Dr. Christina Bode is health psychologist and works as associate professor and director of the Self-management & Health Assessment Lab at the department of Psychology, Health and Technology at the University of Twente. Her research and teaching is dedicated to the question under which conditions people with chronic illnesses can live a vital and meaningful life and how this aim can be empowered and facilitated with technological innovative measuring and monitoring of patient-reported outcomes and by self-management interventions. She focusses in her research on vitality and fatigue and applies explicit reflective and implicit behavioural change techniques in self-management.
Dr. Bode teaches and coordinates (health) psychology education in the Bachelor and Master tracks at the University of Twente and supervises professional and academic post graduate candidates during their research projects. Management responsibilities in the department and in national associations belong to her professional activities.
Nursing and Health Professions
- Fatigue
- Patient
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Goals
- Breast Cancer
- Interviews
- Visual Impairment
- Treatment
Current research projects:
Improving self-management in GP’ practices with a strengths based stepped care approach
Development of an intervention for fatigue in adults with visual impairment
Early cognitive bias modification of vitality in patients with breast cancer
Socio-economic impact of motivational interviewing on adherence to orthopaedic shoes
Personalized Virtual Coach for Obese Emotional Eaters
Positive psychology and self-management
Other contributions
- Arends, R.Y., Bode, C., Taal, E., van de Laar, M.A.F.J. (in press). Goal management strategies and successful adaptation to arthritis. Patient Education and Counseling.
- Bode, C. & Arends, R.Y. (to appear november 2013). Optimale ontwikkeling, persoonlijke doelen en zelfregulatie. In: E. Bohlmeijer, L. Bolier, G.J. Westerhof & J. Walburg. Handboek positieve psychologie. Theorie, onderzoek en toepassingen. Amsterdam: Boom.
- Bode, C. & Jansen, H. (2013). Examining the Personal Experience of Aging Scale with the Three Step Test Interview. Methodology, 9(3), 96-103.
- Arends, R.Y., Bode, C., Taal, E., van de Laar, M.A.F.J. (2013). A goal management intervention for polyarthritis patients: Rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders,14:239
- Nikolaus, S., Bode, C., Taal, E., & van de Laar, M.A.F.J. (2013). Fatigue and factors related to fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review. Arthritis Care and Research, 65(7), 1128-1146.
- Nikolaus, S., Bode, C., Taal, E., Oostveen , J. C.M., Glas C. A.W., & van de Laar, M.A.F.J. (2013). Calibration of a multidimensional item bank to measure fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,66, 1175-1183.
- Willems, L., Kwakkenbos, L., Bode, C., van den Hoogen, F. & van den Ende, C. (2013). Health care use and patients' perceptions on quality of care in systemic sclerosis. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology,31, S64-S70.
- Bode, C. & Kwakkenbos, L. (2013). Volwassen zijn en ouder worden met een chronische ziekte. NVLE Venster, 33(2), 38-40.
- Bode, C., Taal, E., van Gessel, L., Westerhof, G.J., & van de Laar, M.A.F.J. (2012). The experience of aging in patients with rheumatic diseases: Differences and similarities with the general population. Aging and Mental Health, 16(5), 666-672.
- Nikolaus S., Bode C., Taal E., van de Laar M.A.F.J. (2012). Selection of items for a computer adaptive test to measure fatigue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis – A Delphi approach. Quality of Life Research,21;863-872.
- Nikolaus, S., Bode, C., Taal, E., van de Laar, M.A.F.J. (2012). Expert evaluations of fatigue questionnaires used in rheumatoid arthritis - A Delphi study among patients, nurses and rheumatologists in the Netherlands. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology,30;79-84.
- Bode, C. (2011). Highlights of the Health Professional Scientific Programme on EULAR 2011. EULAR HP News,2,6. Voor de volledige presentatie volg deze link: Powerpoint Highlights Health
- Nikolaus, S., Bode, C., Taal, E., van de Laar, M.A.F.J. (2012). Which dimensions of fatigue should be measured in patients with rheumatoid arthritis? – a Delphi study. Musculoskeletal Care,10;13-17.
- Kupper, N.M., Schreurs, H., ten Klooster, P.M., Bode, C., van Ameijden, E. J.C. (2011). Prevention for elderly people: Demand-oriented or problem-oriented? Health Policy,102,96-103.
- Nikolaus S, Bode C, Taal E, van de Laar MAFJ (2011). Selection of items for a computer adaptive test to measure fatigue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis – A Delphi approach. Quality of Life Research, DOI 10.1007/s11136-011-9982-8.
- Bode, C., van der Heij, A., Taal, E. & van de Laar, M.A.F.J. (2010). Body-self unity and self-esteem in patients with rheumatic diseases. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 15(6), 672-684.
- Nikolaus S, Bode C, Taal E, van de Laar MAFJ (2010). Four different patterns of fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis patients: results of a Q-sort study. Rheumatology, 49(11), 2191-2199.
- Grootenhuis, M. & Bode, C. (2010). De Levensloop. In: A.A. Kaptein, J.B. Prins, E.H. Collette & R.L. Hulsman: Medische Psychologie (2de herziene druk), p.49-60. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
- Bode, C. & Consoli, L. (red). (2010). Oud en jong - Verschillende generaties in Nederland. Nijmegen: Valkhof Pers. http://www.valkhofpers.nl/oud-en-jong
- Nikolaus S, Bode C, Taal E, van de Laar MAFJ. New insights into the experience of fatigue among patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a qualitative study. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69(5):895-897.
- Bode, C., Taal, E., Emons, P.A.A., Galetzka, M., Rasker, J.J., & Van de Laar, M.A.F.J. (2008). Limited results of group self-management eductation for rheumatoid arthritis patients and their partners: explanations from the patient perspective. Clinical Rheumatology, 27, 1523-1528.
