Daniela Guericke is Assistant Professor for Stochastic Operations Research at the Section Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems. Her research focuses sustainable operations by utilizing (stochastic) operations research and optimization methods in application areas such as energy systems and health care. In particular,  she is interested in decision-making under uncertainty and solving large-scale optimization problems.

Daniela received her PhD in Business Information Systems from the Decision Support and Operations Research Lab, Paderborn University. Afterwards,  she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark (DTU). In 2020, she became Assistant Professor for Decision-making under Uncertainty in Integrated Energy Systems at DTU. In 2021, Daniela received the Young Researchers Award of the German OR Society (GOR e.V.).


  • Computer Science

    • Models
    • Control
    • Design
  • Engineering

    • Energy Engineering
    • Optimization
    • Networks
    • Planning
    • District Heating System



A generic stochastic network flow formulation for production optimization of district heating systems. Guericke, D., Schledorn, A. & Madsen, H.Data-Driven Methods for Efficient Operation of District Heating SystemsIn Handbook of Low Temperature District Heating (pp. 129-163). Springer. Bergsteinsson, H. G., Møller, J. K., Thilker, C. A., Guericke, D., Heller, A., Nielsen, T. S. & Madsen, H.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-10410-7_6Optimization of Heat Production for Electricity Market ParticipationIn Handbook of Low Temperature District Heating (pp. 179-193). Springer. Guericke, D., Schledorn, A. & Madsen, H.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-10410-7_8Frigg: Soft-linking energy system and demand response models, Article 119074. Schledorn, A., Junker, R. G., Guericke, D., Madsen, H. & Dominkovic, D. F.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.119074

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