research on identity, interaction, and ideals from a process-pragmatic point of view at the Radboud University in Nijmegen (2005 – 2008).
Ciano’s research focuses on "existential technology"; he investigates how technologies increasingly shape our identity, impact our freedom and responsibility, and influence different facets of our life. His main areas of interest are philosophy of technology, philosophical anthropology, psychoanalysis, philosophy of mind, pragmatism, and ethics.
Ancillary activities
- Kaliber KunstenschoolLid Raad van Toezicht Kaliber Kunstenschool
- Thomas More HogeschoolVoorzitter Raad van Toezicht Thomas More Hogeschool
- Stichting Portuur (VO) - voormalig Staring College en Assink LyceumLid Raad van Toezicht Stichting Portuur
Other contributions
New Book
Extimate Technology (Routledge)
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International Journals
- de Boer, B. , & Aydin, C. (2023). Empowerment: Freud, Canguilhem and Lacan on the ideal of health promotion. Medicine, health care and philosophy, 26(3), 301-311.
- Beerends, S. & Aydin, C. (2021). Negotiating Authenticity in Technological Environments. Philosophy & Technology. Open Access:
- Aydin, C. , & de Boer, B. (2020). Brain imaging technologies as source for extrospection: Self-formation through critical self-identification. Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences.
- Aydin, C. (2019). La autoformación como sublimación y la cuestión de la tecnología y el arte. Stromata: Revista semestral de filosofía y teología, 2, 75-97.
- Aydin, C., Gonzales, M., & Verbeek, P.P. (2019). Technological Environmentality: Conceptualizing Technology as a Mediating Milieu. Philosophy and Technology (DOI: 10.1007/s13347-018-0309-3) [international peer-reviewed](online first).
- Aydin, C. (2017). How to Forget the Unforgettable?: On Collective Trauma, Cultural Identity, and Mnemotechnologies. Identity 17(3), p. 125-137. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2017). The Posthuman as Hollow Idol: A Nietzschean Critique of Human Enhancement. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42(3), p. 304-327.
- Aydin, C. (2017). Phenomenological Traditions. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. DOI: 10.4135/9781483381411.n426. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. & Verbeek, P. P. (2015). Transcendence in technology. Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology. 19, 3, p. 314-357. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2015). The Artifactual Mind: Overcoming the 'Inside-Outside' Dualism in the Extended Mind Thesis and Recognizing the Technological Dimension of Cognition. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 14, 73–94. (DOI: 10.1007/s11097-013-9319-x) [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2013). On Freedom and Responsibility: Discovering the Human as a Trancendent Being. Religion, State and Society (DOI: 10.1080/09637494.2013.803907). [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2012). Transcendentie en het innerlijk: Over de religieuze dimensie van technologie en de technologische dimensie van religie, Bijdragen: International Journal in Philosophy and Theology, 74, p. 1-24. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2012). Het uiterlijk van het innerlijk: Extended Mind, technologie en de binnen-buiten scheiding, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 74, p. 701-728. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2012). Identiteit als opgave: Over techniek, zelfvorming en idealen. Wijsgerig Perspectief, 52(2), p. 30-38. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2011). Generalizing in a Pluralistic Society: From Kant’s Duty Ethics to Peirce’s Communitarian Ethics of Ideals. Cognitio, 12/1, p. 21-35. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2009). On the Significance of Ideals: Charles S. Peirce and the Good Life. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 45/3, p. 422-443. [international peer-reviewed]
- Nietzsche Research Group (ed.; member of the NRG). Kroniek van Recente Nietzsche-literatuur (IV). Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 71, 2009, p. 149-216, contributed several reviews [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2008). Streven naar idealen in een post-moderne tijd: Charles S. Peirce over ethiek en esthetiek’, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 70/4, p. 671-704. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2008). Extended review of: ‘Nicola Erny, Konkrete Vernünftigkeit. Zur Konzeption einer pragmatischen Ethik bei Charles S. Peirce. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2005.’ Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 70/1, p. 147-151. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2007). Naar een proces-pragmatische grondslag voor het identiteitsbegrip: Peirce over potentialiteit, interactie en regulariteit. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 69/1, p. 35-78. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2007). Nietzsche on Reality as Will to Power: Toward an “Organization-Struggle Model. Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 33/1, p. 25-48. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. & Siemens, H. (2007). Extended Review of: ‘Nietzsche: Writings from the Late Notebooks, R. Bittner (ed.). Journal of Nietzsche Studies, 33/1, p. 94-104. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2006). Beyond Essentialism and Relativism: Nietzsche and Peirce on Reality. Cognitio, 7/1, p. 25-47. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2005). Nietzsche over de werkelijkheid als een georganiseerde strijd van willen tot macht. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 67/2, p. 207-243. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2002). De betekenis van Müller-Lauters Nietzsche-interpretatie. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 64/4, p. 743-764. [international peer-reviewed]
National Journals
- Aydin, C. (2018). Europa als intrasubjectief probleem. Filosofie-tijdschrift (forthcoming).
