Chandan Dasgupta is interested in designing technology-enhanced learning environments for supporting collaborative learning, fostering productive uncertainty management, and capacity building for critical action amongst students and (pre/in-service) teachers. He completed his Ph.D. in Learning Sciences from University of Illinois at Chicago (USA) and Masters in Human-Computer Interaction from Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech, USA). He has worked as a Postdoctoral scholar for two years at Purdue University in the Computer and Information Technology department. Most recently, he worked at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay as an Assistant Professor in the Educational Technology department for five and half years.


  • Computer Science

    • Computer Aided Design
    • Engineering Education
    • Case Study
    • Roles
    • Uncertainty Management
    • Conversational Agent
    • Student Perception
  • Social Sciences

    • Augmented Reality


Research interests-

  • Understanding the disciplinary practices and social interactions underlying productive uncertainty management
  • Exploring feedback mechanisms for sustaining productive disciplinary engagement
  • Investigating design of techonology-enhanced learning environments for fostering critical action learning amongst students and (pre/in-service) teacher
  • Unpacking emergent collaboration and distributed creativity in Makerspaces
  • Inquiry Learning



Reimagining Engineering Education Through Technology (2024)In Academic Leadership in Engineering Education: Learnings and Case Studies from Educational Leaders Around the Globe (pp. 163-181) (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems; Vol. 1097). Springer. Vieira, C., Magana, A. J., Dasgupta, C. & Hassan, S. Scaffolding spatial perspective-taking ability of middle-school students using AR-enhanced inquiry learning environment (2024)British journal of educational technology, 55(6), 2617-2638. Srivastava, A., Vaidya, V., Murthy, S. & Dasgupta, C. the impact of an AR tool on middle graders' spatial problem-solving process (2024)In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2024 (pp. 124-125). IEEE. Srivastava, A., Murthy, S. & Dasgupta, C. the Discourse around Quality EdTech in India: Including Contextualized and Evidence-Based Solutions in the Ecosystem (2024)Education Sciences, 14(5). Article 481. Bhattacharya, L., Nandakumar, M., Dasgupta, C. & Murthy, S. the interplay of epistemological and positional framing during collaborative uncertainty management (2024)Journal of the learning sciences, 33(1), 80-124. Kaur, N. & Dasgupta, C. Maker-Material Encounters in Collaborative Creative Making (2024)In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2024 (pp. 1358-1361). International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS). V, A. & Dasgupta, C. Collaborative Clinical Reasoning within Synchronous Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Dutch and Finnish Medicine Students (2024)In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - CSCL 2024 (pp. 193-196). International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS). Manoli, C., Gijlers, H., Dasgupta, C. & de Leng, B.


Design of Embodied Conversational Agent to Elicit Participants' Reasoning for Their Decisions Taken Inside a VR Environment (2023)In Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2023 (pp. 266-270) (Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT); Vol. 2023). IEEE. Pc, H. & Dasgupta, C. the Role of Closed Captioning and Live Transcription on DHH Students' Perception of Inclusivity in a Face-to-Face Classroom Environment (2023)In Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2023 (pp. 218-220) (Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT); Vol. 2023). IEEE. Pal, S., Badhe, V. & Dasgupta, C.

Other contributions

  1. Kaur, N., & Dasgupta, C. (2024). Investigating the interplay of epistemological and positional framing during collaborative uncertainty management. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 33(1), 80-124.
  2. Srivastava, A., Vaidya, V., Murthy, S., & Dasgupta, C. (2024). GeoSolvAR: Scaffolding spatial perspective‐taking ability of middle‐school students using AR‐enhanced inquiry learning environment. British Journal of Educational Technology. 
  3. Bhattacharya, L., Nandakumar, M., Dasgupta, C., & Murthy, S. (2024). Shaping the Discourse around Quality EdTech in India: Including Contextualized and Evidence-Based Solutions in the Ecosystem. Education Sciences, 14(5), 481.
  4. Raman, P., Khan, R., Sharma, M., Carvalho, R., Dasgupta, C., Mahajan, A., & Slotta, J. D. (2024). Making Space for Critical Action: Re-visioning Computational Thinking. In Clarke-Midura, J., Kollar, I., Gu, X., & D'Angelo, C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - CSCL 2024 (pp. 439-440). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
  5. Manoli, C., Gijlers, H., Dasgupta, C., & de Leng, B. (2024). Examining Collaborative Clinical Reasoning within Synchronous Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Dutch and Finnish Medicine Students. In Clarke-Midura, J., Kollar, I., Gu, X., & D'Angelo, C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - CSCL 2024 (pp. 193-196). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
  6. Carvalho, R., Ghasempour, E., Khan, R., Slotta, J., Raman, P., Zhang, X., Chen, J., Chen, X., Soodhani, N., & Dasgupta, C. (2023). Teacher Professional Development in Critical Action Pedagogy: A Culturally Responsive Approach. Proceedings of the 17th International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2023. Toronto, Canada, June 10-15.
  7. Kaur, N., & Dasgupta, C. (2023). Middle school learners' uncertainties and their triggers during a collaborative engineering design activity.  Proceedings of the 17th International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2023. Toronto, Canada, June 10-15.
  8. Alekh, V., & Dasgupta, C. (2023). Knowing Together With Materials in Collaborative Creative Making. Proceedings of the 17th International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2023. Toronto, Canada, June 10-15.
  9. Vivek, S., Dasgupta, C., & Arya, K. (2023). Fostering productive uncertainty management in engineering problem-solving through reflective prompts. Proceedings of the 17th International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2023. Toronto, Canada, June 10-15.
  10. Dasgupta, C., Magana, A. J., & Kirkham, L. (2021). Investigating Teachers’ Enactment of Engineering Design Practices in a CAD Simulation-Enhanced Learning Environment. Computer Applications in Engineering Education,
  11. Dasgupta, C. (2019). Improvable Models as Scaffolds for Promoting Productive Disciplinary Engagement in an Engineering Design Activity. Journal of Engineering Education, 108(3), 394 - 417.
  12. Magana, A. J., Elluri, S., Dasgupta, C., Seah, Y. Y., Madamanchi, A. & Boutin, M. (2019). The Role of Simulation-Enabled Design Learning Experiences on Middle School Students’ Self-generated Inherence Heuristics. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 28, 382–398.
  13. Dasgupta, C., Magana, A. J., & Vieira, C. (2019). Investigating the affordances of a CAD enabled learning environment for promoting integrated STEM learning. Computers & Education, 129, 122-142.

Research profiles

Ph.D. in Learning Sciences
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
2009 – 2015

M.S. in Human-Computer Interaction   
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
2007 – 2009

B.E. (Honors) in Computer Science & Engineering
Maharshi Dayanand University, India
2000 – 2004

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Current projects

Future-Proofing Educators: Innovative Trends in Navigating Digital Learning that Enables Holistic Student Development

This project is funded by the International Baccalaureate (IB)

From unsupervised self-study to teacher supported self-regulated learning in large courses

This project is funded by the 4TU.CEE UT


University of Twente

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