I am an Assistant Professor of Public Governance and Transformation. My research specializes in inequality, mobility, globalization, and migration. I am the author of Remembering the 1980 Turkish Military Coup d'état: Memory, Violence, and Trauma (Springer VS, 2016), as well as several articles, book chapters, and conference papers that focus on various mobility practices (including cross-border mobility, geographical arbitrage, tactical mobility, and North-South mobility), migration, and the sociology of space.
My recent project, titled "Cross-border Mobility: Socio-Economic and Spatial Dynamics of Short-Distance Transboundary Migration in Germany" (March 2021-October 2024), is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
I have held various positions and visiting fellowships, including:
- Visiting Fellow, Sociology Department, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Visiting Fellow, Sociology of Migration Law, Radboud University, NL.
- Research Associate, Institute of Sociology, TU Berlin, Germany.
- Research Associate, Institute of Sociology, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.
My research spans across several different areas involving mobility and socio-economic inequality. I am particularly interested in socio-economic dynamics of mobility practices across borders and policies that regulate such mobility practices. I am also interested in border asymmetries which create/form pull and push factors and the agency, particularly local, regional and territorial networks and cooperation.
For more information on recent publications and research projects, please visit my page on Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elifcan-Karacan
Other contributions
Karacan, E. (2024) Impacts of Spatial Division of Labour and Multi-Governance on Quality of Space: Comparison of Germany's Border Regions. Quaderni di Sociologia, N: 93, 3/2023.
Karacan, E., (2023) Exploring Cross-Border Labor Commuting as a Practice of Tactical Mobility. Border and Regional Studies, 11, 61–88. https://doi.org/10.25167/brs5112.
Kosnick K., Karacan E., Kahveci C. (2021) Policy Dimensions of Retirement Migration from Germany to the Turkish Riviera: Comparing German and German-Turkish Older Migrants, in Repetti M., Calasanti T., Phillipson C. (Eds.) Ageing and Migration in a Global Context: Challenges for Welfare States. Springer: Wiesbaden. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-71442-0_9
Karacan, Elifcan (2020) Coping strategies of vulnerability in retirement: German retirees’ relocation to low-cost destinations and intergenerational support practices at distance. Journal of Intergeneratoinal Relations 18:3, 339-357. DOI: 10.1080/15350770.2020.1787048
Karacan, Elifcan (together with Kosnick Kira and Kahveci Cagri) (2020) Tactical Mobility: Navigating Mobile Ageing and Transnational Retirement between Turkey and Germany. In Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 46:15, 3157-3173. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1724532
Karacan, Elifcan (2019) An Analysis of Biographies in Collective Memory Research: The Method of Socio-Historical Analysis. In Qualitative Sociology Review (15) 3. DOI: 10.18778/1733-8077.15.3.05
Karacan, Elifcan (2019) “In Search of Lost Symbolic Capital: Turkish Political Exiles in Germany.” In Symbolische Ordnung und Flüchtlingsbewegungen in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft, edited by Arslan, Emre and Kemal Bozay, 217-230. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Karacan, Elifcan (2016) Remembering the 1980 Turkish Military Coup d'Etat; Memory, Violence, and Trauma. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Karacan, Elifcan (2010) Tradition vs Integration: The Case of Turkish Migrant Women in Germany' in Temperanter International Quarterly Journal, N.I- 2/3, pp. 111-119.
Courses I teach:
- Organization Theory (Premaster)
- Public governance and policy networks (Master PA)
- Digital Governance in a Globalised World (Bachelor)
- Governance and Technology Beyond Nation States (Master)
- Global City Networks - (Bachelor)
I supervise bachelor and master thesis on topics:
- Migration, mobility, policy making
- Digitalization and globalization
- Inequality and poverty
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
Courses academic year 2023/2024
Research Gate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elifcan-Karacan
08.2021 - present "Cross-Border Mobility: Socio-Economic and Spatial Dynamics of Short-Distance Transboundary Migration in Germany." Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Principal Researcher.
06.2017-04.2020 "Mobile Ageing: Transnational Circular Migration and Care-Networks of Retirees between Turkey and Germany." Funded by the DFG. Institute of Sociology, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main. Research Associate.
04.2015-01.2017 "Socio-political and historical construction of the ‚Alamanci’ Label." Research Grant of the Turkish Science and Technology Institute, conducted at the Inter-cultural Education Department, Bremen University. Principal Researcher.
Finished projects
Conference contributions
Conferences I organised:
- Intra-European Cross-Border Mobility: Border Asymmetries, Crisis, and Governance. 05.7.2024
- Cross-border Labour Mobility in Europe: Uneven developments, crisis and spatial division of labour. Panel at the IMISCOE Conf. 05.07.2023
- Current Approaches and Perspectives on Cross-Border Labor Mobility in Europe, International Workshop, Technical University Berlin. 7.10.2022.
Paper Presentations (selected):
- Karacan, E. Vulnerability Frame of the Intra-European Cross-border Mobility: Multi-governance, crisis, and coping strategies, IMISCOE International Conference, Warsaw-Poland. 05.07.2023
- Karacan, E. (together with Diana Chvirova) Impact of needs and affordability factors in defining spatial quality: the case of Berlin. Conference on Quality of Space, Berlin - Germany. 25.5.2023.
- Karacan, E. Current Approaches and Perspectives on Cross-Border Labor Mobility in Europe, International Workshop, Technical University Berlin. 7.10.2022.
- Karacan, E. Cross-border Labor (Im)Mobility: Commuting in Times of Pandemic and Border Closures. 15th European Sociological Association Conference, Barcelona Spain. 31 Aug - 3 September 2021.
- Karacan, E. Struggling with social inequalities after Retirement: The case of German Retired Women in Turkey. 10th European Feminist Research Conference, Göttingen Germany. 12-15 September 2018.
Invited Talks
- 1980 Military in Turkey: Working Class, Trade Unions and Hegemony in the ‘70s. Easdale Foundation for Labour Research, London UK, 30. September 2016.
- Nachbarschaft in Europa: Grenzasymmetrien und Ungleichheiten - Genshagen Stiftung - Brandenburg, Germany, 15.07.2022.
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