The modified boundary layer mechanism for the release between polyimide film and poly(ether ketone ketone) thermoplastics (2024)Journal of applied polymer science, 141(20). Article e55377. Yang, Z., Dissevelt, T., Li, N., de Vries, E., Grouve, W., Bao, N., de Rooij, M., Akkerman, R. & Chu, L. observation of the fracture behavior of the polyether ketone ketone (PEKK) spherulites (2024)Journal of applied polymer science, 141(1). Article e54764. Marinosci, V., Chen, K., Helthuis, N. G. J., Grouve, W. J. B., Vries, E. G. d., Bao, N., Akkerman, R., Rooij, M. B. d. & Chu, L. effect of coating characteristics on implant-bone interface mechanics (2024)Journal of biomechanics, 163. Article 111949. Sánchez, E., de Vries, E., Matthews, D., van der Heide, E. & Janssen, D.
Bioactive calcium phosphate coatings applied to flexible poly(carbonate urethane) foils (2023)Surface and coatings technology, 470. Article 129838. Farjam, P., Luckabauer, M., Vries, E. G. d., Rangel, V. R., Hekman, E. E. G., Verkerke, G. J. & Rouwkema, J. of biomechanical interfaces (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. de Vries, E. G. on fiber method to determine the contact angle between steel substrates and highly viscous molten PEKK and PA 6 (2023)Journal of applied polymer science, 140(24), 1-9. Article e53945. Chen, K., Chu, L., Grouve, W. J. B., de Vries, E. G., Akkerman, R., Bao, N. & de Rooij, M. B. behaviour of a synthetic synovial fluid and polyurethane in biomedical implants (2023)Biotribology, 33-34. Article 100242. de Vries, E. G., van Minnen, B. S., Wu, Y., Matthews, D. T. A. & van der Heide, E.
Explore the Tribological Effects of Two N-Containing Functional Groups on O/W Emulsion (2022)Tribology letters, 70(2). Article 52. Wu, Y., van der Heide, E., He, Z. & de Vries, E. friction at the bone–implant interface in cementless total knee arthroplasty (2022)Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 128. Article 105103. de Vries, E., Sánchez, E., Janssen, D., Matthews, D. & van der Heide, E.
Study on the relationship between the tribological properties and oxidation degree of graphene derivatives in O/W emulsion (2021)Tribology international, 157. Article 106875. Wu, Y., Sun, T., He, Z., Zeng, X., Ren, T., de Vries, E. & van der Heide, E.
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