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I'm a PhD student and lecturer within the Biomedical Signals and Systems group. My research focuses onmapping lifestyle with multi-modal sensing systems. I lecture a bachelor and master course of Technical Medicine.


  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Coherence
    • Jaw Muscle
    • Muscle Contraction
    • Neck Muscle
    • Sleep Bruxism
    • Sleep Stage
    • Bruxism
    • Jaw


The aim of my PhD research is to map behavioral lifestyle with multi-modal sensing systems. My current research interests are analyzing self-reported data and emotions and physiological data such as, physical activity, sleeping, stress and eating behaviors. Patients with diabetes type 2 and patients undergoing gastric bypass patients is the focus research population.


Coherence of jaw and neck muscle activity during sleep bruxism, 432-440. Gouw, S., Frowein, A., Braem, C., de Wijer, A., Creugers, N. H. J., Pasman, J. W., Doorduin, J. & Kalaykova, S. I.

Research profiles

Naast mijn PhD ben ik een docent bij module 3 van Technische Geneeskunde waar ik de endocriene fysiologie geef. Daarnaast begeleid ik master studenten bij 'Biological Control System', bij de ontwikkeling conceptuele en wiskundige modellen van een menselijk systeem.

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023

Current projects


Exceptional Deep Intelligent Coach

Our increased life expectancy unfortunately goes hand in hand with an increased amount of years living with chronic conditions. These conditions cannot be cured, but both the development of comorbidities and the quality of life are strongly influenced by proper self-management and deploying a healthy lifestyle. In the EDIC project we bring in expertise in data mining, telemedicine, e-coaching, behavioral sciences and domain expertise in chronically ill patients, to develop a novel data-driven artificial coaching platform.

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