Chair of the Engineering Fluid Dynamics Group

Research and teaching in fluid dynamics. Research themes led by scientific staff in the group are:

  • Rotating flow machines
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics Algorithms and Design
  • Aeroacoustics and Aerodynamics
  • Biomedical Fluid Mechanics
  • Fluid Mechanics of Functional Material

Chair of the Thermal Fluid Engineering department.

Lead the Me-MSc specialisation Energy & Flow until October 1 2023

Coordinator the Me-MSc specialisation "Aeronautics"

Leading he double degree program Mechanical Engineering (UTwente) and Aeronautical Engineering (ITA, Brazil)

PhD from University of Twente, 1991, in the area of Thin layer flow/Lubrication and Multigrid/Multilevel methods. Held visiting scientist and Postdoc positions at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, and at Imperial College, London, UK. 2000-2014 assistent/associate prof. in the Engineering Fluid dynamics group at the University of Twente. Senior visiting scientist at SKF RTD Houten, The Netherlands.

30+ years of expertise in theoretical and applied research and leading research projects in different areas in fluid mechanics, including small scale  thin layer flow and optimal interface design on a nanoscale in lubrication and microfluidics, biomedical fluid mechanics, wind turbines and aircraft aerodynamics/aeroacoustics, windturbines, Expertise in experimental and numerical methods among which Multigrid/multilevel methods for scientific computing.

Author of 100+ papers in international journals. h-factor 44 (google). Author of book "Multilevel methods in Lubrication (Elsevier) (2000_

For more info about Kees Venner on the 'Featured Scientists' page, click below:


  • Material Science

    • Film Thickness
  • Physics

    • Model
    • Variations
    • Pressure
    • Boundary Layer
  • Engineering

    • Turbulence
    • Trailing Edge
    • Thickness


Ancillary activities

  • NWOMember Permanent Committee Large-Scale Research Infrastructure

Research and teaching in fluid dynamics. Mission is to carry out research and provide teaching at a high academic level and directly link knowledge and applications to the solution of society's major problems nowadays, i.e. transition to a sustainable/resillient society, and contribute to a planet on which all living beings have space to live in healthy eco-systems and are treated with respect. In additional to the many technical applications I am intrigued by nature and the way in which all natural beings are perfectly adapted to the fluid mechanics and heat transfer of their natural habitat.

Research themes in the group Engineering Fluid Dynamics are:

  • Rotating flow machines
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics Algorithms and Design
  • Aeroacoustics and Aerodynamics
  • Biomedical Fluid Mechanics
  • Fluid Mechanics of Functional Materials


Jump to: 2024 | 2023


Scalable Jet-Based Fabrication of PEI-Hydrogel Particles for CO2 Capture (2024)Energy and Environmental Materials, 7(6). Article e12748. Jiang, J., van Daatselaar, E., Wijnja, H., de Koning Gans, T., Schellevis, M., Venner, C. H., Brilman, D. W. F. & Visser, C. W. Between Band-Stop and Broadband Noise Absorbers for Propellers in Non-Uniform Inflow (2024)In 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2024). Castelucci, L. A., Sanders, M., Wijnant, Y., Venner, K. & Hirschberg, L. Interaction: Quasi-Steady-Modeling-Regime Limits Probed (2024)In 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2024). Kowalski, K., Hulshoff, S. J., Ströer, P., Withag, J., Genot, A., Morgans, A. S., Bake, F., Venner, K., Sanders, M. & Hirschberg, L. Boundary Conditions in the context of the Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Shehadi, E. and perceptual prediction of wind turbine noise (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Bresciani, A. P. C. layer development and flow-induced noise of airfoils: The effect of high inflow turbulence on trailing-edge noise generation (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Botero Bolivar, L. far-field noise and noise source characterization in high inflow turbulence conditions (2024)The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155(2), 803-816. Botero-Bolívar, L., Santos, F. L. d., Venner, C. H. & Santana, L. D. d. study of surface noise mitigation for propeller in boundary layer ingestion configuration (2024)In Proceedings of the 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association Forum Acusticum 2023. Castelucci, L. A., Venner, C. H. & Wijnant, Y. H.


