Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
- 202001031 - M6 Intelligent Interaction Design
- 202001033 - Statistical Techniques for TCS/BIT
- 202001060 - M1 Introduction to BIT
- 202001061 - Introduction to Computer Science
- 202001062 - Introduction to BIT
- 202001064 - M2 BIT Software Development
- 202001065 - System Design
- 202001066 - Programming
- 202001070 - Research Methods M3
- 202001071 - Academic Skills M3
- 202001084 - ERP, Apps & ICT Architecture (for BIT)
- 202001092 - M11 BIT Inc.
- 202001093 - Practical Component
- 202001098 - Serious Gaming
- 202001099 - Serious Gaming Project
- 202001100 - Serious Gaming Redesigned
- 202001103 - Cybersecurity & Cybercrime
- 202001104 - Cybersecurity & Cybercrime Theory
- 202001105 - Cybersecurity & Cybercrime Project
- 202001180 - Introduction to MOR
- 202001187 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for BIT
- 202001194 - Calculus 1B for BIT
- 202001202 - Linear Algebra for BIT
- 202001233 - Probability Theory for TCS/BIT
- 202100155 - Research Methods M1
- 202100211 - IT and Law
- 202100215 - Research Methods - PB
- 202100280 - Esports
- 202100281 - Esports Project
- 202100282 - Esports Knowledge
- 202200145 - AI and Cyber Security
- 202200146 - HCI Design and Evaluation
- 202200168 - IT and Law
- 202300105 - M12 Research Project TCS
- 202300106 - M12 Research Project Core TCS
- 202300240 - M3 Business and Process Analytics
- 202300241 - Business Intelligence & Databases
- 202300242 - Business Process Management
- 202300305 - M8 / M8B IT Project Management
- 202300306 - IT Project Management Foundations
- 202300307 - IT Project in Context
- 202300308 - IT Project in Practice
- 202300309 - Diversity and Justice
- 202301094 - Reflection Component
- 202400365 - M4 Data & Information
- 202400366 - Data & Information Theory
- 202400367 - Data & Information Project
- 202400370 - M12 Research Project BIT
- 202400371 - M12 Research Project Core BIT
- 202400724 - Business and Process Analytics Project
- 202400750 - Research Methods M3

University of Twente
Zilverling (building no. 11), room A118
Hallenweg 19
7522 NH Enschede
University of Twente
Zilverling A118
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)
- Educational Support (EEMCS-SERVICES-EDU)