2023 - Associate Professor, University of Twente, Faculty ITC

2017 - International Consultant, the World Bank

2018 - 2023Ā Assistant Professor, University of Twente, Faculty ITC

2014 - 2018 PhD on Informal Settlement Mapping with UAV imagery (cum laude), University of Twente, Faculty ITC

2012-2014 MSc Geographical Information Systems, Lund University, Sweden

2012-2013 MSc Remote Sensing, University of Valencia, Spain

2008-2011 BSc International Land and Water Management, Wageningen University, the Netherlands


Awards and Grants

2022 - KNAWĀ ā€“Ā Member of the Dutch Young Academy of Scientists (De Jonge Akademie)

2021 - NWO VeniĀ ā€“ Bridging the gap between Artificial Intelligence and society: Developing responsible and viable solutions for geospatial data

2020 - NWO MVIĀ ā€“ Disastrous information: embedding ā€œDo No Harmā€ principles into innovative geo-intelligence workflows for effective humanitarian action

2020 - Nederlandse Commissie voor GeodesieĀ - J.M. Tienstra Onderzoeksprijs


  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Datum
    • Pilotless Aircraft
    • Imagery
    • Cartography
    • Area
    • Metropolitan Area
    • Image
    • Investigation



Auditing geospatial datasets for biases: using global building datasets for disaster risk management, 1-12 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Gevaert, C. M., Buunk, T. & van den Homberg, M. J. C., Not Just More: Data-Centric Machine Learning for Earth Observation. (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Roscher, R., Rußwurm, M., Gevaert, C., Kampffmeyer, M., Santos, J. A. d., Vakalopoulou, M., Hänsch, R., Hansen, S., Nogueira, K., Prexl, J. & Tuia, D. AI for Earth Observation. (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Ghamisi, P., Yu, W., Marinoni, A., Gevaert, C. M., Persello, C., Selvakumaran, S., Girotto, M., Horton, B. P., Rufin, P., Hostert, P., Pacifici, F. & Atkinson, P. M. crop type mapping for fairnessĀ . Gorbunov, I., Gevaert, C. & Belgiu, M. for small-data problems in remote sensing: monitoring Atlantic forests with UAVs. Chandramouli, P., Gevaert, C. M., Nattino, F., Ku, O., Pedro, A. A., Oliveira, P. d. P., Barreto, E. H. P. & Ovileira, F. d. Geo-intelligence (Unpublished). Masinde, B. K., Gevaert, C. M., Nagenborg, M. H. & Zevenbergen, J. A.Algorithmic Fairness in Geo-intelligence Workflows through Causality. Masinde, B., Gevaert, C. M., Nagenborg, M. H., van den Homberg, M. J. C. & Zevenbergen, J. A.

Research profiles

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023

2021 - NWO Veni ā€“ Bridging the gap between Artificial Intelligence and society: Developing responsible and viable solutions for geospatial data

2020 - NWO MVI ā€“ Disastrous information: embedding ā€œDo No Harmā€ principles into innovative geo-intelligence workflows for effective humanitarian action

2020 - Nuffic-OKP Tailor-Made Training Plus - Capacity strengthening for gender responsive and sustainable urban development: Integrated Deprivation Area Mapping System for Displacement Durable Solutions and socio-economic reconstruction in Khartoum, Sudan (IDeAMapSudan)

2019-2020 - Nuffic-OKP Tailor-Made Training - Satellite and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Remote Sensing Applications contributing to the creation of ecologically sustainable food and water management systems in Jordan


University of Twente

Langezijds (building no. 19), room 1221
Hallenweg 8
7522 NH Enschede

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