
  • Augustus 1996: Ph.D. in Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
  • October 1991: Laurea in Fisica, Universitá di Trento, Italy

Professional employment

  • Sep 2009 - ....: Hoogleraar (Full Professor) Universiteit Twente, The Netherlands
  • Jan 2006 - Aug 2009: Universitair Docent (Assistant Professor) Instituut-Lorentz, Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands
  • Sep 2001 - Dec 2006: FOM Springplanker (Universitair Docent funded by FOM) Instituut-Lorentz, Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands
  • Sep 1998 - Aug 2001: Lecturer National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland
  • Sep 1996 - Aug 1998: Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Supervisors: Prof. David Ceperley and Prof. Richard Martin
  • Jun 1992 - Aug 1996: Graduate Research Assistant Cornell University, USA; Supervisor: Dr. Cyrus Umrigar
  • Nov 1991 - May 1992: INFM (National Institute of Condensed Matter Physics) fellow University of Trento, Italy; Supervisor: Prof.Giovanni B. Bachelet




Is fixed-node diffusion quantum Monte Carlo reproducible? (2025)[Working paper › Preprint]. Pia, F. D., Shi, B., Al-Hamdani, Y. S., Alfè, D., Anderson, T., Barborini, M., Benali, A., Casula, M., Drummond, N., Dubecký, M., Filippi, C., Kent, P., Krogel, J., López Ríos, P., Lüchow, A., Luo, Y., Michaelides, A., Mitas, L., Nakano, K., … Zen, A.


Roadmap on methods and software for electronic structure based simulations in chemistry and materials (2024)Electronic Structure, 6(4). Article 042501. Blum, V., Asahi, R., Autschbach, J., Bannwarth, C., Bihlmayer, G., Blügel, S., Burns, L. A., Crawford, T. D., Dawson, W., de Jong, W. A., Draxl, C., Filippi, C., Genovese, L., Giannozzi, P., Govind, N., Hammes-Schiffer, S., Hammond, J. R., Hourahine, B., Jain, A., … Windus, T. Quantum Mechanical Simulations: Navigating the Shifting Sands of Hardware and Software (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. ChemRxiv. Shinde, R., Filippi, C., Scemama, A. & Jalby, W. Quantum Monte Carlo Forces for Machine-Learned Force Fields: Ethanol as a Benchmark (2024)Journal of chemical theory and computation, 20(14), 6020-6027. Slootman, E., Poltavsky, I., Shinde, R., Cocomello, J., Moroni, S., Tkatchenko, A. & Filippi, C. Ab-initio Materials Package (CHAMP) (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Filippi, C., Shinde, R., Landinez Borda, E. J., Shepard, S., Slootman, E., Cuzzocrea, A., Azizi, V., López-Tarifa, P., Renaud, N., Umrigar, C. & Moroni, S. Relativistic All-Electron and Pseudopotential Ab Initio Study of a Minimal Nitrogenase [Fe(SH)4H]− Model Employing Coupled-Cluster and Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo Many-Body Methods (2024)The journal of physical chemistry A, 128(7), 1358-1374. Vysotskiy, V. P., Filippi, C. & Ryde, U. Symposium: Bridging Quantum Monte Carlo and High-Performance Simulations (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Filippi, C., Scemama, A., Casula, M., Rupp, M., Alavi, A., Jalby, W., Auweter, A., Hapka, M., Stich, I., Nakano, K., Skelin, M., Ceperley, D., Benali, A., Marzari, N., Zhang, S., Sukurma, Z., Slootman, E., Pierleoni, C., Carleo, G., … Gill, P. - CECAM WEBINAR Quantum Monte Carlo HPC Applications in Condensed Matter, Quantum Chemistry and Materials Science - Presentations (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Filippi, C., Bonella, S., Stich, I., Doblhoff-Dier, K., Alavi, A., Li Manni, G., Dobrautz, W., Lopez Rios, P., A. Bogdanov, N. & Monacelli, L. Hands-on Summer Workshop 20-23 July 2022 Presentations (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Filippi, C., Ravindra, S., Scemama, A., Chilkuri, V. G. & Nakano, K.


TREXIO: A file format and library for quantum chemistry (2023)The Journal of chemical physics, 158(17). Article 174801. Posenitskiy, E., Chilkuri, V. G., Ammar, A., Hapka, M., Pernal, K., Shinde, R., Borda, E. J. L., Filippi, C., Nakano, K., Kohulák, O., Sorella, S., Castro, P. d. O., Jalby, W., López Ríos, P., Alavi, A. & Scemama, A.

Research profiles

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024


University of Twente

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