- Aydin, C. (2000). Review of: ‘A. Hostens, Friedrich Nietzsche - kind van zijn tijd. De vrije geest en de natuurwetenschappen, 2000.’ De Uil van Minerva, 16/2, p. 112-115. [national peer-reviewed]
Books, or Contributions to Books
- Aydin, C. (2022). The Technological Uncanny as a Permanent Dimension of Selfhood. In S. Vallor (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Technology (pp. 299-317). Oxford University Press.
- Aydin, C. (2018). From camera obscura to fMRI: How brain imaging technologies mediate free will, Postphenomenological methodologies: New ways in mediating techno-human relationships. Rowman Littlefield Press/Lexington Books (pp. 103–121). [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C., en Hoek, J. (2018). De normatieve invloed van technologie: nieuwe technologie, nieuwe genezing – nieuwe ziekte? In Wat is er met de dokter gebeurd? Leusden: Diagnosis Uitgevers (forthcoming).
- Aydin, C. (2016). Technische ‘beheersing’ alleen mogelijk bij gratie van de eerbiediging van het geheim. CDV: De toekomst van politieke partijen. Amsterdam: Boom.
- Aydin, C. (2013). Vrijheid als zelfvorming: een anti-individualistische visie op vrije wil, idealen en techniek. P. Oomen (red.), Vrije wil – een hersenkronkel: Wetenschappers en filosofen over een fascinerende vraag. Kampen: Klement, p. 227-248.
- Aydin, C. (2011). Wij zijn nooit natuurlijk geweest: NBIC-technologieën en de menselijke conditie. In R. Munnik (red.). God, mens en techniek: Over religieuze existentie in een technologische cultuur. Nijmegen: Valkhof Pers.
- Aydin, C. (2011). De kunstmatige natuur van de mens: Over techniek, de menselijke conditie en idealen. Oratie leerstoel ‘Wijsbegeerte en technische wetenschappen – in relatie tot Christelijke levensbeschouwing’. Technische Universiteit Delft.
- Aydin, C. (2011). Müller-Lauter’s Nietzsche. In A. Woodward (ed.). Interpreting Nietzsche: Reception and Influence. New York/London: Continuum Press, p. 99-116. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (with Siemens, H.), The Will to Power. In Keith Ansell Pearson (ed.). Nietzsche: Key Concepts and Ideas. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, forthcoming. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C., ‘Einverleibung.’ In P.J.M. van Tongeren, G. Schank, H.W. Siemens, Nietzsche Research Group (eds.), Nietzsche Wörterbuch, Band 2, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, accepted and forthcoming. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C., ‘Fluss.’ In P.J.M. van Tongeren, G. Schank, H.W. Siemens, Nietzsche Research Group (eds.), Nietzsche Wörterbuch, Band 2, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, accepted and forthcoming. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin C. (2009). Maat houden: Waardigheid, vrije wil, kwetsbaarheid en verantwoordelijkheid bij Efrem de Syriër. In M. Becker (ed.). Christelijk sociaal denken: traditie, actualiteit, kritiek. Budel: Damon/CvE, p. 13-31. [peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2008). The Struggle between Ideals: Nietzsche, Schmitt, and Lefort on the Politics of the Future. In H.W. Siemens & V. Roodt (eds.). Nietzsche, Power & Politics: Rethinking Nietzsche's Legacy for Political Thought. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, p. 801-817. [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2007; ed.). De vele gezichten van de fenomenologie. Kampen/Kapellen: Klement/Pelckmans.
