Being educated as a Mechanical Engineer while having an keen interest in product design, I teach subjects related to product development as the linking pin between design and (production) engineering. This ranges from production techniques & systems, via design methodology to information management and virtual reality. I'm quite involved in the BSc. and MSc. programmes Industrial Design Engineering. For the MSc. programme, I coordinate the track 'Management of Product Development' (MoPD). Next to being interested in the content of the programmes, I am also very interested in educational methods and educational innovations. 

My research interest is in Information driven Product Development & Engineering - because I firmly believe that the value of the information content by far exceeds the significance of processes as the pacer of development cycles. With our group, we therefore aim to engender tools and techniques for design support, bringing together topics like Virtual Reality, Digital Twins/Prototypes/Masters, sustainability, (non-deterministic) decision making and uncertainty in development cycles. 

At the Fraunhofer Innovation Platform at the University of Twente, I am a member of the steering board, and I'm also involved in a number of research projects at the FPC, focusing on Industry 4.0, Digital Twins, Virtual Dashboards and VR/AR solutions. 

I am a fellow of CIRP, the International Academy for Production Research; within CIRP I am active in the Scientific Technical Committee on Design and currently I'm chairperson of the overarching STC assembly. 

Next to my work in Twente, I am a professor extraordinary at the department Industrial Engineering at the University of Stellenbosch, South-Africa.


  • Computer Science

    • Design
    • Contexts
  • Social Sciences

    • Economic and Social Development
    • Project
    • Process
    • Approach
    • Decision
    • Packaging


Ancillary activities

  • PAO-TMBoard member
  • Stellenbosch UniversityProfessor extraordinary


A digital twinning reference model to facilitate multi-stakeholder decision-making, 315-320. Damgrave, R., Slot, M., van der Worp, L. & Lutters, E. design evolution for parametric design applied on computer-aided welding fixture designs, 999-1004. Arnaoutis, V., Rosic, B. V. & Lutters, E. twinning in learning factories that learn. Lutters, E. & Damgrave, R. Integration Over Different Educational Levels and Disciplines in a Learning Factory. Damgrave, R., Massa, J. & Lutters, E. Multi-stakeholder Digital Twinning for Anticipated Production EnvironmentsIn Smart, Sustainable Manufacturing in an Ever-Changing World: Proceedings of International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA ’22) (pp. 203-214). Springer Nature. Damgrave, R. G. J. & Lutters, E. in Digital Twinning; An Exploration Based on Asset LocationIn Smart, Sustainable Manufacturing in an Ever-Changing World: Proceedings of International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA ’22) (pp. 191-202). Springer Nature. Lutters, E. & Damgrave, R. design evolution for production setups; a case study for welding fixtures, 1522-1527. Arnaoutis, V., Rosic, B. V. & Lutters, E. twinning as the basis for integration of education and research in a learning factory, 1463-1468. Lutters, E. & Damgrave, R.

Research profiles

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room W236
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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