I am a social and organisational psychologist (PhD, University of Groningen 1999) interested in human reactions and social interactions in high-risk, high-stakes situations. Key topics are:
- Conflict and negotiation
- Social influence and change interventions
- Crime, coping and resilience
- Social context of risks/crises
About two decades ago, I became passionate about the field of hostage negotiations leading to collaboration with hostage negotiation teams from all over the world. I worked for a year within the Belgian Federal Police (Behavioural Science Unit) and still teach in the national Dutch hostage negotiation course. In 2015, I was part of the research team that officially evaluated the Dutch governmental functioning following the MH17 disaster. In 2017-2018, I chaired an independent committee commissioned by the State Secretary (Ministry of Defence) investigating the social safety climate within the Military (Committee Giebels).
In 2012, I received the RUBIN theory-to-practice award, co-sponsored by the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) and the Harvard University Program on Negotiation. In 2017, I was elected Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science. In 2019, I initiated the development of an innovative theatre program about academic integrity and “working life” in academia named Mindlab.
In 2024, our ADAPT team (led by Beatrice the Graaf) received a NWO gravitation grant. ADAPT combines insights from psychology, history, philosophy and public administration science to find out what the determinants of successful societal crisis responses are and how communities can better adapt to future crises. Together with citizens and frontline professionals, and with Adapt! Academy we will translate research findings into tools and strategies that help societies navigate through crises.
As a vice-dean of research at the Faculty of Behavioural, Management, and Social Sciences (2014-2022), I co-initiated a program on more cross-disciplinary research cooperation including a strong connection with technology (Tech4People program), and founded the BMSlab. Since June 2020, I am part of the Supervisory Board of the Erasmus University Rotterdam (vice-chair per 2023).
Additional roles/appointment (selection)
2022- Member/chair of several evaluation panels (ITK-midterm/NVAO) (Leiden University, VU University Amsterdam, University of Twente, Radboud University)
2021- Chair VU-UT Impact Coalition Creating Secure Societies (together with Jacquelien van Stekelenburg-VU)
2019-2023 Member task force NWA route NeurolabNL-theme safety and security
2017- 2022 Board member Kurt Lewin Institute (KLI)
2011-2020 Head of Department Psychology of Conflict, Risk & Safety
Ancillary activities
- TNO Defensie & VeiligheidLid Strategische Adviesraad
- Dutch PoliceWetenschappelijke Adviesraad Politie
- LOWIRaad van Advies LOWI (namens NWO)
- Erasmus University RotterdamRaad van Toezicht/Supervisory Board
Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020
Other contributions
Other publications (selection)
Research profiles
Affiliated study programs
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
- 201500172 - Masterthesis CRS
- 201600161 - Advanced Research Methods for CRS
- 202000349 - Theoretical Models of Societal Safety
- 202000377 - Bachelorthesis CRS
- 202200278 - Great Negotiators: Negotiation Intro.
- 202200279 - Great Negotiators: Advanced Negotiations
- 202200280 - Great Negotiators: Negotiat. Excellence
- 202400561 - Masterthesis Master Risk Management
Courses academic year 2023/2024
- 201400580 - Psychology and Crime
- 201500172 - Masterthesis CRS
- 201600161 - Advanced Research Methods for CRS
- 202000349 - Theoretical Models of Societal Safety
- 202000377 - Bachelorthesis CRS
- 202200278 - Great Negotiators: Negotiation Intro.
- 202200279 - Great Negotiators: Advanced Negotiations
- 202200280 - Great Negotiators: Negotiat. Excellence
Projects (PhD)
- Caroline Koetsenruijter - Evidence-based action perspectives on verbal aggression against civil servants in a customer contact role. Co-supervisors: prof.dr. Sven Zebel (UT/VU). Defense expected in 2029.
- Jedidjah Schaaij - Intelligence led policing with a database of crisis negotiation incidents. Co-supervisor: dr. Miriam Oostinga (UT). Project in cooperation with police negotiation practitioners, the Police Academy and the UK police (Lou Provart Msc). Defense expected in 2027.
- Michalis Georgiou- TORN- Towards resilient negotiating with ransomware criminals. Co-supervisors: dr. Miriam Oostinga (UT) & dr. Remco Spithoven (Saxion University of applied sciences). This project is part of the research program of the Centre for Security and Digitization.https://www.cvdnederland.nl/. Defense expected in 2027.
- Henrike Heunis -Enabling strategic adaptability in negotiation - A reflective method to improve skill-based learning. Co-supervisors: dr. Niels Pulles, dr. Bas Kollofel (both UT) and dr. Aldis Sigurdardottir (University of Reykjavik). Defense expected in 2026.
- Peter Slijkhuis - deception: eyetracking, indirect assessment, reviever perspective. Co-supervisor: dr. Marielle Stel and dr. Steven Watson (both UT). Defense expected in 2025.
- Bas Boing - Discussing the elephant in the room: police officers and ethnic profiling debate. Co-supervisor: dr. Peter de Vries (UT). Defense expected in 2025.
