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Final 5-year report of BIONYX comparing the thin-composite wire-strut zotarolimus-eluting stent versus ultrathin-strut sirolimus-eluting stent (2024)Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions, 104(1), 1-9. van Vliet, D., Ploumen, E. H., Pinxterhuis, T. H., Buiten, R. A., Aminian, A., Schotborgh, C. E., Danse, P. W., Roguin, A., Anthonio, R. L., Benit, E., Zocca, P., Doggen, C. J. M. & von Birgelen, C. impact of patient-reported frailty on cardiovascular outcomes in elderly patients after non-ST-acute coronary syndrome (2024)International journal of cardiology, 405. Article 131940. van den Broek, W. W. A., Gimbel, M. E., Hermanides, R. S., Runnett, C., Storey, R. F., Knaapen, P., Emans, M. E., Oemrawsingh, R. M., Cooke, J., Galasko, G., Walhout, R., Stoel, M. G., von Birgelen, C., van Bergen, P. F. M. M., Brinckman, S. L., Aksoy, I., Liem, A., van't Hof, A. W. J., Jukema, J. W., … ten Berg, J. M. minorities treated with new-generation drug-eluting coronary stents in two European randomised clinical trials (2024)Netherlands heart journal, 32(6), 254-261. Ploumen, E. H., Semedo, E., Doggen, C. J. M., Schotborgh, C. E., Anthonio, R. L., Danse, P. W., Benit, E., Aminian, A., Stoel, M. G., Hartmann, M., van Houwelingen, K. G., Scholte, M., Roguin, A., Linssen, G. C. M., Zocca, P. & von Birgelen, C. mortality after treating obstructive coronary atherosclerosis with contemporary stents in patients with or without concomitant peripheral arterial disease (2024)Atherosclerosis, 392. Article 117488. Pinxterhuis, T. H., Ploumen, E. H., van Vliet, D., van Houwelingen, K. G., Stoel, M. G., de Man, F. H., Hartmann, M., Zocca, P., Linssen, G. C., Geelkerken, R. H., Doggen, C. J. & von Birgelen, C. and interobserver reliability in measuring aortic root rotation with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (2024)Cardiovascular diagnosis and therapy, 14(2), 264-271. Voortman, M., Fitski, W., van Es, J., Doggen, C. J. M., Plonek, T., von Birgelen, C. & Wagenaar, L. J. of the number of modifiable risk factors on clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention: An analysis from the e-Ultimaster registry (2024)IJC Heart and Vasculature, 51. Article 101370. Kobo, O., Levi, Y., Abu-Fanne, R., von Birgelen, C., Guedes, A., Aminian, A., Laanmets, P., Dewilde, W., Witkowski, A., Monségu, J., Iñiguez, A., Halabi, M., Mamas, M. A. & Roguin, A. of previous treatment for peripheral arterial disease and risk of adverse cardiac events after coronary stenting (2024)Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics, 39(2), 173-182. Pinxterhuis, T. H., von Birgelen, C., Geelkerken, R. H., Doggen, C. J. M., Menting, T. P., van Houwelingen, K. G., Linssen, G. C. M. & Ploumen, E. H. transthoracic echocardiography in ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack of undetermined cause: a prospective multicentre study (2024)Netherlands heart journal, 32(2), 91-98. van der Maten, G., Meijs, M. F. L., Timmer, J. R., Brouwers, P. J. A. M., von Birgelen, C., Coutinho, J. M., Bouma, B. J., Kerkhoff, H., Helming, A. M., van Tuijl, J. H., van der Meer, N. A., Saxena, R., Ebink, C., van der Palen, J. & den Hertog, H. M. balloons as a first choice for patients with de novo lesions: pros and cons (2024)EuroIntervention, 20(2), e120-e122. Colombo, A., Leone, P. P., Ploumen, E. H. & von Birgelen, C. for detecting cardiac sources of embolism after ischemic stroke (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van der Maten, G. Atrial fibrillation detected with outpatient cardiac rhythm monitoring in patients with ischemic stroke or TIA of undetermined cause (2023)Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 32(12). Article 107400. van der Maten, G., Meijs, M. F. L., van der Palen, J., Brouwers, P. J. A. M., von Birgelen, C., van Opstal, J. & den Hertog, H. M. Myocardial Infarction in Patients with Premature Coronary Artery Disease: Insights into Patient