Davoud Jafari has been recently appointed as Assistant Professor in the Department of Design Production and Management (DPM) at the University of Twente (UT). Davoud obtained his Ph.D. in Thermal Engineering at the University of Pisa (Italy) in 2016. Later, Davoud joined DPM at UT in early 2017. His research's ultimate goal is to develop and engineer new materials, enabling energy solutions in the real world. To do this, he applies the physics of fabrication and thermal engineering to synthesize, characterize, and incorporate innovative materials into next-generation energy conversion and storage systems. Davoud currently works on advancing additive manufacturing techniques to fabricate metal matrix composites, and multiscale porous materials for heat transfer, and thermochemical and electrochemical technologies for terrestrial and space applications.


  • Material Science

    • Three Dimensional Printing
    • Thermal Conductivity
  • Physics

    • Utilization
    • Performance
    • Ratios
    • Heat
  • Engineering

    • Heat Pipe
    • Additive Manufacturing



To bend or not to bend: Impact on heat pipe performanceIn 2023 29th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems, THERMINIC 2023, Article 10325908 (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Wits, W. W., Groot, R. & Jafari, D. for additive manufacturing of porous Inconel 718 for electrochemical applications. Zafari, A., Kiran, K., Gimenez-Garcia, I., Forner-Cuenca, A., Xia, K., Gibson, I. & Jafari, D. and experimental investigation of rotating heat pipes. Wits, W. W., Rompelman, H., Jeggels, Y., Jafari, D. & Engelberts, N.
Improving the performance of flat heat pipes by exploiting benefits of additive manufacturingIn THERMINIC 2022 - 28th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems, Proceedings (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Jafari, D. & Wits, W. W. and Control of Product Shape Quality for Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing, Article 111005. Ruiz, C., Jafari, D., Venkata, V., Vaneker, T. H. J., Ya, W. & Huang, Q. Surface Roughness Characterization Method for Additively Manufactured ProductsIn Proceedings of ASME 2022 17th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2022): Vol. 1: Additive manufacturing; Biomanufacturing; Life Cycle Engineering; Manufacturing Equipment and Automation; Nano/Micro/Meso Manufacturing, Article V001T01A031. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Wang, A., Jafari, D., Vaneker, T. H. J. & Huang, Q. Geometric Accuracy in Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing With Engineering-Informed Machine LearningIn ASME 2022 17th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference: June 27–July 1, 2022 West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, Article V001T01A012. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Ruiz, C., Jafari, D., Subramanian, V. V., Vaneker, T. H. J., Ya, W. & Huang, Q.

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University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room W249
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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