Propeller Influence on Surface Pressure Fluctuation Under Boundary Layer Ingestion Condition (2023)In INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings. Institute of Noise Control Engineering. Castelucci, L. A. & Venner, C. H. study of inflow turbulence distortion and noise for airfoils (2023)Physics of Fluids, 35(11). Article 115112. Ribeiro, A. F. P., dos Santos, F. L., Venner, K. & de Santana, L. D. printing of foams for acoustic applications (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. Ipskamp Printing. Rastogi, P. Flow-Induced Noise for Airfoils: Inflow Turbulence Distortion Effect on Leading-Edge Noise Generation and Prediction (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Dos Santos, F. L. and predicted leading- and trailing-edge noise of symmetric airfoils under zero mean-loading (2023)Applied acoustics, 212. Article 109579. Botero-Bolívar, L., dos Santos, F. L., Venner, C. H. & de Santana, L. D. Combining Flipped-Classroom, Game-Based Learning, and Systematic Problem Analysis in Heat Transfer Education (2023)In Proceedings of the 17th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-17. Rohlfs, W., Venner, C. H., Alarouri, M., Kuiphuis, D. J. G. & Kneer, R.Response of elastic/viscoelastic layers on an elastic half-space in rolling contacts: Towards a new modeling approach for elastohydrodynamic lubrication (2023)Tribology international, 186. Article 108545. Zhao, Y., Liu, H. C., Morales-Espejel, G. E. & Venner, C. H. spectra, spanwise correlation, and far-field noise measurements of a NACA 0008 airfoil under uniform and turbulent inflows (2023)Applied acoustics, 211. Article 109546. dos Santos, F. L., Botero-Bolívar, L., Venner, C. H. & de Santana, L. D. of branched fluidic networks that minimise energy dissipation (2023)Journal of fluid mechanics, 967. Article A6. Smink, J. S., Venner, C. H., Visser, C. W. & Hagmeijer, R. Flapping-Flight Robotic Bird using Unsteady Lifting-Line Method (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum. Groot Koerkamp, L. H., Hoeijmakers, H. W. M., Venner, C. H. & Stramigioli, S. Visualization of Dual Injection in Supersonic Crossflow (2023)[Contribution to conference › Other] AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum. Hoeijmakers, H. W. M., Smink, J. S., de Maag, S. & Venner, C. H.Analysis of the remote microphone probe technique for the determination of turbulence quantities (2023)Applied acoustics, 208. Article 109387. dos Santos, F. L., Botero-Bolívar, L., Venner, C. H. & de Santana, L. D. of energy efficient adaptive hearing protection device (2023)[Thesis › EngD Thesis]. University of Twente. Mahajan, J. N.Leading Edge Vortex Formation on a Flapping Wing Robotic Bird (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum. Groot Koerkamp, L. H., Hoeijmakers, H. W. M., Venner, C. H. & Stramigioli, S. driving force for martensite decay in rolling contact fatigue (2023)Tribology international, 184. Article 108470. Andric, P., Echeverri Restrepo, S., Lai, J., Venner, C. H. & Vegter, E. thermal EHL investigation for finite line contact under starved condition on bush-pin hinge pairs in industrial chains (2023)Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part J: Journal of engineering tribology, 237(5), 1119-1132. Zhang, M., Wang, J., Venner, C. H. & Sun, H. of the Freestream Turbulence on Wall-Pressure Fluctuations Along an Airfoil Chord (2023)AIAA journal, 61(5), 2309-2313. Botero-Bolívar, L., Dos Santos, F. L., Venner, C. H. & de Santana, L.

Research profiles

Secondary school "Bisschop Bekkers College" Eindhoven, the Netherlands. MSc. (1987) and PhD (1991) from University of Twente, in the area of Thin layer flow/Lubrication and Multigrid/Multilevel methods. Recipient of a Royal Society "Academie-onderzoeker" grant in 1990.  Held visiting scientist and Postdoc positions at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (1988-2002) , and at Imperial College, London, UK. 2000-2014assistent/associate prof. in the Engineering Fluid dynamic group at the University of Twente. Senior visiting scientist at SKF RTD Nieuwegein, The Netherlands.

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room N246
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room N236
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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