- Aydin, C. (2007). ‘Inleiding.’ In C. Aydin (ed.). De vele Gezichten van de Fenomenologie, Kampen/Kapellen: Klement/Pelckmans, p. 7-14.
- Aydin, C. (2007). Charles S. Peirce: Fenomenologie van Een, Twee en Drie. In C. Aydin (ed.). De vele Gezichten van de Fenomenologie, Kampen/Kapellen: Klement/Pelckmans, p. 197-218.
- Aydin, C. (2004). ‘Chaos.’ In P.J.M. van Tongeren, G. Schank, H.W. Siemens, Nietzsche Research Group (eds.). Nietzsche Wörterbuch, Band 1, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, p. 449-468. [international peer-reviewed]
- Tongeren, P.J.M. van, Schank, G., Siemens, H.W. & Nietzsche Research Group (2004; eds.). Nietzsche Wörterbuch, Band 1. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, (member of the Nietzsche Research Group). [international peer-reviewed]
- Aydin, C. (2003). Zijn en Worden. Nietzsches Omduiding van het Substantiebegrip (dissertation). Maastricht: Shaker Publishing.
- Aydin, C. & Lemmens, P. (2000). Nietzsches en Heideggers offensief tegen het humanisme. In J. Sleutels (ed.). Global Village. Leiden, (
- Aydin, C. (1999). Nietzsche over de werkelijkheid als vloeiende zin. In J. Baars & R. Starmans (eds.). Het eigene en het andere: Filosofie en Globalisering. Tilburg: Eburon, p. 11-25.
Research profiles
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
Courses academic year 2023/2024
- Maaike van der Horst: Data-driven sex robots (promotor: Ciano Aydin; co-promotor Bas de Boer)
- Sir Beerends: How are humans becoming more machine-like and is there something lost in that process? (promotor: Ciano Aydin; co-promotor: Nolen Gertz)
- Bart van Haaster: Technologies and the self: How do self-quantifying-technologies mediate our sense of self and agency? (promotor: Ciano Aydin; co-promotor Peter-Paul Verbeek)
- Kristy Claassen: Being Human: Evaluating AI through the lens of Ubuntu (promotors: Ciano Aydin and Peter-Paul Verbeek; co-promotors: Wijnand IJsselsteijn and Julia Hermann)
- Isaac Oluoc: Framework for Distributing Accountability and Responsibility in the
Mapping of Slums and Hazard Areas (promotor: Ciano Aydin; co-promotors: Michael Nagenborg and Monika Kuffer) - Ida Rust: The influence of Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) on human critical and creative thinking (promotor: Ciano Aydin; co-promotor: Michael Nagenborg)
- Marc Altink: Emerging technologies and the future of work (promotor: Ciano Aydin; co-promotor: Tanya Bondarouk)
- Jonne Hoek: Technology and transcendence (promotors: Peter-Paul Verbeek and Ciano Aydin)
- Cammers-Goodwin, Sage. I. (2023). Bridging the gaps between humans and their infrastructure: What are the challenges for citizen engagement introduced by increasing smart urban infrastructure and how might those challenges be mitigated? [PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT, University of Twente]. University of Twente. (promotors: Ciano Aydin and Peter-Paul Verbeek; co-promotor: Michael Nagenborg)
- Benjamin, Jesse. J. (2023). Machine Horizons: Post-Phenomenological AI Studies. [PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT, University of Twente]. University of Twente. (promotors: Ciano Aydin and Peter-Paul Verbeek; co-promotor: Michael Nagenborg)
- Bas, Melis (2022). Technological Mediation of Politics: An Arendtian Critique of Political Philosophy of Technology. [PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT, University of Twente]. University of Twente. (promotors: Peter-Paul Verbeek and Ciano Aydin)
- Wobbes, Theo (2019). Mens of geen mens? Een filosofie van de posthuman. [PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT, University of Twente]. University of Twente. (promotors: Peter-Paul Verbeek and Ciano Aydin)
- Zweistra, Cees (2019). Closing the empathy-gap: The other, technology and ethics DOI: 10.4233/uuid:7cf71865-bdff-4c72-b3d7-c6d464594fd6 (promotor: Ciano Aydin)
Current projects
- On internationalisation (12/2023): 'We want the nuance back in this discussion'
- On technology and desire (2/2020): ‘The problem is that desire is fulfilled’

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