Characteristics and Outcome after Treatment with Contemporary Stents (2023)European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care, 12(11), 774-781. Pinxterhuis, T. H., Ploumen, E. H., Doggen, C. J. M., Hartmann, M., Schotborgh, C. E., Anthonio, R. L., Roguin, A., Danse, P. W., Benit, E., Aminian, A., Linssen, G. C. M. & Von birgelen, C. Positivity, Stent Thrombosis, and 30-day Mortality in STEMI Patients Undergoing Mechanical Reperfusion (2023)Angiology, 74(10), 987-996. De Luca, G., Algowhary, M., Uguz, B., Oliveira, D. C., Ganyukov, V., Zimbakov, Z., Cercek, M., Okkels Jensen, L., Loh, P. H., Calmac, L., Roura i Ferrer, G., Quadros, A., Milewski, M., Scotto Di Uccio, F., von Birgelen, C., Versaci, F., Ten Berg, J., Casella, G., Wong Sung Lung, A., … Verdoia, M. of percutaneous coronary intervention using ultrathin-strut biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting versus thin-strut durable polymer zotarolimus-eluting stents in patients with comorbid peripheral arterial disease: a post-hoc analysis from two randomized trials (2023)Cardiovascular diagnosis and therapy, 13(4), 673-685. Pinxterhuis, T. H., Ploumen, E. H., Zocca, P., Doggen, C. J. M., Schotborgh, C. E., Anthonio, R. L., Roguin, A., Danse, P. W., Benit, E., Aminian, A., van Houwelingen, K. G., Linssen, G. C. M., Geelkerken, R. H. & von Birgelen, C. of target lesion failure after treatment of left main, bifurcation, or chronic total occlusion lesions with ultrathin-strut drug-eluting coronary stents in the ULTRA registry (2023)Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions, 102(2), 221-232. de Filippo, O., Bruno, F., Pinxterhuis, T. H., Gąsior, M., Perl, L., Gaido, L., Tuttolomondo, D., Greco, A., Verardi, R., Lo Martire, G., Iannaccone, M., Leone, A., Liccardo, G., Caglioni, S., González Ferreiro, R., Rodinò, G., Musumeci, G., Patti, G., Borzillo, I., … D'Ascenzo, F. of premature coronary artery disease on adverse event risk following first percutaneous coronary intervention (2023)Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 10. Article 1160201. Pinxterhuis, T. H., Ploumen, E. H., Zocca, P., Doggen, C. J. M., Schotborgh, C. E., Anthonio, R. L., Roguin, A., Danse, P. W., Benit, E., Aminian, A., Hartmann, M., Linssen, G. C. M. & von Birgelen, C. characteristics of lesions with thin cap fibroatheroma: A substudy from the COMBINE (OCT-FFR) trial (2023)European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging, 24(5), 687-693. Roleder-Dylewska, M., Gasior, P., Hommels, T. M., Roleder, T., Berta, B., Ang, H. Y., Ng, J. C. K., Hermanides, R. S., Fabris, E., IJsselmuiden, A. J. J., Kauer, F., Alfonso, F., von Birgelen, C., Escaned, J., Camaro, C., Kennedy, M. W., Pereira, B., Magro, M., Nef, H., … Kedhi, E. of bleeding after percutaneous coronary intervention and its impact on further adverse events in clinical trial participants with comorbid peripheral arterial disease (2023)International journal of cardiology, 374, 27-32. Pinxterhuis, T. H., Ploumen, E. H., Zocca, P., Doggen, C. J. M., Schotborgh, C. E., Anthonio, R. L., Roguin, A., Danse, P. W., Benit, E., Aminian, A., Stoel, M. G., Linssen, G. C. M., Geelkerken, R. H. & von Birgelen, C. outcomes of patients with normal fractional flow reserve and thin-cap fibroatheroma (2023)EuroIntervention, 18(13), e1099-e1107. Fabris, E., Berta, B., Hommels, T., Roleder, T., Hermanides, R. S., Rivero, F., von Birgelen, C., Escaned, J., Camaro, C., Kennedy, M. W., Pereira, B., Magro, M., Nef, H., Reith, S., Roleder-Dylewska, M., Gasior, P., Malinowski, K. P., De Luca, G., Garcia-Garcia, H. M., … Kedhi, E. Difference in the Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Mechanical Reperfusion and 30-Day Mortality for STEMI: Results of the ISACS-STEMI COVID-19 Registry (2023)Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(3). Article 896. De Luca, G., Manzo-Silberman, S., Algowhary, M., Uguz, B., Oliveira, D. C., Ganyukov, V., Busljetik, O., Cercek, M., Okkels, L., Loh, P. H., Calmac, L., Ferrer, G. R. i., Quadros, A., Milewski, M., Scotto