Currently working on the FP4 Rail4EARTH project as part of the ERJU (Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking) consortium. I am conducting research on creating a process to design eco-labels for the railway sector in partnership with ProRail and NS.


  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Energy Efficiency
    • Carbon Dioxide Emission
    • Environmental Impact Assessment
    • Greenhouse Gas
    • Environmental Impact
  • Social Sciences

    • Eco-Label
    • Railway
    • Industrial Sector


The European Railway Sector has ambitions to create a Single Rail Area in Europe which would allow interoperability, innovation and competitivity on other modes of transport. To reach this goal, the European Rail's Joint Undertaking (ERJU) has created several flagships with work packages to allow for collaboration between industry and academia.

FP4 Rail4EARTH is one of the flagships that looks into sustainability and our specific project looks at data management tools and eco-labels. The consortium wants to create a European eco-label that would apply to rolling stocks, infrastructure and buildings. As such the research will focus on the creation of an ecolabel encompassing the supplier, manager and operator companies of the Railway sector. I will be looking into the needs of the sector and the targeted audience as well as the goal, content and format of the ecolabel.

The goal of this PhD research will be to look into how eco-labels can be designed and integrated into the supply chain of the railway sector through the creation of a formal process that can support the sector. 


Research profiles


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room T310
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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