- Bode, C., Thoolen, B.J., & De Ridder D.T.D. (2008). Het meten van proactieve copingvaardigheden. Psychometrische eigenschappen van de Utrechtse Proactieve Coping Competentie lijst (UPCC). Psychologie & Gezondheid, 36, 81-91.
- Bergsma, A., Bode, C., Pouwels, M. & De Ridder D.T.D. (2008). Succesvol ouder worden. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers.
- De Jong, E., Bode, C., & Brugmans, E. (2008). Voedsel en globalisering. De grenzen in zicht. Nijmegen: Valkhof Pers.
- Bode, C., de Ridder, D.T.D., Kuijer, R.G, & Bensing, J.M. (2007). Effects of an intervention promoting proactive coping competencies in middle and late adulthood. The Gerontologist,47(1), 42-51.
- Bode, C. & de Ridder, D.T.D. (2007). Investing in the future – identifying participants in an educational program for middle-aged and older adults. Health Education Research,22(4), 473-482.
- Bode, C., Drossaert, C.H.C., & Dijkstra, E. (2007). Een verkennende studie naar de eigen beleving van het ouder worden onder Turkse en Hindostaans-Surinaamse ouderen in Den Haag. Epidemiologisch Bulletin, 42(2), 26-32.
- Bode, C., de Ridder, D.T.D., Bensing, J.M. (2006). Preparing for aging: Development, feasibility and preliminary results of an educational program for midlife and older base don proactive coping theory. Patient Education and Counseling, 61, 272-278.
- Motel-Klingebiel, A., Künemund, H., & Bode, C. (2005). Wohnen und Wohnumfeld älterer Menschen. In M. Kohli & H. Künemund (Eds.), Die zweite Lebenshälfte: Gesellschaftliche Lage und Partizipation im Spiegel des Alters-Survey 2., erw. Auflage (pp. 125-175). Wiebaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Westerhof, G. J., & Bode, C. (2004). The personal meaning of individuality and relatedness: Gender differences in middle and late adulthood. In S. O. Daatland & S. Biggs. (Eds.) Ageing and Diversity. Multiple pathways in later life. (pp. 29 - 44). Bristol: Policy Press.
- Timmer, E., Bode, C., & Dittmann-Kohli, F. (2003). Expectations of gains in the second half of life. A Study of personal conceptions of enrichment in a life span perspective. Aging and Society, 23, 3-24.
- Bode, C. (2003). Individuality and relatedness in middle and late adulthood. A study of women and men in the Netherlands, East- and West-Germany.Enschede: PPI.
- Westerhof, G. J., Dittmann-Kohli, F., & Bode, C. (2003). The Aging Paradox: Toward personal meaning in gerontological theory. In S. Biggs, A. Lowenstein & J. Hendricks (Eds.), The need for theory: Critical approaches to social gerontology. (pp. 127 - 143). Amityville, NY: Baywood.
- Steverink, N., Westerhof, G.J., Bode, C., & Dittmann-Kohli, F. (2001). The personal experience of aging, individual resources, and subjective well-being. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 56, P364 - P373.
- Bode, C., Westerhof, G.J. & Dittmann-Kohli, F. (2001). Selbstvorstellungen über Individualität und Verbundenheit in der zweiten Lebenshälfte. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 34, 365-375.
- Dittmann-Kohli, F., Bode, C., & Westerhof, G.J. (Eds.). (2001). Die zweite Lebenshälfte - Psychologische Perspektiven. Ergebnisse des Alters-Survey. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Research profiles
Bachelor education
- Module coordinator 2nd year module 'Health Psychology & Applied Technology'
- Supervision 2nd year research projects
- Supervision of bachelor theses
Master education
- Professional skills for health psychologists
- Behavioral Medicine
- Public Health Psychology
- Advanced Research Methods
- Supervision of master theses
Affiliated study programs
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
- 201600169 - Masterthesis HPT
- 201600170 - Masterthesis HPT
- 202000341 - Health Psychology
- 202000375 - Bachelorthesis HPT
- 202000381 - Bachelorthesis PCPT
- 202001489 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202001490 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202200087 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202200088 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202200244 - Internship EP
- 202200245 - Internship CRS
- 202200246 - Internship HFE
- 202200247 - Internship HPT
- 202400112 - Women’s Health, Illness & Life Events
- 202400113 - Design, Behaviour Change & Res. Skills
- 202400114 - Real World Women's Health Problems
- 202400645 - Health Promotion
Courses academic year 2023/2024
- 201000227 - Capita Selecta Psychology
- 201100191 - Capita Selecta Psychology
- 201600169 - Masterthesis HPT
- 201600170 - Masterthesis HPT
- 202000341 - Health Psychology
- 202000375 - Bachelorthesis HPT
- 202000381 - Bachelorthesis PCPT
- 202001489 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202001490 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202200074 - Health Promotion
- 202200076 - Coping with Disease in a Digital Era
- 202200087 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202200088 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202200244 - Internship EP
- 202200245 - Internship CRS
- 202200246 - Internship HFE
- 202200247 - Internship HPT
- 202300198 - Health Promotion
- 202300226 - Master Assignment HS
Current research projects:
Improving self-management in GP’ practices with a strengths based stepped care approach
Development of an intervention for fatigue in adults with visual impairment
Early cognitive bias modification of vitality in patients with breast cancer
Socio-economic impact of motivational interviewing on adherence to orthopaedic shoes
Personalized Virtual Coach for Obese Emotional Eaters
Positive psychology and self-management
University of Twente
Capitool 15 (building no. 78), room 138
University of Twente
Ravelijn (building no. 10), room 1234
Hallenweg 17
7522 NH Enschede
University of Twente
Capitool 15 138
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
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