Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
Courses academic year 2023/2024
- 202001143 - M7A Device Physics
- 202001144 - Single Electron Transistor
- 202001145 - Semiconductor Physics
- 202001146 - Semiconductor Devices
- 202001147 - Transduction & Mechanical Devices
- 202001148 - Optical Devices
- 202001149 - Project
- 202001150 - M7B Network Systems for EE
- 202001151 - Network Systems Core
- 202001152 - Programming 2
- 202001153 - M8 Signal Processing and Communications
- 202001154 - Communication Systems
- 202001155 - Digital Signal Processing
- 202001161 - M12 Bachelor Thesis EE
- 202001162 - Bachelor Thesis EE
- 202001209 - Linear Algebra for EE
- 202001235 - Probability Theory for EE
- 202100135 - M4 Wireless Transmission
- 202100136 - Electrodynamics
- 202100137 - Wireless Transmission Project
- 202100138 - High Frequency Electronics
- 202100253 - M11 Electronic System Design
- 202100254 - Complex System Design
- 202100255 - Embedded Signal Processing
- 202100256 - Survey Paper
- 202200148 - Vector Calculus for EE
- 202200175 - M3 Electronics
- 202200176 - Low Frequency Electronics
- 202200177 - Electro- and MagnetoStatics
- 202200178 - Electronics Project

University of Twente
Zilverling (building no. 11), room 1032
Hallenweg 19
7522 NH Enschede
University of Twente
Zilverling 1032
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)
- Educational Support (EEMCS-SERVICES-EDU)