- Florian Bonensteffen - Developing a tool for online victim-offender mediation. Co-supervisors: prof.dr. Sven Zebel (UT/VU). Defense expected in 2025.
- Marian van Dijk - Early triage by Internet in societal conflicts. Successfully defended on March 8 2024. Co-supervisor: prof.dr. Sven Zebel (UT/VU).
- Anja Jansen - Eyes in the skies: exploring the effects of social presence cues on undesired and prosocial behavior. Successfully defended on 29 January 2021. Co-supervisor: dr. Thomas van Rompay (UT) and prof.dr. Marianne Junger (UT).
- Wendy Scheurs – Crossing lines together- how and why citizens participate in the police domain. Co-supervisor: prof. dr. Jose Kerstholt (UT/TNO) and dr. Peter de Vries (UT). Successfully defended on 1 November 2019.
- Marije Bakker – Turning crisis into opportunity. Co-supervisors: dr. Marco van Bommel (UT) and prof. dr. Jose Kerstholt (UT/TNO). Successfully defended on 5 April 2018.
- Miriam Oostinga - Breaking the ice. Error management in law enforcement interactions. Co-supervisor: prof.dr. Paul J. Taylor (University of Lancaster and UT). Successfully defended on 29 March 2018.
- Milou Kievik - The time of telling tales. The determinants of effective risk communication. Successfully defended on 16 November 2017. Co-supervisor: dr. Jan Gutteling (UT).
- Moritz Romer - None of my business? Leaders as third parties in employee' conflict. Succesfully defended on 5 July 2017 (KU Leuven). Co-supervisors: dr. Sonja Rispens (Eindhoven University of Technology) and prof. dr. Martin Euwema (KULeuven).
- Femke Hilverda - Making sense of food risk information: The case of organic food.Succesfully defended on 28 February 2017. Co-supervisor: dr. Margot Kuttschreuter (UT).
- Miriam de Graaff - Moral Forces: interpreting ethical challenges in military operations. Succesfully defended on 12 January 2017. Co-supervisor: prof.dr. Desiree Verweij (Netherlands Defense Academy).
- Sabine Ströfer - Deceptive intent: Physiological reactions in different interpersonal contexts. Successfully defended on 18 February 2016. Co-supervisors: dr. Elze Ufkes and dr. Matthijs Noordzij (both UT).
- Kim van Erp- When Worlds Collide: The Role of Justice, Conflict and Personality for Expatriate Couples’ Adjustment. Successfully defended on 20 January 2011. Co-supervisors: prof.dr. Karen van Oudenhoven-van der Zee and dr. Marijtje van Duijn (both University of Groningen).
- Elze Ufkes - Neighbor-to-neighbor conflicts in multicultural neighborhoods.Successfully defended on 6 January 2011. Co-supervisors: prof.dr. Sabine Otten and prof.dr. Karen van Oudenhoven-van der Zee (both University of Groningen).
- Karlijn Beune - Talking heads. Interviewing suspects from a cultural perspective. Successfully defended on 1 October 2009 (distinction: cum laude).
The media has paid attention to my scientific work, which appeared in e.g.: Research Digest, New Scientist, NRC Handelsblad, Volkskrant, Trouw, Nederlands Dagblad, Dagblad van het Noorden, Gelderse Courant, Algemeen Dagblad, ADR magazine, Recherchemagazine, Intermediair, 7Days, Kuwait Times, Le Devoir, penoactueel, Forum voor conflictmanagement, Nationale zorggids, MT management team, Tijdschrift conflicthantering, Tubantia, Libelle, BN De Stem, De Stentor, Dagblad van het Noorden.
Following the publication of our report on the social safety climate in the Military, I was interviewed by the NOS NEWS, RTLNews, Hart van Nederland (TV) and NPO and BNR (Radio).
In February 2023, our NWO project on COVID-19 pandemic affecting societal safety in terms of crime figures featured in the Volkskrant.
In the press
Interviews & podcasts (recent/Dutch)
Interview over de psychologische effecten van een ontvoering voor Sprekend RD.
Volkskrant interview over het verkeerde gebruik van de term Stockholmsyndroom.
Podcast interview kun je bevriend raken met je ontvoerder voor Universiteit van Nederland.
Radio interview voor 'met het oog op morgen' over de oorsprong van het Stockholmsyndroom.
Video podcast voor Universiteit van Nederland over onderhandelstrategieën bij gijzelingen en ontvoeringen: de Tafel van Tien.
NRC artikel over wetenschappelijke lessen voor oorlogsonderhandelaars (met Beatrice de Graaf, Kees van den Bos en Paul van Lange).
Radio interview De Wereld van Sofie over het Stockholmsyndroom.
Interview met rector Thom Palstra over wetenschappelijke integriteit en sociale veiligheid
Interview met Jacquelien van Stekelenburg (VU) over de VU-UT Impactcoalitie Creating Secure Societies
News on utwente.nl

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