di Uccio, F., von Birgelen, C., Versaci, F., Ten Berg, J., Casella, G., … Verdoia, M. of chronic kidney disease and diabetes on clinical outcomes in women undergoing PCI (2023)EuroIntervention, 19(6), 493-501. Spirito, A., Itchhaporia, D., Sartori, S., Camenzind, E., Chieffo, A., Dangas, G. D., Galatius, S., Jeger, R. V., Kandzari, D. E., Kastrati, A., Kim, H. S., Kimura, T., Leon, M. B., Mehta, L. S., Mikhail, G. W., Morice, M. C., Nicolas, J., Pileggi, B., Serruys, P. W., … Mehran, R. of Sex on Clinical Outcomes in Patients undergoing Complex Percutaneous Coronary Angioplasty (from the e-ULTIMASTER Study) (2023)The American journal of cardiology, 186, 71-79. Doolub, G., Tonino, P. A. L., Kedev, S., Monségu, J., Paradies, V., Austin, D., Spanó, F., Roffi, M., Fröbert, O., von Birgelen, C., Buchanan, L. & Mamas, M. A. Utility of the ACC/AHA Lesion Classification to Predict Outcomes After Contemporary DES Treatment: Individual Patient Data Pooled Analysis From 7 Randomized Trials (2022)Journal of the American Heart Association, 11(24). Article e025275. Konigstein, M., Redfors, B., Zhang, Z., Kotinkaduwa, L. N., Mintz, G. S., Smits, P. C., Serruys, P. W., von Birgelen, C., Madhavan, M. V., Golomb, M., Ben-Yehuda, O., Mehran, R., Leon, M. B. & Stone, G. W. of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on short-term outcome in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction during COVID-19 pandemic: insights from the international multicenter ISACS-STEMI registry (2022)Respiratory research, 23(1). Article 207. De Luca, G., Nardin, M., Algowhary, M., Uguz, B., Oliveira, D. C., Ganyukov, V., Zimbakov, Z., Cercek, M., Okkels Jensen, L., Loh, P. H., Calmac, L., Roura Ferrer, G., Quadros, A., Milewski, M., Scotto di Uccio, F., von Birgelen, C., Versaci, F., Ten Berg, J., Casella, G., … Verdoia, M. 5-Year Report of the Randomized BIO-RESORT Trial Comparing 3 Contemporary Drug-Eluting Stents in All-Comers (2022)Journal of the American Heart Association, 11(22). Article e026041. Ploumen, E. H., Pinxterhuis, T. H., Buiten, R. A., Zocca, P., Danse, P. W., Schotborgh, C. E., Scholte, M., Tjon Joe Gin, R. M., Somi, S., van Houwelingen, K. G., Stoel, M. G., de Man, H. A. F., Hartmann, M., Linssen, G. C. M., van der Heijden, L. C., Kok, M. M., Doggen, C. J. M. & von Birgelen, C. Other contributions
Publications in scientific journals
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Ph.D. supervised at the University of Twente
M.M. Kok. Percutaneous coronary interventions from various perspectives. Ph.D. (cum laude), 13-12-2018. Supervisor: von Birgelen C.
L.C. van der Heijden. Second-generation drug-eluting stents and beyond. Ph.D., 06-12-2017. Supervisor: von Birgelen C.
J.J. Kandhai-Ragunath. Peripheral endothelial function after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Ph.D., 06-12-2017. Supervisor: von Birgelen C.
M.K. Lam. Lesion morphology, vessel anatomy and the outcome of coronary stenting: Insight from the TWENTE trials. Ph.D., 17-06-2015. Supervisors: von Birgelen C. and IJzerman M.J.
H. Sen. Drug-eluting stent use in patients with increased risk. Ph.D., 19-12-2014. Supervisor: von Birgelen C.
K. Tandjung. Clinical assessment of drug-eluting stents: TWENTE trial and beyond. Ph.D. (cum laude), 25-06-2014. Supervisor: von Birgelen C.
M.A.G.M. Olimulder. Utility of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging with contrast- enhancement beyond the scope of viability. Ph.D., 25-06-2014. Supervisor: von Birgelen C.
M.G. Stoel. Angiography and coronary function – a clinical approach. Ph.D., 11-10-2013. Supervisors: von Birgelen C. and Zijlstra F.
M.W.Z. Basalus. Drug-eluting stents: from bench-top to clinical research. Ph.D., 11-10-2013. Supervisor: von Birgelen C.
M. Hartmann. Serial intravascular ultrasound assessment of coronary atherosclerosis progression and remodeling. Ph.D., 27-11-2008. Supervisor: von Birgelen C.
Research profiles