Erwin Luesink is a researcher who applies mathematics to the study of fundamental processes related to Planet Earth, such as geophysical fluid dynamics, nonlinear elasticity, electrical networks and quantum mechanics. He employs a mathematical framework, known as stochastic geometric mechanics, that enables the study of physical problems with various sources of uncertainty. 

Dr. ir. Erwin Luesink is a researcher who studies mathematical problems related to Planet Earth. Erwin applies a mathematical framework known as geometric mechanics to various fields, such as geophysical fluid dynamics, nonlinear elasticity, electrical networks and quantum mechanics.

Uncertainty is a common factor in many of the problems related to Planet Earth. In his PhD thesis, supervised by Prof. dr. Darryl Holm at Imperial College London, he contributed to the development of stochastic geometric mechanics, a framework that incorporates uncertainty in a structure preserving manner into physical models, and used it for oceanography modelling.

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Courses academic year 2023/2024

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